Recent additions to IOTree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Kent K Alipour (Info) East Carolina University Leadership, Teams, Management, Entrepreneurship ka 2024‑07‑09
Lauren E D'Innocenzo (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Monique A Domingo (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Peter T Gallagher (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
JoDee Goracke (Info) University of Nebraska Omaha social design, diversity and innovation bu5 2024‑04‑25
Elizabeth A Klock (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Michael R Kukenberger (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Margaret M Luciano (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Tammy L Rapp (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Adam Roebuck (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Dale Watson (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
Mikhail A Wolfson (Info) UConn John_Mathieu 2024‑03‑15
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