Peter F. Brussard, PhD
Affiliations: | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States | ||
Biology | Montana State University, Bozeman, MT | ||
Biology | University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States |
"Peter F. Brussard"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorPaul R. Ehrlich | grad student | 1969 | Stanford (Evolution Tree) | |
(The Population Structure and Adult Behavior of Erebia Epipsodea Butler (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae)) |
Sign in to add traineeRichard Gerald Harrison | grad student | 1977 | Cornell |
Scott A. Fleury | grad student | 2000 | University of Nevada, Reno |
John C. Tull | grad student | 1999-2006 | University of Nevada, Reno (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) |
Eveline S. Larrucea | grad student | 2007 | University of Nevada, Reno |
Monte P. Sanford | grad student | 2007 | University of Nevada, Reno |
Hillary L. Robison | grad student | 2009 | University of Nevada, Reno |
Heather A. Mathewson | grad student | 2010 | University of Nevada, Reno |
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Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR, Singer MC. (2019) ADULT MOVEMENTS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE IN EUPHYDRYAS EDITHA. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 28: 408-415 |
Beever EA, Ray C, Wilkening JL, et al. (2011) Contemporary climate change alters the pace and drivers of extinction Global Change Biology. 17: 2054-2070 |
Wilkening JL, Ray C, Beever EA, et al. (2011) Modeling contemporary range retraction in Great Basin pikas (Ochotona princeps) using data on microclimate and microhabitat Quaternary International. 235: 77-88 |
Sanford MP, Murphy DD, Brussard PF. (2011) Distinguishing habitat types and the relative influences of environmental factors on patch occupancy for a butterfly metapopulation Journal of Insect Conservation. 15: 775-785 |
Larrucea ES, Brussard PF. (2009) Diel and seasonal activity patterns of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) Journal of Mammalogy. 90: 1176-1183 |
Beever EA, Wilkening JL, McIvor DE, et al. (2008) American pikas (Ochotona princeps) in northwestern Nevada: A newly discovered population at a low-elevation site Western North American Naturalist. 68: 8-14 |
Larrucea ES, Brussard PF. (2008) Efficiency of various methods used to detect presence of pygmy rabbits in summer Western North American Naturalist. 68: 303-310 |
Larrucea ES, Brussard PF. (2008) Habitat selection and current distribution of the pygmy rabbit in Nevada and California, USA Journal of Mammalogy. 89: 691-699 |
Larrucea ES, Brussard PF. (2008) Shift in location of pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) habitat in response to changing environments Journal of Arid Environments. 72: 1636-1643 |
Brussard PF, Tull JC. (2007) Conservation biology and four types of advocacy. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 21: 21-4 |