Vaughan T. Bowen
Affiliations: | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Falmouth, MA, United States |
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Breteler RJ, Bowen VT, Schneider DL, et al. (1984) Sedimentological reconstruction of the recent pattern of mercury pollution in the Niagara River. Environmental Science & Technology. 18: 404-9 |
Livingston HD, Kupferman SL, Bowen VT, et al. (1984) Vertical profile of artificial radionuclide concentrations in the Central Arctic Ocean Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 2195-2203 |
Farrington JW, Goldberg ED, Risebrough RW, et al. (1983) U.S. "Mussel Watch" 1976-1978: an overview of the trace-metal, DDE, PCB, hydrocarbon and artificial radionuclide data. Environmental Science & Technology. 17: 490-6 |
Volchok HL, Bowen VT, Clark WR, et al. (1983) Crater Lake revisited: concentration changes in water column radionuclides, 1967 to 1981. Journal of Geophysical Research. 88: 4531-4533 |
Bowen VT, Noshkin VE, Livingston HD, et al. (1980) Fallout radionuclides in the Pacific Ocean: Vertical and horizontal distributions, largely from GEOSECS stations Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 49: 411-434 |
Livingston HD, Bowen VT. (1979) Pu and 137Cs in coastal sediments Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 43: 29-45 |
Goldberg ED, Bowen VT, Farrington JW, et al. (1978) The Mussel Watch Environmental Conservation. 5: 101-125 |
Bowen VT. (1978) Natural matrix standards Environment International. 1: 35-39 |
Livingston HD, Bowen VT. (1977) Windscale effluent in the waters and sediments of the Minch Nature. 269: 586-588 |
Kupferman SL, Bowen VT. (1976) Comparison of 137 Cs concentrations measured after in situ absorption with those determined by bulk water analyses or calculated from 90 Sr analyses1 Limnology and Oceanography. 21: 467-473 |