Vivian Arthur van Volkenburgh, D.P.H.

Respiratory Diseases
"Vivian van Volkenburgh"

1893-1965 (?).


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Wade Hampton Frost grad student 1929 Johns Hopkins Medical School
 (Respiratory Diseases in Baltimore, MD, 1928-29)
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Burney LE, Atwater RM, Blackerby PE, et al. (1954) Proposed Report on Educational Qualifications of Industrial Hygiene Personnel Other than Medical, Dental, and Nursing. American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health. 44: 1197-9
Shepard WP, Atwater RM, Anderson GW, et al. (1947) Report of the Committee on Professional Education (Proposed Report of the Subcommittee on Field Training of Public Health Personnel). American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health. 37: 709-14
Frost WH, Frobisher M, Van Volkenburgh VA, et al. (1936) Diphtheria in Baltimore: A comparative study of morbidity, carrier prevalence and antitoxic immunity in 1921-24 and 1933-36 American Journal of Epidemiology. 24: 568-586
Van Volkenburgh VA, Frost WH. (1933) Acute minor respiratory diseases prevailing in a group of families residing in baltimore, maryland, 1928-1930. Prevalence, distribution and clinical description of observed cases American Journal of Epidemiology. 17: 122-153
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