Similar researchers to Gerry Altmann: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Gerry T.M. Altmann (Info) University of York Psycholinguistics rtunney 2010‑07‑28
Asael Sklar (Info) Hebrew University (PsychTree) maksmil 2019‑02‑06 Sim(0.17)
Georges A. Potworowski (Info) University of Michigan (Neurotree) General Psychology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑06‑16 Sim(0.17)
Andrea L. Patalano (Info) Wesleyan (Neurotree) Cognitive Science 2006‑09‑21 Sim(0.19)
Krister Zetterberg (Info) KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Chemistry Tree) Peonor 2013‑11‑14 Sim(0.2)
Rick Gurnsey (Info) Concordia University Montreal (Neurotree) Visual perception and psychophysics rkj 2011‑12‑24 Sim(0.2)
Katreena Scott (Info) University of Toronto (Neurotree) Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Gender Studies, Women's Studies pq 2016‑04‑18 Sim(0.2)
Aaron Rudeen (Info) University of Kansas (Cell Biology Tree) klneufeld 2020‑08‑21 Sim(0.2)
Ernest M. Gifford (Info) UC Davis (Evolution Tree) cdspecht 2017‑03‑22 Sim(0.21)
Steven Berkeley (Info) UC Santa Cruz (Marine Ecology Tree) neosha 2009‑11‑12 Sim(0.21)
William Chung (Info) Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (Neurotree) mikebc 2015‑02‑25 Sim(0.22)
Derek J. Koehler (Info) University of Waterloo (Neurotree) JDM mkym 2009‑07‑06 Sim(0.22)
Charles Gettys (Info) (Neurotree) ehussey 2010‑10‑01 Sim(0.23)
Elliot A. Ludvig (Info) University of Warwick (Neurotree) Animal Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making ludz13 2007‑10‑10 Sim(0.23)
Michael E. Young (Info) Southern Illinois University (Neurotree) Cognition mrellefson 2008‑09‑07 Sim(0.23)
Janet Metcalfe (Info) Columbia (Neurotree) Memory mjkahana 2008‑08‑26 Sim(0.23)
Debabrata Maiti (Info) IIT Bombay (Chemistry Tree) Catalytic chemistry tarselli 2015‑07‑25 Sim(0.23)
Bryan Kaehr (Info) UT Austin (Chemistry Tree) Analytical Chemistry pac 2016‑02‑09 Sim(0.23)
Sanjeev Khudanpur (Info) Johns Hopkins Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Speech Pathology, Linguistics Language pq 2016‑02‑09 Sim(0.24)
Christian Luhmann (Info) SUNY Stony Brook (Neurotree) Learning, Decision-making jgolomb 2006‑12‑12 Sim(0.24)
Tal Kramer (Info) Children's Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School (Neurotree) Axonal Transport, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Mitochondrial Dynamics kramert 2012‑11‑19 Sim(0.24)
Kelsey Bohn (Info) Purdue (Chemistry Tree) goebelj 2021‑11‑05 Sim(0.24)
Alexandria E. Guzman (Info) University of New Haven (Neurotree) whlevine 2012‑03‑29 Sim(0.24)
Mario Boto Ferreira (Info) University of Lisbon (PsychTree) sarahaga 2015‑01‑03 Sim(0.24)
Katherine A. Cappell (Info) University of Michigan (Neurotree) Working Memory, Aging kcappell 2009‑09‑11 Sim(0.25)
Leonard a. Smith (Info) Columbia (Physics Tree) Python76 2016‑09‑24 Sim(0.25)
John Michael Carroll (Info) Georgia Southern University (Marine Ecology Tree) Predator-prey relationships bpeterson 2015‑04‑01 Sim(0.25)
Arthur B. Markman (Info) UT Austin (Neurotree) similarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences etaylor4 2008‑01‑01 Sim(0.25)
Edward W. Lehman (Info) NYU (SocTree) General, Music pq 2016‑05‑23 Sim(0.26)
Peter Gärdenfors (Info) Lund University (PsychTree) rteszka 2012‑10‑16 Sim(0.26)
Stephen W. Michael (Info) UT El Paso (PsychTree) forensic interviewing, face memory/identification pq 2015‑10‑17 Sim(0.26)
Jennifer Parkin (Info) Loughborough University (Neurotree) tsbaguley 2015‑09‑08 Sim(0.26)
Sapna Cheryan (Info) Stanford (PsychTree) pq 2015‑10‑05 Sim(0.26)
Jonathan Wolf Schooler (Info) University of Pittsburgh, UC Santa Barbara memory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought. neurostudent 2007‑04‑24 Sim(0.26)
Bryan J. Hartzler (Info) UT Austin (Neurotree) Addictions pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim(0.26)
Laurence Meyer (Info) MIT (Econometree) rtol 2018‑09‑23 Sim(0.27)
Quan Jason Cheng (Info) UC Riverside (Chemistry Tree) angela8476 2015‑07‑08 Sim(0.27)
Lauren J. Gottlieb (Info) UC Irvine (Neurotree) Memory, medial temporal lobes pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim(0.27)
Matthew A. Bezdek (Info) Georgia Tech (Neurotree) pq 2016‑01‑12 Sim(0.27)
Kimberly Metera (Info) McGill (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑09‑06 Sim(0.27)
Alla Chavarga (Info) CUNY (The Graduate Center) (Neurotree) Vision Science, Psychophysics, Cognition, Brain & Behavior AChavarga 2016‑06‑23 Sim(0.27)
Rosellina Ferraro (Info) Duke Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology pq 2016‑03‑13 Sim(0.27)
Ana Rita Farias (Info) UW Madison (PsychTree) sarahaga 2015‑01‑03 Sim(0.27)
Susan E. Teubner-Rhodes (Info) MUSC (Neurotree) ehussey 2010‑10‑01 Sim(0.27)
Ana Sofia Santos (Info) University of Lisbon (PsychTree) sarahaga 2015‑01‑03 Sim(0.28)
Marion Bonneau (Info) Washington University (Neurotree) imchin 2022‑04‑16 Sim(0.28)
Sara C. Verosky (Info) Princeton (Neurotree) Face Processing pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim(0.28)
Nobuko Mizoguchi (Info) Ohio University (Neurotree) General Psychology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑23 Sim(0.28)
Girish Krishnan (Info) UIUC (Physics Tree) compliant or flexure mechanisms for robotics, prosthetics, microsystems (MEMS), automobiles and bio-engineering jandh 2015‑10‑17 Sim(0.28)
John W. Schuster (Info) University of Kentucky (Literature Tree) Special Education, Technology of Education, Language and Literature Education pq 2016‑03‑18 Sim(0.28)
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