George L. Trager

"George Trager"
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Trager GL. (1967) A Componential Morphemic Analysis of English Personal Pronouns Language. 43: 372
Colby BN, Akhmanova O, Albert EM, et al. (1966) Ethnographic Semantics: A Preliminary Survey [and Comments and Replies] Current Anthropology. 7: 3-32
Trager GL. (1961) Taos IV: Morphemics, Syntax, Semology in Nouns and in Pronominal Reference International Journal of American Linguistics. 27: 211-222
Trager GL. (1960) Language Maps and Other Matters: A Rejoinder International Journal of American Linguistics. 26: 168-169
Trager GL, Harben FE. (1959) North American Indian languages : classification and maps Language. 35: 385
Trager GL. (1959) LINGUISTICS: Words and Things. ROGER BROWN American Anthropologist. 61: 713-714
Trager GL. (1959) LINGUISTICS: The Yurok Language: Grammar, Texts, Lexicon. R. H. Robins American Anthropologist. 61: 342-342
Trager GL, Whorf BL, Carroll JB. (1957) Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf Language. 33: 421
Trager GL. (1955) French Morphology: Verb Inflection Language. 31: 511
Sledd J, Trager GL, Smith HL, et al. (1955) An Outline of English Structure@@@The Structure of English: An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences Language. 31: 312
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