Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kristján Árnasonphonology, Icelandic Roger Lass (grad student)
Pentti Aalto Gustaf John Ramstedt (grad student)
Peggy AfutaFrench as a second language Jean Lowenstamm (grad student)
Luciano Agostiniani Giacomo Devoto (research scientist)
Emmanuel Aïm Jean Lowenstamm (grad student)
Saleh AlamriBiolinguistics Cedric Boeckx (grad student)
Emilio Alarcos LlorachLinguistics, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Phonology Louis Hjelmslev (grad student), André Martinet (grad student), Lucien Tesnière (grad student), Nikolái Serguéievich Trubetskói (grad student)
Thamir Albarrag
Pedro M. AlcocerLinguistics, Pyscholinguistics Ellen F. Lau (grad student)
Sines Alge
Luis Alonso-Ovalle
Ana Alonzo Ortiz Luiz Amaral (grad student)
Erika R AlpertLanguage gender and sexuality Bruce Mannheim (grad student)
Felix K. Ameka William August Foley (grad student)
Alia AmirEnglish Linguistics, Interactional linguistics, classroom interaction
Pranav Anand Irene Heim (grad student), Valentine Hacquard (collaborator), Maziar Toosarvandani (collaborator), Adrian Brasoveanu (collaborator), Andrew Ira Nevins (collaborator), Donka Farkas (collaborator), Matthew W. Wagers (collaborator), Caroline Andrews (collaborator), Jean E. Fox Tree (collaborator)
Anna Anastaseni
Jan Anderssen
Cecilia Andorno Marina Chini (research scientist)
Publio Fausto Andrelini Desiderius Erasmus (collaborator)
Caroline Andrews
Raimo AnttilaIndo-European languages and linguistics, historical linguistics Warren Cowgill (grad student)
Benjamin Ao
Aizhan Arapova Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
John Archibaldsecond language phonology19871991 Susanne E Carroll (grad student)
Fabio Ardolino Mario Vayra (grad student), Cinzia Avesani (grad student)
Álvaro AriasLinguistics Louis Hjelmslev (grad student), Emilio Alarcos Llorach (grad student), José Antonio Martínez (grad student), Nikolái Serguéievich Trubetskói (grad student)
Mira ArielPragmatics Ellen Prince (grad student), Tanya Reinhart (grad student)
Inbal Arnon Eve V. Clark (grad student)
Graziadio Isaia Ascoli
Peter K. Austin
Heriberto Avelino BecerraNative American languages, syntax Peter Ladefoged (grad student), Ian Maddieson (grad student)
Melissa AxelrodLinguistics Language David S. Rood (grad student)
Robert AxtellComputer Science, General, Linguistics Language Herbert A. Simon (grad student)
Melissa M. Baese-BerkSpeech production, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive neuropsychology, Acoustic phonetics Laura Dilley (post-doc)
George Bailey20152018 Maciej A. Baranowski (grad student)
Vandana BajajSemantics, Pragmatics Kristen L. Syrett (grad student), Veneeta Dayal (grad student)
Mark Baker Kenneth Locke Hale (grad student)
Ignazio BaldelliItalian linguistics Bruno Migliorini (research scientist)
Uldis I. BalodisMorphology, syntax, discourse, prosody, and their interrelations; language contact and language change; typology and universals; language documentation; American Indian linguistics; Austronesian linguistics Carmen Jany (grad student)
Tommaso Balsemin Cecilia Poletto (research scientist)
Anna Strycharz Banas
Serena Barchi Luca Lorenzetti (research scientist)
Jefferson Barlewsemantics, pragmatics, Bantu languages Craige Roberts (grad student), Judith Tonhauser (grad student)
Marc Elliot Barnard Devyani Sharma (grad student)
David A. BarnerLanguage Development, Conceptual Development Susan Carey (grad student)
Kate Barnwell UCL Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Richard BaumanCultural Anthropology, Linguistics Language1968 Anthony F.C. Wallace (grad student)
Nico BaumbachCinema, Aesthetics, Philosophy Fredric R. Jameson (grad student)
William H. Baxter Nicholas C. Bodman (grad student)
Rosemary G. Beam de AzconaLanguage loss, language revitalization Terrence Kaufman (grad student)
John T. Beavers Andrew Koontz-Garboden (collaborator), Itamar Francez (collaborator), Ivan A. Sag (collaborator), Beth Carol Levin (collaborator), Shiao Wei Tham (collaborator), Peter Sells (collaborator), Timothy Baldwin (collaborator), Emily M. Bender (collaborator), Stephen M. Wechsler (collaborator), Thomas Wasow (grad student), Michael Everdell (collaborator), Elise LeBovidge (collaborator)
Sigrid BeckLinguistics Language Arnim von Stechow (grad student)
Clayton BecknerLinguistics Language, General Psychology Jennifer B Hay (post-doc), Joan L. Bybee (grad student), William Croft (grad student)
Kayla Rae Begay2017 Justin D. Spence (grad student)
Heike Behrens Michael Tomasello (post-doc)
Suzanne Bélanger
Jennifer BellikPhonology, Phonetics Grant McGuire (grad student), Jaye Padgett (grad student)
Réka Benczes
Theodor Benfey Karl Otfried Müller (grad student)
Sutjiati Beratha
Girmay Berhane Jean Lowenstamm (grad student)
Stephen Berman
Pierangiolo Berrettoni Tristano Bolelli (grad student)
Grant M. BerryPhonetics, Phonology, Bilingualism, Spanish Rena Torres Cacoullos (grad student)
Vittorio Bertoldi Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke (grad student)
Werner Besch1956 Friedrich Maurer (grad student)
Diti Bhadrasemantics, syntax, pragmatics Jane Grimshaw (grad student)
Douglas BiberLinguistics Language Edward Finegan (grad student)
Walter Bisang
Bronwyn M. BjorkmanSyntax, Morphology, Semantics2011 Sabine Iatridou (grad student)
Jennifer Black
James P. BlevinsLinguistics Language Emmon W. Bach (grad student)
Aleese S BlockPhonetics, phonology, speech perception Georgia Zellou (grad student), Marianne Pouplier (post-doc)
Sheila E. BlumsteinCognitive Neuroscience, Speech and Lexical Access19651970 Harold Goodglass (grad student), Roman Osipovich Jakobson (grad student)
Richard A. Blythe
Joe BlytheAustralian Languages, Interactional Linguistics Michael Walsh (grad student)
Franz BoasAnthropology Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (post-doc)
Nicholas C. Bodman Fang-kuei Li (grad student)
Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten
Jürgen Bohnemeyerlinguistics Christian Lehmann (grad student), Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student)
Max L. Bohnenkampmedical anthropology, the anthropology of knowledge, anthropology of embodiment, critical theory and cultural studies, theories of reading writing and translation2014 Judith Zeitlin (grad student)
Tristano Bolelli Emile Benveniste (research scientist), Joseph Vendryes (research scientist)
Maria Patrizia Bologna Tristano Bolelli (grad student)
Raffaella Bombi Roberto Gusmani (research scientist)
Elisabetta Bonvino Jean Lowenstamm (research scientist)
Fatemeh BordbarjavidiCorpus linguistics2017 Bethany E. Gray (grad student)
Marc H Bornstein William Kessen (grad student), Lawrence Eduard Marks (grad student)
Andrew R. Boshardy
Alexandra Bosshard Simon Townsend (grad student)
Andrea Bozzi Tristano Bolelli (grad student)
Mary Bradshaw
Pavel Braginskysemantics
Luciana Brandi Giovanni Nencioni (grad student), Gloria Gagliardi (collaborator)
Bettina Braun D Robert Ladd (grad student)
Theodor Wilhelm Braune Friedrich Zarncke (grad student), August Leskien (grad student)
Walther Brecht1902 Gustav Roethe (grad student)
Laurel BrehmPsycholinguistics20172021 Antje S. Meyer (post-doc)
Jason Brenier
Virginia Brennansemantics
Daniel Brenner Linguistics20152017 Benjamin V. Tucker (post-doc)
Mykel L. BrinkerhoffPhonology, Syntax, Syntax-Prosody2023 Jaye Padgett (grad student)
Susanne Brouwer Anne Cutler (grad student)
Joshua R. Brownheritage languages, sociolinguistics, language shift, material culture20042011 Barry R. Page (grad student), Michael Travis Putnam (grad student)
Jessica MM Brown David Willis (grad student), Reinhold Kliegl (post-doc), Gisbert Fanselow (post-doc), Ian G. Roberts (research assistant)
Joshua BrownItalian John Joseph Kinder (grad student)
Dunstan Brown19921998 Greville G Corbett (post-doc), Norman MacAskill Fraser (post-doc), Roger Evans (collaborator), Peter Sells (collaborator), Marilyn M. Vihman (collaborator), Andrew Hippisley (collaborator)
Georgina Brown Dominic Watt (research scientist)
Mitch Browne David Nash (grad student), Thomas Ennever (collaborator)
Laura Bruno Marco Battaglia (grad student)
Giulia Bucci Maria Carmela Benvenuto (research scientist)
Wilma BucciClinical Psychology, Linguistics Language19691970 Saul Sternberg (research assistant)
Henry (Gus) BuchtelEpilepsy, attention, language, Wada Test19751978 Giacomo Rizzolatti (research scientist)
Carl Darling Buck18891890 Karl Brugmann (post-doc), August Leskien (post-doc)
Sudarat Buddhapong
