Stanley Peters

Linguistics Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Stanley Peters"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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William Ladusaw grad student UC Santa Cruz
Jeanette Kuhn Gundel grad student 1974 UT Austin
Mark Edward Johnson grad student 1987 Stanford
John S. Fry grad student 2002 Stanford (Neurotree)
Stefan H. Kaufmann grad student 2002 Stanford (Neurotree)
Iddo Lev grad student 2007 Stanford (Neurotree)
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Chandrashekaran S, Keller CA, Kremers WK, et al. (2015) Weight loss prior to lung transplantation is associated with improved survival. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation : the Official Publication of the International Society For Heart Transplantation. 34: 651-7
Wylam ME, Kennedy CC, Hernandez NM, et al. (2013) Fatal hyperammonaemia caused by Mycoplasma hominis. Lancet. 382: 1956
Kanazawa M, Kaufmann S, Peters S. (2005) On the Lumping Semantics of Counterfactuals Journal of Semantics. 22: 129-151
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