George Evelyn Hutchinson

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
zoology, ecology, limnology
"George Evelyn Hutchinson" OR "G. Evelyn Hutchinson"

(1903 – 1991)
zoologist and early ecologist, considered the founder of limnology
Hutchinson didn't have an earned Ph.D.
see 1971 celebratory issue of Limnology and Oceanography (vol. 16 #2),
Biogr. Mems Fell. R. Soc. December 2011 vol. 57 167-177 , DOI: 10.1098/rsbm.2010.0016

Cross-listing: Terrestrial Ecology Tree - Oceanography Tree


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Ross Granville Harrison research assistant 1928-1931 Yale (DevTree)


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Roger Doyle grad student Yale
Donna Haraway grad student Yale (Literature Tree)
Robert D. Lisk grad student Princeton (Neurotree)
Karen Porter grad student Yale
Howard Sanders grad student Yale
Gordon A. Riley grad student 1937 Yale
Edward S. Deevey grad student 1938 Yale
Louis W. Hutchins grad student 1941 Yale
W. Thomas Edmondson grad student 1942 Yale
Donald J. Zinn grad student 1942 Yale
Irwin W. Newell grad student 1945 Yale
John L. Brooks grad student 1946 Yale
Vaughan T. Bowen grad student 1948 Yale
Willard D. Hartman grad student 1950 Yale
Frederick E. Smith grad student 1950 Yale
Howard T. Odum grad student 1951 Yale
Lawrence B. Slobodkin grad student 1951 Yale
J. R. Vallentyne grad student 1953 Yale
Robert R. L. Guillard grad student 1954 Yale
Thomas Fritz Goreau grad student 1956 Yale
Alan J. Kohn grad student 1957 Yale
Joseph Shapiro grad student 1957 Yale
Robert Helmer MacArthur grad student 1953-1957 Yale
Peter H. Klopfer grad student 1958 Yale (Neurotree)
Peter John Wangersky grad student 1958 Yale
Henry O. Werntz grad student 1958 Yale
Ian A. McLaren grad student 1961 Yale
Martin Alexander Buzas grad student 1963 Yale (Geotree)
John J. Gilbert grad student 1960-1963 Yale
Eric L. Mills grad student 1964 Yale
David C. Grant grad student 1965 Yale
Egbert Leigh grad student 1966 Yale
Alan Covich grad student 1970 Yale
Robert A. Kinzie grad student 1970 Yale
Thomas E. Lovejoy grad student 1964-1971 Yale (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Kathleen I. Keating grad student 1975 Yale (Envirotree)
Saran Twombly grad student 1983 Yale (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Raymond L. Lindeman post-doc 1941-1942 Yale
Peter W. Frank post-doc 1952 Yale


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Chancey Juday collaborator (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
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Hutchinson GE, MacArthur RH. (1959) Appendix on the Theoretical Significance of Aggressive Neglect in Interspecific Competition The American Naturalist. 93: 133-134
Hutchinson GE, MacArthur RH. (1959) A Theoretical Ecological Model of Size Distributions Among Species of Animals The American Naturalist. 93: 117-125
Wangersky PJ, Hutchinson GE. (1958) Manganese deposition and deep water movements in the Caribbean [6] Nature. 181: 108-109
Hutchinson GE, Patrick R, Deevey ES. (1956) Sediments of lake patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 67: 1491-1504
Hutchinson GE, Benoit RJ, Cotter WB, et al. (1955) ON THE NICKEL, COBALT, AND COPPER CONTENTS OF DEEP-SEA SEDIMENTS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 41: 160-2
Deevey ES, Gross MS, Hutchinson GE, et al. (1954) THE NATURAL C CONTENTS OF MATERIALS FROM HARD-WATER LAKES. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 40: 285-8
Brooks JL, Hutchinson GE. (1950) On the Rate of Passive Sinking of Daphnia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 36: 272-7
Hutchinson GE, Bowen VT. (1947) A Direct Demonstration of the Phosphorus Cycle in a Small Lake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 33: 148-53
Hutchinson GE, Wollack A. (1940) Chemical analyses of a core from Lindley Pond, North Branford, Part 2 of Studies on Connecticut lake sediments American Journal of Science. 238: 493-517
Hutchinson GE, Deevey ES, Wollack A. (1939) The Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Lake Waters and Their Ecological Significance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 25: 87-90
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