Svitlana Budzhak-Jones
Ralph Bulmer J. D. Freeman (grad student)
Rachel Steindel Burdin Brian D. Joseph (grad student)
Allison BurketteLanguage variation and change, language as a complex adaptive system, American English dialects, language and the individual, language and material culture Sonja Lanehart (grad student)
Svetlana Burlak Sergei Starostin (grad student)
Eugène Burnouf Antoine-Léonard de Chézy (grad student)
Jean-Louis Burnouf Alexander Hamilton (grad student)
Maria Grazia Busà John Ohala (grad student)
Joan L. BybeeChild language acquisition, phonology Sandra A. Thompson (grad student)
Dani Byrd Peter Ladefoged (grad student), Patricia Keating (grad student)
Caterina Cacioli Alessandro Panunzi (grad student)
Michael Cahill
Alberto Calderini Luciano Agostiniani (research scientist)
Erika Cancellu Pier Marco Bertinetto (grad student), Paolo Di Giovine (grad student), Pierangiolo Berrettoni (grad student)
Francesco Cangemi
Una Canger Francis Whitfield (grad student)
Massimiliano Canuti
Olga Capirci Virginia Volterra (research scientist)
Wolfgang Fabricius Capito
Karen A. Carlyle
Elisabetta Carpitelli Leonardo Maria Savoia (grad student)
Philip Carr Roger Lass (grad student), Jim Hurford (grad student)
Matthew R. Carroll
Susanne E Carrolllanguage acquisition, syntax, language processing Linguistique19781981 Yves Charles Morin (grad student)
Marisa Casillas Eve V. Clark (grad student)
Marina Castagneto Romano Lazzeroni (research scientist)
Arrigo Castellani Bruno Migliorini (research scientist)
Enrico Castro Laura Vanelli (research scientist), Lorenzo Tomasin (research assistant), Davide Bertocci (grad student)
Flávia de Castro Alves Spike Gildea (post-doc)
Edoardo Cavirani Marc van Oostendorp (research scientist), Roberta D'Alessandro (research scientist)
Qixiang Cen Antoine Meillet (grad student), Joseph Vendryes (grad student), Marcel Cohen (grad student)
Massimo CerrutiLinguistics
Kin-wing Kevin ChanLinguistics20082010 Yuk M. Yiu (grad student)
Ken ChenCancer, Genomics, Machine Learning, Statistical Signal Processing, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Linguistics Language, Computer Science Elaine Mardis (grad student)
Ying Chen
Patrick ChewSino-Tibetan, Tai-Kadai, loan tonology, language contact, dialectology
Lalnungthangi Chhangte1993 Scott DeLancey (grad student)
Gennaro Chierchiasemantics Tullio De Mauro (research scientist)
Zach Childers
Becky Childssociolinguistics, language variation and change Walter A. Wolfram (grad student), Christine Mallinson (collaborator), Gerard Van Herk (collaborator)
Viacheslav Chirikba Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Gheorghe Chivu Ion Coteanu (grad student)
Josef Chlumský Jean-Pierre Rousselot (grad student)
Joanna Chociej
Jinyoung Choi Maribel Romero (grad student)
Noam ChomskyLanguage Nelson Goodman (grad student)
C.-T. Tim Chou Samuel David Epstein (grad student)
Natalia Chousou-Polydouriphylogenetics, linguistics20192014 Rosemary G. Gillespie (grad student), Charles E. Griswold (grad student), Lev D. Michael (grad student), Balthasar Bickel (post-doc)
Young Hee Chung
Douglas ChuteClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Linguistics Language Robert S. Daniel (grad student)
Ludovica Cianciosi Claudia Fabrizio (grad student)
Lorenzo Ciaurelli Amedeo De Dominicis (research scientist)
Francesco Ciconte Delia Bentley (grad student)
Luca Ciucci Franco Fanciullo (research scientist), Alexandra Yurievna Aikhenvald (research scientist)
Elizabeth Claessens Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Emily Clare
Karen De Clercq
Gloria Cocchi Leonardo Maria Savoia (grad student)
Charles Norris Cochrane Robin George Collingwood (grad student)
Gisela Collischonn Leda Bisol (grad student)
Michele ColomboHistory of the Italian language Nicoletta Maraschio (grad student)
Carlo Consani Tristano Bolelli (research scientist)
Matthieu ConstantNatural language processing
David P. Corinamemory, language Ursula Bellugi (grad student)
Manlio Cortelazzo Carlo Tagliavini (grad student)
Mariela Cortés VázquezLingüística, Fonología, Morfología, lenguas otomangues, amuzgo Etna T. Pascacio (research scientist)
Paola Cotticelli-Kurras Onofrio Carruba (grad student)
Justin T CraftLinguistics Linguistics Patrice Speeter Beddor (grad student), Jonathan R. Brennan (grad student)
Vincenzo Crescini Graziadio Isaia Ascoli (grad student)
Franco Crevatin Vittore Pisani (research scientist)
Melissa Cronin Jeffrey Punske (grad student)
Caroline Crouch Argyro Katsika (grad student)
Chris CurtisComputational Linguistics, Grammar Engineering,
Roberta D'Alessandrosyntax, contact linguistics, comparative Romance linguistics, dialectology Artemis Alexiadou (grad student), Ian G. Roberts (grad student)
Annette D'Onofrio Robert Jay Podesva (grad student)
Francesco D'Ovidio Alessandro D'Ancona (grad student), Domenico Comparetti (grad student)
Murilo da Silva Barros
Carmen Dalli
Mary Dalrymplesyntax, semantics Joan W. Bresnan (grad student)
Antje Dammel Damaris Nübling (grad student)
František Daneš
Serena Danesi Saverio Sani (research scientist)
Robert S. Daniel Jacob Robert Kantor (grad student)
D. Kyle DanielsonChild Language Acquisition Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Oana David Cognitive and Information Sciences20162016 Teenie Matlock (post-doc), George Lakoff (grad student)
Diana Victoria Davidsonsociolinguistics, sociophonetics, bi/multilingualism, codeswitcihing
Eirian Davies Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Stuart Davis Richard Demers (grad student)
Simone De Cia Delia Bentley (research scientist)
Emidio De Felice Giacomo Devoto (research scientist)
Octav Eugen de Lazerosyntax, semantics, historical
Lorenza Pescia De Lellis Mario Squartini (research scientist)
Daniella Bruno De Lima Bruno de Souza Medeiros (grad student), Isabella Lopes Pederneira (post-doc)
Aniello De Santomathematical linguistics, computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, syntax, phonology20152020 Thomas Graf (grad student)
Connie L.G. de Vossign language linguistics2012 Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student)
Jeronimo de Vries
Kamil U. DeenLinguistics Language2002 Nina Hyams (grad student)
Rebecca DefinaLinguistics Asifa Majid (grad student), Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student), Felix K. Ameka (grad student)
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertzcognitive development, language19881995 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Scott DeLanceyLinguistics Language1980 John A. Goldsmith (grad student)
Giuseppe Dell'Agata Tristano Bolelli (grad student)
Jérémie Delorme
Isaura delosSantos Luiz Amaral (grad student)
Michael Denning Fredric R. Jameson (grad student), Hazel V. Carby (collaborator)
Margaret Ann Denwood
Rick Derksen Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Karl DeVries Adrian Brasoveanu (grad student)
Marta Dijkhoff Pieter Muysken (grad student)
Carlo Dionisotti
Stefanie DipperComputational Linguistics2003 Anette Frank (grad student)
Samantha Disbray Jane Helen Simpson (grad student), Barbara F. Kelly (grad student)
Robert Malcolm Ward Dixonlanguage description, typology Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Maja Djurdjulov Michele A. Cortelazzo (grad student)
Aintzane Doiz-Bienzobas
Margherita Donati Romano Lazzeroni (research scientist)
Otto Donner Albrecht Friedrich Weber (grad student), Rudolf von Roth (grad student)
Cathryn Donohue Joan W. Bresnan (grad student), Christopher Manning (grad student), Beth Carol Levin (grad student), Avery Andrews (grad student)
Simon Joseph Doorman Evert Willem Beth (research assistant)
Yaegan John DoranLinguistics James Robert Martin (grad student)
Lydia Dorokhova20192023 Kep Kee Loh (collaborator), Pascal Belin (grad student)
Jakub Dotlačil
Christopher S. DotyLinguistics Language Department of Linguistics2012 Scott DeLancey (grad student)
Jamie Douglas Ian G. Roberts (grad student)
Shiloh Drakepsycholinguistics, morphology, language learning, Semitic languages Linguistics20132018 Adam Ussishkin (grad student), Kenneth I. Forster (research assistant), Diane K. Ohala (grad student), Heidi B. Harley (grad student), Lauren M Ackerman (collaborator)
Rob Drummondsociolinguistics, sociophonetics, identity Maciej A. Baranowski (grad student), Nigel Vincent (grad student)
Rachel Dudley20172019 Valentine Hacquard (grad student), Jeffrey Lidz (grad student), Ágnes Melinda Kovács (post-doc), Salvador Mascarenhas (post-doc)
Karen Duek Adrian Brasoveanu (grad student)
