David Keilin

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
entomology and parasitology, cytochrome
"David Keilin"

(1887 - 1963)

Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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W. P. Rogers grad student 1938- Cambridge
Andrés O.M. Stoppani grad student 1945-1947 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
Edward Charles Slater grad student 1948 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
Alfred Tissières grad student 1951 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
Robert Hill post-doc 1926 Cambridge (Plant Biology Tree)
Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem post-doc 1930 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
Carl A. Baumann post-doc 1935 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
André Michel Lwoff post-doc 1936-1936 Cambridge
Emil L. Smith post-doc 1939 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
Walter D. Bonner, Jr. post-doc 1949-1951 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
W. Eugene Knox post-doc 1949-1951 Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
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BUTT WD, KEILIN D. (1962) Absorption spectra and some other properties of cytochrome c and of its compounds with ligands. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 156: 429-58
KEILIN D. (1961) Precautions in the use of ferri- or ferrocyanide for the study of haemoproteins. Nature. 190: 717-8
KEILIN D, KING TE. (1960) Effect of inhibitors on the activity of soluble succinic dehydrogenase and on the reconstitution of the succinic dehydrogenase-cytochrome system from its components. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 152: 163-87
KEILIN D, KING TE. (1958) Reconstitution of the succinic oxidase system from soluble succinic dehydrogenase and a particulate cytochrome system preparation. Nature. 181: 1520-2
KEILIN D, TISSIERES A. (1954) Haemoglobin in certain strains of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The Biochemical Journal. 57: xxix-xxx
KEILIN D, TISSIERES A. (1953) Haemoglobin in moulds: Neurospora crassa and Penicillium notatum. Nature. 172: 393-4
KEILIN D, SLATER EC. (1953) Cytochrome. British Medical Bulletin. 9: 89-97
KEILIN D, HARTREE EF. (1950) Reaction of methaemoglobin with hydrogen peroxide. Nature. 166: 513-4
KEILIN D, SMITH JD. (1947) Haemoglobin and nitrogen fixation in the root nodules of leguminous plants. Nature. 159: 692-4
KEILIN D, HARTREE EF. (1946) Prosthetic group of glucose exidase (notatin). Nature. 157: 801
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