Gardner Murphy

Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Gardner Murphy"
Cross-listing: Neurotree - PsychTree


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James McKeen Cattell grad student Columbia (Neurotree)
James McKeen Cattell grad student


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Philip S. Holzman research assistant (Neurotree)
Leo Postman research assistant CCNY (Neurotree)
Robert Sommer research assistant 1953-1956 University of Kansas (PsychTree)
Robert C. Lane grad student (PsychTree)
Rensis Likert grad student Columbia (Neurotree)
Walter Mischel grad student (PsychTree)
Theodore Newcomb grad student
Theodore M. Newcomb grad student 1929 Columbia (PsychTree)
John P. Seward grad student 1931 Columbia (Neurotree)
Solomon E. Asch grad student 1932 Columbia (PsychTree)
Muzafer Sherif grad student 1935 Columbia (Neurotree)
George D. Goldman grad student 1946 (PsychTree)
Mary Engel post-doc (PsychTree)
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Likert R, Roslow S, Murphy G. (1993) A Simple And Reliable Method Of Scoring The Thurstone Attitude Scales Personnel Psychology. 46: 689-690
Murphy G, Newcomb TM, Koenig KE, et al. (1969) Persistence and Change: Bennington College and Its Students after 25 Years American Educational Research Journal. 6: 119
Chein I, Lane R, Murphy G, et al. (1951) Need as a Determinant of Perception: A Reply to Pastore The Journal of Psychology. 31: 129-136
Likert R, Roslow S, Murphy G. (1934) A Simple and Reliable Method of Scoring the Thurstone Attitude Scales Journal of Social Psychology. 5: 228-238
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