John Duffpsycholinguistics, pragmatics, semantics20182023 Amanda Rysling (grad student)
Christian Dunn Jean Lowenstamm (grad student)
M Duval
Margaret E. EchelbargerChild Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics, Language and Gesture, Spatial Relations2010 Justine Cassell (research scientist)
Idée Edalatishamspronunciation, corpus linguistics, oral communication John M. Levis (grad student)
Ander EgurtzegiHistorical Phonology, Laboratory Phonology, Sound Change, Phonological Typology, Basque.20112014 Juliette Blevins (grad student)
Aitor Egurtzegi2023 Balthasar Bickel (grad student)
Johann Gottfried Eichhorn Christian Gottlob Heyne (grad student)
Heiner Eichner Karl Hoffmann (grad student)
Elad Eisen20192020 Steven Paul Moran (grad student)
Afaf El-Menoufy Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Jace V. Elliott
Eric Elliott
Sophie Ellsäßer Jürg Fleischer (grad student)
David EmbickSyntax, Morphology1997 Alec Marantz (grad student), Donald A. Ringe (grad student)
Karen EmmoreyPsycholinguistics, sign language Ursula Bellugi (grad student)
Joseph Emonds Noam Chomsky (grad student)
Kurt Erbach Hana Filip (grad student)
Rabia Erginpsycholinguistics, sign languages Ray Jackendoff (grad student)
Emilia Espinal Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Henri Estienne Pierre Danes (grad student)
Enzo Evangelisti Vittore Pisani (research scientist)
Ejike Eze
Leah Fabiano-Smith
Paul Fagius Wolfgang Fabricius Capito (grad student)
Danielle Fahey Mila Tasseva-Kurktchieva (grad student)
Anamaria Fălăuș Gennaro Chierchia (research scientist), Brenda Laca (research scientist)
Paul Fallon
Gunnar Fant
Joseph Farquharson Silvia Kouwenberg (grad student)
Michele I. Feist Northwestern University, Psychology Department Dedre Gentner (post-doc)
Ronald FeldsteinLinguistics Language Charles E. Townsend (grad student)
Irene De Felice Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani (research scientist)
Hannes A. Fellner Jay Jasanoff (grad student)
Siyuan Feng Christopher G. Atkeson (grad student)
Anne Fernaldlanguage acquisition1982 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Gerardo Fernandez-Salgueiro Samuel David Epstein (grad student)
Nicola Festa Girolamo Vitelli (research scientist)
Lorena Feudo Alberto Nocentini (research scientist)
Lorenzo Filipponio Giovanna Marotta (research scientist)
Ilaria Fiorentini Cecilia Andorno (research scientist), Marina Chini (research scientist), Gaetano Berruto (research scientist)
Jerry A. FodorPhilosophy of language Walter Arnold Kaufmann (grad student)
Heatherbell Fong
Clarissa Forbes
Meyer Fortes
Pauline Foster
Ernst Fraenkel Johannes Friedrich Heinrich Schmidt (grad student)
Ilaria Frana
Daniele Franceschi Alessandro Lenci (research scientist)
Felix Franke
Steven FranksPhilosophy, Linguistics Language Wayles Browne (grad student)
Paulo FreireConscientization, Transformative Praxis, Dialogue, Critical Pedagogy, Hidden Curriculum, Consciousness Raising, Problem-posing Antonio Gramsci (grad student)
Valerie Fridland Dennis Preston (grad student)
Myrna FriedlanderCounseling Psychology Lyle D. Schmidt (grad student)
Chiara Frigeni
Martín FuchsPsycholinguistics, Semantics & Pragmatics, Language Variation and Change Maria M. Piñango (grad student), Ashwini S. Deo (grad student)
Annie Gagliardi
Gloria Gagliardi Fabio Tamburini (grad student)
Jon GajewskiLinguistics Language, Middle Eastern Studies Irene Heim (grad student)
Alexia Galati Susan E. Brennan (grad student)
Christopher GeisslerPhonetics, Phonology20212023 Jason A. Shaw (grad student), K. David D. Harrison (research assistant), Kevin Tang (post-doc)
Elly v. GelderenLinguistics Language Lisa Travis (grad student)
Rossana Di Gennaro Giovanna Marotta (research scientist)
Carlo Geraci Gennaro Chierchia (research scientist)
Randall GessPhonology, Romance Linguistics19911996 Jurgen Klausenburger (grad student)
Laura Gherardini Marco Battaglia (research scientist)
Chiara Ghezzi Cecilia Andorno (research scientist), Maria Freddi (research scientist), Paolo Ramat (research scientist)
Gabriella Giacomelli Giacomo Devoto (research scientist)
Anastasia GiannakidouLinguistics Language Frans Zwarts (grad student), Jack Hoeksema (grad student)
Chiara Gianollo Romano Lazzeroni (grad student)
Allan H. Gilbert1912 Lane Cooper (grad student)
David J. Giles Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Jules Gilliéron Paul Hyacinthe Meyer (research scientist), Gaston Paris (research scientist), Arsène Darmesteter (research scientist)
Melitta Gillmann2015 Jürg Fleischer (grad student)
Teresa M. Girolamolanguage acquisition, language impairment, autism Mabel Rice (grad student), Steven F. Warren (grad student)
Robert Glen
Eglantine Goddefroy
Ross Godfrey
Gideon Goldenberg1966 Hans-Jakob Polotsky (grad student)
Vinícius Gonçalves dos SantosPhonology; Prosody; Intonation; African varieties of Portuguese20202021 Flaviane Romani Fernandes (post-doc)
Grant GoodallLinguistics Language, Cognitive Psychology David M. Perlmutter (grad student), Sandra Chung (grad student), S.-Y. Kuroda (grad student), Jim McCloskey (grad student), Edward Klima (grad student)
F Todd GoodsonCurriculum and Instruction Education, Secondary Education, Language and Literature Education John H. Bushman (grad student)
Matthew GordonPhonetics; phonology; prosody; typology Ian Maddieson (grad student), Bruce Hayes (grad student), Donca Steriade (grad student), Ralph R. Sonnenschein (grad student)
Eugenio Goria Massimo Cerruti (grad student)
Joakin Gorrotxategi Koldo Mitxelena (grad student)
Larissa GoulartApplied Linguistics English20182022 Douglas Biber (grad student), Randi Reppen (grad student)
Thomas GrafMathematical linguistics, syntax, phonology, psycholinguistics Edward Stabler (grad student)
David J. GramlingGermanic Literature, Linguistics Language, Modern Literature German Claire J. Kramsch (grad student)
Antonio GramsciPolitics, Ideology, Culture, Hegemony Karl Marx (grad student)
Nicola Grandi Paolo Ramat (grad student)
Björn Granström
William W. GravesCognitive Neuroscience, Language, fMRI Jeffrey R. Binder (post-doc), Mark S. Seidenberg (post-doc), Thomas J. Grabowski (grad student)
Lorenzo Gregori Massimo Moneglia (grad student)
Algirdas Julien Greimas Charles Bruneau (grad student)
Vera Gribanova Jim McCloskey (grad student)
Jack GrieveLinguistics Language, Modern Language Maite Taboada (grad student)
Angus B. Grieve-SmithLinguistics Language, General Language, Romance Literature William Croft (grad student), Alan Hudson (grad student), Catherine T Travis (grad student)
Mirko Grimaldi PATRIZIA MAFFEI BELLUCCI (grad student)
Eitan Grossman2017 Steven Paul Moran (collaborator), Orly Goldwasser (grad student)
Elena GuerzoniSemantics Andrea Bonomi (research scientist), Gennaro Chierchia (research scientist)
Susan Guion-AndersonLinguistics Phonetics, Second Langauge Speech, Sound Change Bjorn Lindblom (grad student), Andrew Garrett (grad student)
Olya Gurevich
Roberto Gusmani Vittore Pisani (research scientist)
Christina M. Hagedornphonetics, phonology, motor speech disorders, speech production, articulatory phonology Louis M. Goldstein (grad student), Shrikanth S. Narayanan (grad student), Khalil R. Iskarous (grad student)
Andreas Haida Manfred Krifka (grad student)
Caitlin A E Halfacrephonetics, phonology, sociolinguistics Danielle Turton (grad student)
Michael A. K. HallidayLinguistics Li Wang (grad student)
Noella HandleySign Languages, Sociolinguistics, Language Documentation & Revitalization Anya Lunden (research assistant), Katie Drager (grad student)
Jorge HankamerLinguistics Language David M. Perlmutter (grad student)
Yurie Harasemantics Tomioka Satoshi (grad student), Satoshi Tomioka (grad student), Shigeto Kawahara (collaborator), Christopher M. Davis (collaborator), Tomohide Kinuhata (collaborator), Sanae Tamura (collaborator)
Heimann Hariton Tiktin Alexandru Philippide (grad student)
Frederik HartmannComputational Linguistics, Diachronic Linguistics20222022 George Walkden (post-doc), Gerhard Jäger (grad student), Gerhard Jäger (post-doc)
Shinkichi Hashimoto Kazutoshi Ueda (grad student)
Martin Haspelmaththeoretical linguistics, language typology, historical linguistics19831983 Igor Mel'cuk (grad student)
Ourania Hatzidaki John McHardy Sinclair (research scientist)
Zoe Hauptová Bohuslav Havránek (grad student)
Karel Hausenblas19511954 Bohuslav Havránek (grad student)
Marc David Hauserevolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior19881992 Peter R. Marler (post-doc), Robert M. Seyfarth (grad student)
