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Harold Winfred Manter

1926-1971 Zoology and Anatomy The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
"Harold Winfred Manter"

(1898 - 1971)
Manter, Harold Winfred, Some North American fish trematodes, thesis Illinois (1925)


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Henry Baldwin Ward grad student 1925 UIUC (Evolution Tree)
 (Some North American fish trematodes)
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Manter HW. (1970) A New Species of Transversotrema (Trematoda: Digenea) from Marine Fishes of Australia The Journal of Parasitology. 56: 486
Durio WO, Manter HW. (1969) Some digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of New Caledonia. 3. Acanthocolpidae, Haploporidae, Gyliauchenidae, and Cryptogonimidae. The Journal of Parasitology. 55: 293-300
Manter HW. (1969) Three New Genera of Hemiurid Trematodes from Australian Fishes Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 26: 787-792
Durio WO, Manter HW. (1968) Some Digenetic Trematodes of Marine Fishes of New Caledonia. Part II. Opecoelidae and Lepocreadiidae The Journal of Parasitology. 54: 747
Manter HW. (1963) The Zoogeographical Affinities of Trematodes of South American Freshwater Fishes Systematic Biology. 12: 45-70
MANTER HW, PRITCHARD MH. (1960) Some digenetic trematodes of eels of Hawaii. The Journal of Parasitology. 46: 651-8
VAN CLEAVE HJ, MANTER HW. (1947) A new species of the acanthocephalan genus Filisoma from the Dry Tortugas, Florida. The Journal of Parasitology. 33: 487-90
Manter HW. (1947) The Digenetic Trematodes of Marine Fishes of Tortugas, Florida American Midland Naturalist. 38: 257
MANTER HW. (1946) Host specificity of digenetic trematodes of marine fishes. The Anatomical Record. 96: 517
Manter HW. (1943) One Species of Trematode, Neorenifer grandispinus (Caballero, 1938) Attacked by Another, Mesocercaria marcianae (La Rue, 1917) The Journal of Parasitology. 29: 387
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