Brent J. Lyons, Ph.D.

2013 Psychology Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
General Psychology, Organizational, Industrial Psychology
"Brent Lyons"


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Ann Marie Ryan grad student 2013 Michigan State
 (Relational motives shaping responses to the receipt of interpersonal helping and harming behaviors: A dyadic perspective.)
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Ali AA, Lyons BJ, Ryan AM. (2017) Managing a Perilous Stigma: Ex-Offenders' Use of Reparative Impression Management Tactics in Hiring Contexts. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Lyons BJ, Volpone SD, Wessel JL, et al. (2017) Disclosing a disability: Do strategy type and onset controllability make a difference? The Journal of Applied Psychology. 102: 1375-1383
Ali AA, Ryan AM, Lyons BJ, et al. (2015) The Long Road to Employment: Incivility Experienced by Job Seekers. The Journal of Applied Psychology
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