Louis Havet Gaston Paris (research scientist)
Bohuslav Havránek1917 František Pastrnek (grad student)
Bruce Hawkins
Godard Arend Johannes Hazeu
Peter Heil Henning Scheich (grad student)
Lars HellanLinguistics
Gordon P. HemsleySyntax, Endangered Languages, NLP2011 Robert W. Fiengo (research assistant), Michael J. Newman (research assistant), William F. Haddican (research assistant)
Richard Henne-Ochoa (Henne)ethnography of speaking, language ideologies, education20082008 Barbara Rogoff (post-doc), Raymond DeMallie (grad student), Richard C. Anderson (grad student)
Borja Herce Balthasar Bickel (post-doc), Matthew Baerman (grad student), Carmen Saldana (collaborator)
Alexander Robert HerrenIndo-European Linguistics Hannes A. Fellner (research assistant)
Marie-Christin HimmelPhonetics, phonology, bilingualism, psychlinguistics Baris Kabak (grad student), Bettina Braun (grad student)
Leanne HintonLanguage loss, language revitalization Margaret Langdon (grad student)
Hitomi Hirayama Adrian Brasoveanu (grad student), Donka Farkas (grad student)
John Hoeks Wietske Vonk (grad student)
Morwenna Hoekssemantics20182023 Amanda Rysling (grad student), Maziar Toosarvandani (grad student), Tom Roberts (collaborator), Deniz Özyıldız (collaborator), Jonathan Pesetsky (collaborator)
Eric Hoenes del Pinal
Mark HoffVariation, Pragmatics Scott Schwenter (grad student)
Caitlin M Hoganlinguistics20202025 Devyani Sharma (grad student)
Hajime HojiLinguistics Language Linguistics Joseph Emonds (grad student)
Daniel Hole Ekkehard König (grad student)
Thomas Honeyman
Norbert Hornsteinsyntax, linguistic theory Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Rudolf Hotzenköcherle Charles Bally (research assistant)
Peter Houtzagers Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Matthew A. Howardhearing, speech, language, emotional behavior M. Sean Grady (post-doc), George A. Ojemann (post-doc), Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Shizhe Huangsyntax/semantics interface, Chinese linguistics, quantification theory, indefinites and scope ambiguity in Chinese, event semantics, type-theoretic accounts of adjectives, nouns, and verbs, modification theory, comparative syntax/semantics of Chinese and 1996 Anthony Kroch (grad student)
Yaqian HuangPhonetics, speech science, psycholinguistics Linguistics Linguistics and Cognitive Science Communication Sciences & Disorders20232026 Marc Garellek (grad student), Irene Vogel (grad student), Sayako Earle (grad student), Eva Reinisch (post-doc)
Ruihong HuangComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology Dan Jurafsky (post-doc)
Rodney Huddleston Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Gerard Huet
Timothy A. HunterComputational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics Norbert Hornstein (grad student), Paul M. Pietroski (grad student), Alexander Williams (grad student)
Susan L Huraconversational AI, ASR, TTS Randy Diehl (grad student), Peter F. MacNeilage (grad student), Harvey M. Sussman (grad student)
Giorgio Iemmolo
Mashrur Imtiaz LLCL, Monash University H&SS, IIT Bombay20172023 Alice Gaby (grad student), Vaijayanthi Sarma (grad student)
Martin Ip20152019 Anne Cutler (grad student), Anna Papafragou (post-doc), John Trueswell (post-doc), Mark Y. Liberman (post-doc)
Roberta Lynn Ishihara S.-Y. Kuroda (grad student)
Roderick Jacobs
Cassandra Leigh Jacobspsycholinguistics Gary Dell (grad student), Duane G. Watson (grad student)
Guillaume Jacques Laurent Sagart (grad student)
Bram Jagersma Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Masoud Jasbi Christopher Potts (grad student), Eve V. Clark (grad student)
Kyle JasminLanguage, speech, autism.20152016 Sophie K. Scott (post-doc)
Otto JespersenEnglish language pedagogy Felix Franke (research assistant)
Elisabetta Jezek Raffaele Simone (research scientist)
Alana Johns Maria-Luisa Rivero (grad student)
Matthew A. Johnson
David E Johnsonlinguistics, computational linguistics19711974 Jerry L. Morgan (grad student), Georgia Green (grad student), Paul M. Postal (collaborator), Shalom Lappin (collaborator), Larry Moss (collaborator)
Khia A. Johnsonpsycholinguistics, bilingualism Molly E. Babel (grad student)
Taylor W. JonesSociolinguistics Robin Clark (grad student)
Brian Jose
Jakob Jud Heinrich Morf (research assistant)
Franciscus Junius, Jr.Theology, Germanic languages
Timothy JustusCognitive Science Jamshed Bharucha (grad student), Richard Ivry (grad student)
Alphonse Kabano
Braj B. KachruModern, Linguistics Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Stephanie Kakadelis2018 Juliette Blevins (grad student)
Petri Kallio Frederik Kortlandt (grad student), Jorma Koivulehto (grad student), Asko Parpola (grad student)
Dalina Kallulli19951999 Joseph Emonds (grad student)
Janneke Kalsbeek Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Jason T. KandybowiczSyntactic theory, comparative syntax, syntax-phonology interface, fieldwork, African languages20002006 Tim Stowell (grad student), Mark Baker (grad student), Edward L. Keenan (grad student), Harold Torrence (collaborator), Hironori Katsuda (collaborator), Abdoulaye L. Nchare (collaborator), Gesoel Mendes (collaborator), Mark Baker (collaborator), Vera Lee-Schoenfeld (collaborator), Hagay Schurr (collaborator)
Mi-Young Kang Jean Lowenstamm (grad student)
Xin Kangpsycholinguistics, autism, eye-tracking, eeg Psychology Linguistics and Modern Languages20112015 Gerry T.M. Altmann (grad student), Patrick C.M. Wong (post-doc)
Jessica Kantarovichcontact linguistics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, syntax, morphology Karlos Arregi (grad student), Lenore Grenoble (grad student), Ming Xiang (grad student), Brian D. Joseph (grad student), Lenore Grenoble (collaborator)
Konstantia Kapetangianni Samuel David Epstein (grad student)
Andres Karjuslanguage change, language evolution, corpus linguistics Simon M. Kirby (grad student), Kenny Smith (grad student), Richard A. Blythe (grad student)
Jussi KarlgrenComputational stylistics, Computational semantics, Information access Linguistics19922000 Gunnel Källgren (grad student)
Bernhard Karlgren Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov (grad student)
Hironori Katsuda
Terrence KaufmanLinguistics Language Mary Haas (grad student), William F. Shipley (grad student)
Friedrich Kaulbach
Alan Hezao Ke Samuel David Epstein (grad student)
Ashok KelkarPhonology, Morphology, Semiotics, Applied Linguistics Charles Hockett (grad student)
Suzanne KemmerCognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Models, Neurolinguistics Elizabeth Closs Traugott (grad student)
Luise Kempf2015 Antje Dammel (grad student)
Robert KennedyPhonology; morphology; phonetics; reduplication; ultrasound; cross-sectional imaging; prosodic phonology; dialects of English; linguistics of sports Diana Archangeli (grad student), Michael Hammond (grad student), Adam Ussishkin (grad student), Norma C. Mendoza-denton (research assistant)
Thomas Kettig Katie Drager (grad student), Bert Vaux (grad student)
Zaira Khalilova Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Noju Kim
Ilkyu Kim linguistics Laurence Robert Horn (grad student)
Boram Kim Douglas H. Whalen (grad student), Christina M. Hagedorn (grad student)
Albert E. KimPsycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Lila R. Gleitman (grad student)
Kyosuke Kindaichi Kazutoshi Ueda (grad student)
Lucas Kins
Wolfgang Kleiber Friedrich Maurer (grad student)
Nathan Kleindinst Philippe Schlenker (grad student)
Heinz Klingenberg Siegfried Gutenbrunner (grad student)
Alwin Kloekorst Alexander Lubotsky (grad student), Robert S. P. Beekes (grad student), Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Friedrich Kluge August Leskien (grad student), Georg Curtius (grad student), Friedrich Zarncke (grad student), Heinrich Hübschmann (grad student)
Yoshinori Kobayashi Norio Nakata (post-doc)
Polina P. Kobeleva
Konstantinos Kogkalidis Michael J. Moortgat (grad student), Richard Moot (grad student)
Jorma Koivulehto Emil Öhmann (grad student)
Masatoshi Koizumi Noam Chomsky (grad student)
Vishnupriya Kolipakam Fiona M. Jordan (grad student), Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student)
Ingrid Konrad Caterina Donati (grad student)
Kristin Kopf Antje Dammel (grad student)
Maarten Kossmann Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Hadas Koteksyntax, semantics, syntax-semantics interface Irene Heim (grad student), David Pesetsky (grad student), Matthew Veras Barros (collaborator)
