Recent additions to Law Tree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Antje du Bois-Pedain (Info) Cambridge Yagamifyed 2024‑04‑24
Mark Dsouza (Info) UCL Yagamifyed 2024‑04‑24
Hui Guan (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
Georg Jellinek (Info) University of Heidelberg public law nickkapur 2024‑06‑19
Friedrich von Jena (Info) Universität Viadrina Frankfurt mt2413 2024‑05‑30
Min Li (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
Hieronymus Menius (Info) Universität Basel mt2413 2024‑05‑29
Li Min (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
Franz Romanus (Info) Universität Leipzig mt2413 2024‑05‑23
Longsheng Sheng (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
Andrew Simester (Info) Cambridge Yagamifyed 2024‑04‑24
Jaap Spier (Info) Tilburg University, Maastricht University, Amsterdam JorisvandeRiet 2024‑06‑04
Willem Hendrik van Boom (Info) Tilburg University, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Leiden, Radboud University Nijmegen JorisvandeRiet 2024‑06‑04
Theodoor Cornelis van Boven (Info) Maastricht University JorisvandeRiet 2024‑05‑06
Constantinus Johan Jozef Clemens van Nispen (Info) VU Amsterdam JorisvandeRiet 2024‑06‑04
Gottfried von Jena (Info) Brandenburgische Universität Frankfurt mt2413 2024‑05‑13
Johannes Georg Weygandt (Info) Universität Heidelberg mt2413 2024‑05‑17
Lu Xu (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
Boxian Zhang (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
Yuxiang Zhu (Info) University of Science & Technology of China zhangh5 2024‑05‑15
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