Wilhelm Kroll19131936 Martin Hertz (grad student), Richard Foerster (grad student), Franz Bücheler (post-doc), Hermann Carl Usener (post-doc), Franz Skutsch (collaborator), Paul Kretschmer (collaborator), Hermann Alexander Diels (grad student)
Guus Kroonen Alexander Lubotsky (grad student)
Sandra KueblerLinguistics Language, Computer Science Erhard Walter Hinrichs (grad student)
Fumiko Kumashiro
Toshiyuki Kumashiro
Susumo Kuno
Gina R. Kuperberglanguage, fMRI, ERPs, schizophrenia Philip McGuire (grad student), Robin Murray (grad student)
S.-Y. Kuroda Yoshihisa Kitagawa (collaborator), Nicolas Ruwet (collaborator), Shiro Hattori (grad student), Morris Halle (grad student), Sylvie Patron (collaborator)
Sebastian Kürschner2007 Damaris Nübling (grad student), Peter Auer (grad student)
Anya Kursova Marco Battaglia (grad student)
Jerzy Kuryłowicz Antoine Meillet (grad student)
Kiyomi Kusumoto
Harim Kwon Andries W. Coetzee (grad student), Patrice Speeter Beddor (grad student)
Fuk Y. KwongOrganic Chemistry20012003 Stephen L. Buchwald (post-doc)
D Robert LaddPhonology James S. Noblitt (grad student)
Jeffrey LamontagneLinguistics, French, Phonology, Phonetics, Sociolinguistics Heather Goad (grad student)
Valerie Langlois Albert E. Kim (post-doc), Jared M. Novick (post-doc)
Jeff Lansing
Janos Lascaris Basilios Bessarion (grad student)
Heinrich Lausberg
Helen Lawrence
Laurel Lawyerneurolinguistics, psycholinguistics20082015 David P. Corina (grad student)
Romano Lazzeroni Clemente Merlo (research scientist)
Raoul le Chevalier François Vatable (grad student)
MacEdward Leach Frank Gouldsmith Speck (grad student)
Chia-Ying Leethe language processing in Chinese, the computation between Chinese orthography and phonology, and the related issues on fMRI and ERPs studies. Ovid Tzeng (grad student)
Maureen Beck-Ng Lee
H.-Y. Lees
Evelina LeivadaBiolinguistics Kleanthes K. Grohmann (research assistant)
Robert Leonard William Labov (grad student)
Giulio Lepschy Tristano Bolelli (research scientist)
Alissa Levysemantics
Casey Lew-Williams Virginia A Marchman (grad student)
Haoze LiSemantics Linguistics Simon Charlow (grad student)
David W. LightfootSyntax1971 Robin T. Lakoff (grad student), Allan Keiler (grad student)
Luke S Lindemann Claire L. Bowern (grad student), Ashwini S. Deo (grad student), Hans C. Boas (research scientist)
Susan Jean Lindner
Marcelino M. Liphola
Kaitlyn Litcofsky2011 Janet G. van Hell (grad student)
Hunter Thompson LockwoodAlgonquian languages, language documentation20102017 Monica Macaulay (grad student)
Cesare De Lollis Francesco D'Ovidio (research scientist), Gaston Paris (grad student)
Erhard Lommatzsch Adolf Tobler (grad student)
Mackalla A LongLinguistics20192022 Randall L. Hogue (research assistant)
Michele Loporcaro Tristano Bolelli (grad student)
Luca Lorenzetti Tullio De Mauro (research scientist)
Jean LowenstammLinguistics, Semitic, Phonology, Morphology Emmon W. Bach (grad student)
Alexander Lubotsky Robert S. P. Beekes (grad student)
Elisa Lucchesi Amedeo De Dominicis (research scientist)
Benjamin D. Lukoff
Horace Gray LuntSlavic linguistics, historical linguistics1947 Roman Osipovich Jakobson (grad student)
Laurel E. MacKenzie Meredith J. Tamminga (collaborator), Miriam Meyerhoff (collaborator), Constantine Lignos (collaborator), Charles Yang (collaborator), Josef Fruehwald (collaborator), Brittany D. McLaughlin (collaborator), Gillian Sankoff (research assistant)
Magnun Rochel MadrugaPhonetics, Phonology Silke Hamann (grad student)
Marina Magnanini
Elisabete d. Malvar
Sayantan MandalBiolinguistics, Computational Theory of Mind, Universal Grammar, Cognitive Science, Computationalist Neurobiology of Language, Cognitive Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Computational Linguistics, Substance-Free Phonology, Cognitive Phonetics Psychology20192023 Roberto G. de Almeida (grad student)
Emily Walker ManettaSyntax Sandra Chung (grad student), Judith Aissen (grad student)
Linda Manney
Emma Manning
Tracy Cameron Mansfield
John Basil MansfieldMorphology, phonology, sociolinguistics20102014 Jane Helen Simpson (grad student)
Sharon Y ManuelExperimental Phonetics, Speech Perception, Speech Production, Speech Acoustics19801987 Louis M. Goldstein (grad student)
Gianguido Manzelli Sorin Stati (research scientist)
Rita Manzini Noam Chomsky (grad student)
Petr Mareš1985 Karel Hausenblas (grad student)
Anna Margetts Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student), Eric Pederson (grad student)
Viorica MarianLanguage, Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism, Memory19982000 Stephen Ceci (grad student), Joy Hirsch (grad student), Annette Karmiloff-Smith (collaborator)
Emanuela Marini Romano Lazzeroni (research scientist)
Donohue, Mark Malcolm David Ross (grad student), Avery Andrews (grad student), Andrew Kenneth Pawley (grad student)
Giovanna Marotta Edoardo Vineis (grad student), Alberto Mioni (grad student), Alfredo Stussi (grad student)
Yahis MartariEducational Linguistics Fabrizio Frasnedi (grad student)
Luisa Martísemantics, morpho-syntax, pragmatics Sigrid Beck (grad student), Yael Sharvit (grad student), Howard Lasnik (grad student)
kari ann martindale
Radan Martinec1996 James Robert Martin (grad student)
José Antonio Martínez Emilio Alarcos Llorach (grad student)
Pedro Tiago Martinsevolution of language, vocal learning, phonology Bridget D. Samuels (grad student)
Francesca Masini Raffaele Simone (research scientist), Sergio Scalise (research scientist)
Angelapia Massaro Mara Frascarelli (grad student), Rita Manzini (grad student)
Nadav Matalon Michal Marmorstein (grad student)
Katherine M. Mathisbilingual memory, semantic memory, object recognition Jeanette Altarriba (grad student)
James A. MatisoffSoutheast Asian languages, especially Tibeto-Burman and Thai, Chinese, Japanese, field linguistics, Yiddish studies, historical semantics, psychosemantics, language typology, area linguistics Mary Haas (grad student)
William Rufus Matthews
Ora Matushansky Noam Chomsky (grad student)
Caterina Mauri Anna Giacalone Ramat (grad student), Paolo Ramat (grad student), Sonia Cristofaro (research scientist)
David Maybury-LewisCultural Anthropology, Linguistics Language Social Anthropology E. E. Evans-Pritchard (grad student)
Patrick McConvell Frederick William Parsons (grad student), David Whitehorn Arnott (grad student)
Barbara McGillivray Alessandro Lenci (research scientist)
Cecile McKeeLinguistics Language Stephen Crain (grad student)
Cynthia A. McKinnon
Zita McRobbieLinguistics Language, Speech Communication Ilse Lehiste (grad student)
Felicity MeakinsContact linguistics Rachel Nordlinger (grad student), Jane Helen Simpson (grad student), Gillian Wigglesworth (grad student)
David J. Medeiros Linguistics Samuel David Epstein (grad student)
Marjory Meechan
Sérgio Meira
Roberta Melazzo Romano Lazzeroni (grad student), Alexander Lubotsky (post-doc)
Danny Daniel MelendezBilingualism, Second Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics2020 Silvina A. Montrul (grad student)
Aya Meltzer-Asscher Tal Siloni (grad student), Julia Horvath (grad student)
Chiara Meluzzi Marina Castagneto (grad student)
Alex Memory
Piero Meriggi Luigi Suali (research scientist)
Pietro Merlo Giovanni Flechia (research scientist)
Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke Heinrich Schweizer-Sidler (grad student)
Bruno Migliorini Cesare De Lollis (research scientist)
Line Mikkelsensyntax, semantics, morphology, Danish and other Germanic languages, Karuk and other languages of California, philosophy of language Jim McCloskey (grad student)
Evelyn Arko Milburnpsycholinguistics, sentence processing, figurative language20112017 Tessa Warren (grad student), Mila Vulchanova (post-doc)
Ryan T. MillerSecond Language Acquisition, Second Language Reading, Second Language Writing20092013 Keiko Koda (grad student), G. Richard Tucker (grad student), Charles A. Perfetti (grad student)
Sophio Milorava
Dan Milway
Emanuele Miola Paolo Ramat (grad student), Gaetano Berruto (grad student)
Kanishka MisraNatural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Computer Science Allyson Ettinger (grad student)
Carol Mock
Emily MoengPhonetics, Phonology, Acquisition Elliott E. Moreton (grad student)
Mercedeh Mohaghegh
Bernie MohanLinguistics Language Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Piera Molinelli Paolo Ramat (research scientist)
Shota Momma Victor S. Ferreira (post-doc)
Ernesto Monaci Paolo Pultrini (grad student)
Julia Monninspeech science, phonological acquisition, phonetics2010 Hélène Lœvenbruck (grad student)
Simonetta Montemagni Gabriella Giacomelli (research scientist), Jun'ichi Tsujii (grad student), Jacques Durand (grad student)
Dalton Cody Montgomery
Claire Moore-CantwellPhonology2009 Joe Pater (grad student), Kie R. Zuraw (research assistant), Bruce Hayes (research assistant), Lisa D. Sanders (grad student)
Richard Moot Michael J. Moortgat (grad student)
Edith MoravcsikLinguistics Language, Cultural Anthropology Joseph H. Greenberg (post-doc)
Mindy Morgan Carol J. Greenhouse (grad student), Douglas R. Parks (grad student), Beverly J. Stoeltje (grad student)
Sidney MorgenbesserSocial sciences, pragmatism, epistemology, philosophy of science Elizabeth Farquhar Flower (grad student), Paul Schrecker (grad student)
Thomas G MortonSentence production, first language acquisition, generative syntax Victor S. Ferreira (grad student)
Johannes Mörtzell
Maarten Mous Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Oliver MüllerERP, language20052008 Manuel Carreiras (post-doc)
Juan Diego Murillo HerreraLinguistics
Patrick Murphy
Simon Musgrave Peter K. Austin (grad student)
Nasiombe Mutonyi
Andriy Myachykovattention and language Yury Shtyrov (collaborator), Martin H. Fischer (post-doc), Holly P. Branigan (post-doc), Christoph Scheepers (post-doc), Sara C. Sereno (grad student)
Michael N. Nagler
Urmila Nairlinguistic anthropology Anthropology Michael Silverstein (grad student), Paul Friedrich (grad student)
Hiroshi Nakagawa Suzuko Tamura (grad student)
Norio Nakata
Tsuneko Nakazawa Georgia Green (grad student)
Stanley Nam
Savithry Namboodiripad2017 Farrell Ackerman (grad student)
Maria Napoli Paolo Di Giovine (research scientist)
Shweta Narayan
Johanna Narten Karl Hoffmann (grad student)
Tomás Navarro TomásPhonetics Ramón Menéndez Pidal (grad student)
Mario Negri Vittore Pisani (research scientist), Enzo Evangelisti (research scientist)
Silvia Dal Negro Gaetano Berruto (research scientist)
Noah Nelson Andrew B. Wedel (grad student)
Igor Němec
Filip Nenadić Petar Milin (grad student)
Annalisa Nesi Gabriella Giacomelli (grad student)
Lyndsey NickelsAphasia, language
Melchior NicolaiTheology Thomas Christian Tychsen (grad student)
Yining Nie
Rodney D. NielsenComputer Science James H. Martin (grad student)
Andrey NikulinMacro-Jê languages, historical linguistics, Chiquitano
Rosalba Nodari Pier Marco Bertinetto (research scientist), Chiara Celata (research scientist)
Masuhiro Nomura
Evan Norris
Pavel Novák19581965 Bohuslav Havránek (grad student)
Michael Novak
Ľudovít Novák
Nikolay Novitskiy Mari Tervaniemi (grad student), Synnöve Carlson (grad student), Johan Wagemans (post-doc), Patrick C.M. Wong (post-doc)
Andrea Nuti Filippo Motta (research scientist)
Zachary O'Hagan Lev D. Michael (grad student), Andrew Garrett (grad student)
Maura O'Leary Jessica Rett (grad student)
Kiera G. O'Neillanguage
Samuel ObengLinguistics Language John Kelly (grad student), John Local (grad student)
Wulf Oesterreicher Eugenio Coșeriu (research scientist)
Emil Öhmann Hugo Palander Suolahti (grad student)
Rieko Okada Tadashi Eguchi (grad student)
Osami Okuda Suzuko Tamura (post-doc)
Antxon Olarreasyntactic theory, Spanish syntax Heles Contreras (grad student)
Stefano Ondelli Michele A. Cortelazzo (grad student)
Cristina Onesti Mario Squartini (research scientist)
Michael Opper Andries W. Coetzee (grad student)
Ivan Ortega-SantosSyntax Antxon Olarrea (grad student)
Iryna Osadcha
Jason OstroveSyntax, Morphology Jim McCloskey (grad student)
Hamid OualiLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education Samuel David Epstein (grad student)
Rosie OxburySociolinguistics Jenny Cheshire (grad student), Esther de Leeuw (research assistant)
Daniil M. Ozernyi2020 Suzanne Flynn (research scientist)
Deniz ÖzyıldızTurkish, syntax and semantics of attitude reports Rajesh Bhatt (grad student)
Beatrice Pacini
Sebastian PadóComputational Linguistics Mirella Lapata (grad student), Dan Jurafsky (post-doc), Katrin Erk (collaborator)
Brigitte Pakendorf Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Hugo Palander Suolahti Theodor Wilhelm Braune (grad student), Friedrich Kluge (grad student), Eduard Georg Sievers (grad student)
Maria Palmerini PATRIZIA MAFFEI BELLUCCI (research scientist)
Chia-Jung PanLinguistic Typology, Morphosyntax, Pragmatics, Austronesian Languages, Altaic Languages20082012 Alexandra Yurievna Aikhenvald (grad student), Robert Malcolm Ward Dixon (grad student)
Giulio Panconcelli-Calzia Jean-Pierre Rousselot (research scientist)
Marie-Claude Paris
Anne-Marie ParisotLinguistique; LSQ; grammaire Linguistique19982002 Denis Bouchard (grad student)
Seongjin ParkPhonetics, Speech technology, Natural language processing20162021 Michael Hammond (grad student)
Sang Yun Park
Insun Park1994 Scott DeLancey (grad student)
Frederick Parkinson
Douglas R. ParksCultural Anthropology, Linguistics Language Mary Haas (grad student)
Ernesto Giacomo Parodi Pio Rajna (grad student)
Asko Parpola Pentti Aalto (grad student)
Benjamin ParrellSpeech motor control Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Milman Parry Antoine Meillet (grad student)
Etna T. Pascacio Leopoldo Valiñas (grad student)
Giorgio Pasquali Girolamo Vitelli (research scientist)
Paul-Édouard PassyPhonetics Otto Jespersen (research assistant)
František Pastrnek
Josef Páta1909 František Pastrnek (grad student)
Bianca Patria Marco Battaglia (grad student)
Sylvie Patron
Štefan Peciar Miloš Weingart (grad student)
Holger Pedersen Karl Verner (research scientist)
Florent Perek Martin Hilpert (research scientist)
Valeria Peretokina Catherine T. Best (grad student), Michael D Tyler (grad student), Jason A. Shaw (grad student)
Michaël Peyrot Alexander Lubotsky (grad student)
Duccio Piccardi Alberto Nocentini (grad student), Franco Fanciullo (grad student)
Caroline T. PiercySociolinguistics, Language Variation and Change, Dialectology
Erica Pinelli Michele Prandi (grad student)
Acrisio Pireslinguistics, syntax, minimalism, bilingualism, second language acquisition, language change Norbert Hornstein (grad student)
Simone Pisano Giovanna Marotta (research scientist)
Heinrich Ludwig Planck
Daniel H. Plesniak
Guenter Plum1989 James Robert Martin (grad student)
Aron Julius Pokorny Rudolf Much (grad student), Paul Kretschmer (grad student)
Cecilia PolettoLinguistics Language, Modern Language Luigi Rizzi (research scientist), Laura Vanelli (research scientist)
Robert Poletto
Marjolein Poortvlietsyntax, semantics, cxg, language change Mary Dalrymple (grad student), Ash Asudeh (grad student), Mirjam Fried (post-doc)
Manfredi Porena Francesco D'Ovidio (grad student)
William J. Poserphonology, phonetics, writing systems, lexicography, historical linguistics, Athabascan, Japanese19821985 Morris Halle (grad student), Paul V. Kiparsky (grad student), Mark Y. Liberman (grad student), Osamu Fujimura (grad student)
David Potter Katy Carlson (grad student)
Chris Powell
Kasey Powers Patricia J. Brooks (grad student)
Omer PremingerSyntax, Morphology Sabine Iatridou (grad student), David Pesetsky (grad student), Norvin Richards (grad student)
Eduard Prokosch1905 Eduard Georg Sievers (grad student)
Mariia ProninaProsody, gesture20182022 Pilar Prieto (grad student)
Tijmen Pronk Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Nicoletta Puddu Paolo Ramat (grad student), Emanuele Banfi (grad student), Pierluigi Cuzzolin (grad student)
Edwin G. Pulleyblank Evangeline Dora Edwards (grad student)
Paolo Pultrini
Friedemann PulvermüllerNeuroscience of Language and Pragmatics Valentino Braitenberg (post-doc)
Carolyn Quamchild speech perception20112014 LouAnn Gerken (post-doc), Sarah C. Creel (post-doc)
A Carlos QuicoliModern Language, Linguistics Language Noam Chomsky (post-doc)
Willard Van Orman Quine Clarence Irving Lewis (grad student)
Kyla QuinnTypology, computational historical linguistics, computational linguistics Simon J. Greenhill (grad student)
Mariel Quinonez Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Valeria Quochi Marcella Bertuccelli Papi (research scientist)
Arjuna S R
Gede Primahadi Wijaya RajegCognitive Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Metaphors, Construction Grammar Corvinus University of Budapest English and Linguistics20232019 Alice Gaby (grad student), Simon Musgrave (grad student), Howard Manns (grad student), John Newman (grad student), Alice Gaby (collaborator), Howard Manns (collaborator), Simon Musgrave (collaborator), Karlina Denistia (collaborator), I Wayan Arka (collaborator), John Newman (collaborator), Anna Margetts (grad student), Poppy Siahaan (collaborator), Martin Hilpert (grad student), Réka Benczes (grad student), I Wayan Arka (post-doc), Mary Dalrymple (post-doc), Sutjiati Beratha (grad student)
Anna Giacalone Ramat Giacomo Devoto (research scientist)
Paolo Ramat Giacomo Devoto (research scientist)
Alessandra Cecilia Rampinini Narly A. Golestani (post-doc), Pietro Pietrini (grad student), Emiliano Ricciardi (grad student)
Gustaf John Ramstedt Otto Donner (grad student), Eemil Nestor Setälä (grad student)
Andrea Amelio Ravelli Massimo Moneglia (grad student)
Maya RavindranathSyntax, Morphology2009 Gillian Sankoff (grad student), Abby Cohn (collaborator)
Petra Redmond Elvira Glaser (grad student)
Christopher David Reigstad Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Donald F. ReindlLinguistics Language Steven Franks (grad student)
Tanya ReinhartSyntax Noam Chomsky (grad student)
David Reittercomputational cognitive science, psycholinguistics, dialog, natural language processing, artificial intelligence20082012 Frank Keller (grad student), Christian Lebiere (post-doc), Manfred Stede (research assistant)
Jeremias Friedrich ReußTheology Christoph Matthäus Pfaff (grad student)
Matthew ReysenExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Linguistics Language James S. Nairne (grad student)
Ellen RiloffComputer Science, Linguistics Language Wendy Grace Lehnert (grad student)
Walter RipmanGerman, English Wilhelm Viëtor (research assistant), Sines Alge (research assistant)
Brian Roarkcomputational linguistics
Martine Robbeets Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Gareth RobertsLanguage evolution, language change, language variation, cultural evolution, experimental semiotics, social interaction20112014 Bruno Galantucci (post-doc), Robin Clark (collaborator), Péter Rácz (collaborator), Jon Stevens (collaborator), Bruno Galantucci (collaborator), Simon Garrod (collaborator)
Ruth R. Roberts-Kohno
Stuart Robinson Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student)
Floris Roelofsen
Patrick Louis Rohrer20172023 Pilar Prieto (grad student)
David M. Rojas
Elisa Roma Romano Lazzeroni (research scientist), Anna Giacalone Ramat (grad student)
Maribel Romero Irene Heim (grad student)
Kristian RonceroWest Polesian, morphology, typology Greville G Corbett (grad student)
David Rose1999 James Robert Martin (grad student)
Louise RosenblattLived experience, reader-response Max van Manen (grad student)
Luigi Rosiello Gino Bottiglioni (research scientist)
Joan Rothery1991 James Robert Martin (grad student)
Jean Pierre Rousselot Arsène Darmesteter (grad student), Michel Bréal (grad student)
Anna Roussou Rita Manzini (grad student)
Francesco Rovai Filippo Motta (research scientist), Domenica Romagno (research scientist)
Ekkarat Ruanglertsilp Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Ludwig Rübekeil Otmar Werner (grad student)
Aynat Rubinstein
Pierre Rucart Jean Lowenstamm (grad student)
Elin Runnqvist Albert Costa (grad student), François-Xavier Alario (post-doc)
Kevin Russell Linguistics1993 Jean-Roger Vergnaud (grad student)
Charys B. Russellphonology, phonetics, acoustics, second language acquitision, L2 phonology. German, morphophonology2023 Stephen J. Winters (grad student)
Nicolas Ruwet
Alexis Rygaloff Paul Pelliot (grad student)
Valentina Saccone Alessandro Panunzi (grad student)
Laurent SagartOld Chinese Alexis Rygaloff (grad student)
Carmen SaldanaLinguistics Comparative Language Science2019 Balthasar Bickel (post-doc)
Ali Salehi
William N. Salmonpragmatics20002003 John Robert Ross (grad student)
Carlo Salvioni
Bridget D. Samuelsphonology, syntax20022003 Bert Vaux (research assistant), Morris Halle (grad student), Charles Reiss (grad student)
Andrea Sansò
Miyuki Sasaki
Galit Sassoon Nirit Kadmon (grad student)
Pavankumar Satuluri
Renata Savy Federico Albano Leoni (research scientist)
James R. Sawusch Peter W. Jusczyk (collaborator), Richard M. Shiffrin (grad student), Donald E. Robinson (grad student)
Asad B. SayeedComputational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics Vera Demberg (post-doc)
Jos Schaeken Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Philip Schatz
Tatjana Schefflercomputational linguistics, pragmatics, semantics Maribel Romero (grad student), Aravind Joshi (grad student)
Alfredo Schiaffini Ernesto Giacomo Parodi (grad student)
David Neil SchmidAsian Literature, General Religion, Medieval Literature, Buddhist Studies, Archaeology, Silk Road Studies Michel Soymié (grad student)
Mirjam Schmuck2011 Renata Szczepaniak (grad student)
Hugo Ernst Mario SchuchardtRomance Philology, Creoles Johannes Friedrich Heinrich Schmidt (collaborator)
Norbert W. SchwarzTheory and Methods, Cognitive Psychology, Linguistics Language19801981 Gerald Clore (post-doc), Robert S. Wyer (post-doc)
Theresa Schweden Antje Dammel (grad student)
Heinrich Schweizer-Sidler
Luiz SchwindtPhonology; Morphology, Morphophonology Leda Bisol (grad student)
Michael Kelly Scottcomputational linguistics, sociolinguistics, automatic speech recognition20222023 Alicia Beckford-Wassink (grad student)
Hansjakob Seiler19471950 Emile Benveniste (post-doc)
Maria SeligRomance linguistics Wolfgang Raible (grad student)
Chikako Senge
Paul Leo-Mary Serruys1956 Peter A. Boodberg (grad student)
Yael SharvitSemantics, pragmatics, syntax-semantics interface, Semitic linguistics Veneeta Dayal (grad student)
Alec ShawNeurolinguistics
Amitai ShenhavCognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Decision Making Lisa Feldman Barrett (grad student)
Ying-yü Sheucategorial grammar
Dingxu ShiLinguistics Language Osvaldo A. Jaeggli (grad student), Joseph Aoun (grad student)
Stephanie Shih2014 Arto Anttila (grad student), Sharon Inkelas (grad student)
Molly S. Shilman
Izuru Shimmura Kazutoshi Ueda (grad student)
Jihye Shin Fredricka L. Stoller (grad student)
Gustav Gustavovich ShpetHusserlian transcendental phenomenology, aesthetics, hermeneutics, the history of Russian philosophy and the philosophy of language Georgij Chelpanov (grad student)
Miriam Shrager
Etaoin Shrdlu
Mohinish ShuklaCognition, Brain imaging, Language
Lucas Santos SilvaSociolinguística, Linguística René Alain Santana (grad student)
Wilson Silva
Michael SilversteinLinguistics Karl V. Teeter (grad student)
Domenico Silvestri Tristano Bolelli (research scientist)
Hermine Sinclair Jean Piaget (grad student)
Franz Skutsch19091912 Georg Curtius (grad student), Karl Brugmann (grad student), Martin Hertz (grad student), Franz Bücheler (grad student), Hermann Carl Usener (grad student), Paul Kretschmer (collaborator)
M Slouk
Rieks Smeets Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Brian SmithPhonology Joe Pater (grad student)
James Smith
Betsy Sneller Josef Fruehwald (collaborator), Elissa Newport (post-doc), Gareth Roberts (collaborator), Charles Yang (collaborator)
Myint Soe1999 Scott DeLancey (grad student)
Ralph R. Sonnenschein
Aaron H. SonnenscheinLinguistics Language Bernard Comrie (grad student), Pamela Munro (grad student)
Michel SoymiéDunhuang Studies, Buddhist Studies, Chinese Religion, Manuscript Studies Paul Demiéville (grad student)
Arthur Spears
Shari SpeerLinguistics Language, Cognitive Psychology Donald J. Foss (grad student)
Stefan Spronckepistemic modality, Ungarinyin
Edward Stankiewicz Roman Osipovich Jakobson (grad student)
Sergei Starostin
Hariklia Statha-Hariklas
Susan Steele
Adolf Friedrich Stenzler Franz Bopp (grad student), August Wilhelm Schlegel (grad student)
Jonathan SterneMass Communications, Art History, History of Science Lawrence Grossberg (grad student)
Luciana Storto Kenneth Locke Hale (grad student)
Timothy StowellLinguistics Language Tim Stowell (grad student)
Winifred Strangephonetics, speech perception James J. Jenkins (grad student)
Francesca Strik Lievers Roberto Ajello (research scientist)
Harry Stroomer Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Suzy J StylesDevelopmental Psycholinguistics Kim Plunkett (grad student), Vanja Kovic (collaborator)
Uma Subramaniansyntax
Yushi Sugimotosyntax20202022 Samuel David Epstein (grad student), Acrisio Pires (grad student), Marlyse Baptista (grad student), Terje Lohndal (grad student), Rick L. Lewis (grad student)
Karen Sullivan Eve Sweetser (grad student)
Alice Suozzi Nicola Grandi (grad student), Anna Cardinaletti (grad student)
Martin Surbeck
Eugenie E SuterPhonology, Social Anxiety, Neurologic Disorders2003 Bert Vaux (grad student)
Laura Suttle
Henry SweetPhonetics
Hiroaki Tada Noam Chomsky (grad student)
Alexis Takizala
Catherine Tamis-LeMondaDevelopmental Psychology, Linguistics Language Marc H Bornstein (grad student)
Darren Scott Tannersentence processing, psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, bilingualism, ERPs Julia Herschensohn (grad student)
Ryan Christopher TaylorDigital communication, psycholinguistics, pragmatics, phonetics Bryan W. Gick (post-doc)
Benvenuto Aronne Terracini Jules Gilliéron (research scientist)
Arhonto TerziSyntax, Language Acquisition Richard Kayne (grad student)
Robin L. ThompsonSyntax, psycholinguistics Karen Emmorey (grad student)
Abbie Thompson2019 Kathleen M. Eberhard (post-doc)
Luzius Thöny Elvira Glaser (grad student)
Eva Tichy Karl Hoffmann (grad student)
Claire TimminsClinical Phonetics, Sociophonetics, Articulatory Phonetics19972005 Jane Stuart-Smith (research assistant)
Debra TitonePsycholinguistics Cynthia M. Connine (grad student), Arthur Wingfield (post-doc), Philip S. Holzman (post-doc)
Lorenzo Tomasin Alfredo Stussi (research scientist)
Ottavia Tordini Cinzia Avesani (post-doc), Mario Vayra (research scientist)
Francesc Torres-Tamarit
Tom Trabasso Gordon H. Bower (post-doc)
George L. Trager Bernard Bloch (collaborator)
Lisa TravisSyntax Noam Chomsky (grad student), Samuel Jay Keyser (grad student)
František Trávníček1911 František Pastrnek (grad student)
Victoria Ann Tredinnick
Enrica Troiano20182022 Roman Klinger (grad student)
Drew TrotterNeurolinguistics, Speech Perception, Phonetics, Phonology Karthik Durvasula (grad student), Yen-Hwei Lin (grad student), Suzanne Evans Wagner (grad student)
Nikolái Serguéievich TrubetskóiPhonology
John Bassett Trumper Carlo Dionisotti (research scientist), Daniel Jones (research scientist)
Chi-Shing Tse
Hiroshi Tsukishima Norio Nakata (post-doc)
Rosakot Tubplang Thamprasert
Giuseppina Turano Leonardo Maria Savoia (grad student)
Peter E. TurkeltaubLanguage20092011 Branch Coslett (post-doc)
Geoffrey Turner Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
I Nyoman Udayana2013 Stephen M. Wechsler (grad student)
Camila Witt UlrichPhonology, Morphology, Linguistics Linguistics Luiz Schwindt (grad student)
Pocholo Umbal2017 Naomi Nagy (grad student)
Michiel de Vaan Alexander Lubotsky (grad student)
Giorgio Valla
Lucien van Beek Alexander Lubotsky (grad student)
Helma van den Berg Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
George van Driem Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Janet G. van HellBilingualism, psycholinguistics, child language acquisition Annette M. B. de Groot (grad student)
Karen van Hoek
Laura Vanelli Alberto Zamboni (research scientist)
Rossella Varvara Elisabetta Jezek (grad student)
Max Vasmer Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de Courtenay (grad student)
Annemarie Verkerkdiachronic typology, phylogenetics Fiona M. Jordan (grad student), Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student)
Willem Vermeer Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Matteo Viale Michele A. Cortelazzo (grad student)
Edoardo Vineis Tristano Bolelli (research scientist), Giovanni Nencioni (research scientist)
Viktor Vinogradov Lev Shcherba (grad student), Alexey Shakhmatov (grad student)
Nadya Vinokurova
Paul A Viola
Antonio Viscardi Vincenzo Crescini (grad student)
Girolamo Vitelli Domenico Comparetti (research scientist)
Carlotta Viti Saverio Sani (research scientist)
Charles (Carl) F. VoegelinLinguistics Edward Sapir (post-doc)
Ana E VogeleyPhonology; acquisition; variation Dermeval da Hora (grad student)
Georg von der GabelentzFar Eastern languages Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (grad student)
Madeleine G WadePsycholinguistics Albert E. Kim (grad student)
Lacey Wade Meredith J. Tamminga (grad student)
Neil Alexander WalkerPomoan languages, Papuan languages, language documentation, fragmented languages, language obsolescence, historical linguistics Matthew Gordon (grad student), Bernard Comrie (grad student), Dirk A. Elzinga (grad student)
Martin Walkow
Mary E WalworthHistorical linguistics, Oceania, anthropological linguistics2016 Russell Gray (post-doc)
Eric Xun Wang
Li Wang Yuen Ren Chao (grad student), Paul Pelliot (grad student)
Ching-hsien Wang1971 Michael N. Nagler (grad student)
Sandra R. Waxmancognitive development, language Rochel Gelman (grad student)
Franziska Wegdell Carel van Schaik (grad student), Sabine E. Stoll (grad student), Klaus Zuberbuhler (grad student)
Claudia Wegener Stephen Curtis Levinson (grad student)
Miloš Weingart1913 František Pastrnek (grad student)
Max Weinreich Ferdinand Wrede (research scientist)
Paul Wendland18851886 Johann Wilhelm Adolf Kirchhoff (grad student), Franz Bücheler (grad student), Hermann Carl Usener (grad student), Hermann Alexander Diels (grad student)
Neal P. Whitmansemantics
John Whitman Susumu Kuno (grad student)
Jeroen Wiedenhof Frederik Kortlandt (grad student)
Seth WienerPsycholinguistics, Chinese linguistics, second language acquisition Shari Speer (grad student), Marjorie K. M. Chan (grad student)
Gillian Wigglesworth
Peter Wignell1998 James Robert Martin (grad student)
Ronnie Bring WilburTheoretical and experimental linguistics, Sign Languages Charles Kisseberth (grad student), Michael Kenstowicz (grad student)
Phyllis P. WilcoxLinguistics Language Vera John-Steiner (grad student)
Hellmut Wilhelm Otto Franke (grad student)
Alexander WilliamsSemantics, Philosophy of language, Syntax, Language acquisition, Psycholinguistics Robin Clark (grad student), Maribel Romero (grad student), Ellen F. Lau (collaborator), Valentine Hacquard (collaborator)
Deirdre WilsonSemantics, pragmatics, language-thought interface Noam Chomsky (grad student), Dan Sperber (collaborator)
William C. WimsattPhilosophy, Linguistics Language Richard C. Lewontin (post-doc)
Vreni Wittberger-Markwardt Andreas Nievergelt (grad student)
Eva Wittenberg Ray Jackendoff (grad student), Jesse Snedeker (grad student), Gina R. Kuperberg (grad student), Roger Levy (post-doc), Victor S. Ferreira (post-doc)
Allen WoodPhilosophy, Cognitive Psychology, Linguistics Language George A. Schrader (grad student)
Kelly E. WrightExperimental Sociolinguistics Patrice Speeter Beddor (grad student), Mark Richard Lauersdorf (grad student)
Kelly E. WrightExperimental Sociolinguistics Patrice Speeter Beddor (grad student), Mark Richard Lauersdorf (grad student)
Dennis Wright Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Crystal Wu
Tong WU Denis Creissels (grad student)
Chen XieLinguistics, Syntax, Syntax-Phonology Interface, LFG, Wenzhounese, Mandarin2021 Louise Mycock (grad student)
Beibei XuSemantics, Syntax-semantics interface, Semantics-pragmatics interface20102017 Veneeta Dayal (grad student)
Wendi Xuekinship, cultural semantics Linguistics Anna Wierzbicka (grad student), Nicholas Evans (grad student), Jane Helen Simpson (grad student)
Jianwei YanQuantitative Linguistics Haitao Liu (grad student)
Masataka Yanopsycholinguistics Masatoshi Koizumi (grad student), Hajime Ono (grad student), Hiroaki Tada (grad student)
Yao Yaophonetics, corpus linguistics Susanne Gahl (grad student)
Jingting YeLinguistic typology Martin Haspelmath (grad student)
Tsy YihMathematical linguistics, linguistic typology Haitao Liu (grad student)
Olga T. YokoyamaLinguistics Language, Marketing Business Administration Roman Osipovich Jakobson (grad student), Susumo Kuno (grad student)
Tomohiro Yokoyama
Alan C. L. Yuphonology Juliette Blevins (grad student)
Mikhail Zaikovskii Edward Mahmoud Sadrai (grad student)
Alberto Zamboni Giovan Battista Pellegrini (research scientist)
Alessandra Zarcone20142018 Manfred Pinkal (post-doc)
Kathryn D. ZarembaLinguistics Language2011 Ivano Caponigro (grad student)
Chong Zhang20122017 Thomas Graf (grad student)
Shijie Zhang Silke Brandt (research scientist)
Qingwen ZhangLinguistics Language Dingxu Shi (grad student)
Peng ZhouChild language development, Developmental language disorders, Language and cognitive development in autism, Child sentence processing, Experimental linguistics Stephen Crain (grad student)
Paul Zinsli Otto Gröger (grad student)
Eleonora Zucchini Nicola Grandi (grad student), Chiara Gianollo (grad student)
Sam ZukoffPhonology, Indo-European Donca Steriade (grad student)
Madeleine Zuniga Michael A. K. Halliday (grad student)
Fernando ZúñigaMorphosyntactic typology, Amerindian languages20022003 Karen H. Ebert (grad student), Hans-Jürgen Sasse (grad student), Balthasar Bickel (post-doc)
Paulina Łęska Bartosz Wiland (grad student)