Year |
Citation |
Score |
2022 |
Hughes JB, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Conservation of Insect Diversity: a Habitat Approach. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 14: 1788-1797. PMID 35701940 DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2000.99187.x |
0.678 |
2021 |
Allen-Perkins A, Magrach A, Dainese M, Garibaldi LA, Kleijn D, Rader R, Reilly JR, Winfree R, Lundin O, McGrady CM, Brittain C, Biddinger DJ, Artz DR, Elle E, Hoffman G, ... ... Ehrlich PR, et al. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology. PMID 34921678 DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3614 |
0.794 |
2021 |
Sumaila UR, Skerritt DJ, Schuhbauer A, Villasante S, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, Burnside D, Abdallah PR, Abe K, Addo KA, Adelsheim J, Adewumi IJ, Adeyemo OK, Adger N, Adotey J, ... ... Ehrlich PR, et al. WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Science (New York, N.Y.). 374: 544. PMID 34709891 DOI: 10.1126/science.abm1680 |
0.731 |
2021 |
Levin SA, Anderies JM, Adger N, Barrett S, Bennett EM, Cardenas JC, Carpenter SR, Crépin AS, Ehrlich P, Fischer J, Folke C, Kautsky N, Kling C, Nyborg K, Polasky S, et al. Governance in the Face of Extreme Events: Lessons from Evolutionary Processes for Structuring Interventions, and the Need to Go Beyond. Ecosystems (New York, N.Y.). 1-15. PMID 34512142 DOI: 10.1007/s10021-021-00680-2 |
0.396 |
2020 |
Polasky S, Crépin AS, Biggs RO, Carpenter SR, Folke C, Peterson G, Scheffer M, Barrett S, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Howarth RB, Hughes T, Levin SA, Shogren JF, Troell M, et al. Corridors of Clarity: Four Principles to Overcome Uncertainty Paralysis in the Anthropocene. Bioscience. 70: 1139-1144. PMID 33376456 DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biaa115 |
0.685 |
2020 |
Inouye DW, Ehrlich PR. Michael Soulé (1936-2020). Science (New York, N.Y.). 369: 777. PMID 32792387 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Abd6925 |
0.398 |
2020 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR, Raven PH. Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 32482862 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1922686117 |
0.407 |
2020 |
Barrett S, Dasgupta A, Dasgupta P, Adger WN, Anderies J, van den Bergh J, Bledsoe C, Bongaarts J, Carpenter S, Chapin FS, Crépin AS, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Folke C, Kautsky N, et al. Social dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 32165543 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1909857117 |
0.715 |
2020 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Donald Kennedy (1931–2020) Science. 368: 1062-1062. DOI: 10.1126/Science.Abc7807 |
0.679 |
2019 |
Şekercioğlu ÇH, Mendenhall CD, Oviedo-Brenes F, Horns JJ, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Long-term declines in bird populations in tropical agricultural countryside. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 31036662 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1802732116 |
0.817 |
2019 |
Polasky S, Kling CL, Levin SA, Carpenter SR, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Heal GM, Lubchenco J. Role of economics in analyzing the environment and sustainable development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116: 5233-5238. PMID 30890656 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1901616116 |
0.746 |
2019 |
Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR, Singer MC. ADULT MOVEMENTS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE IN EUPHYDRYAS EDITHA. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 28: 408-415. PMID 28564854 DOI: 10.1111/J.1558-5646.1974.Tb00762.X |
0.653 |
2019 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR, Pacheco J, Valverde-Zúñiga N, Daily GC. Conservation in human-dominated landscapes: Lessons from the distribution of the Central American squirrel monkey Biological Conservation. 237: 41-49. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biocon.2019.06.008 |
0.728 |
2018 |
Ehrlich P, Harte J. Pessimism on the Food Front Sustainability. 10: 1120. DOI: 10.3390/Su10041120 |
0.321 |
2018 |
Peters R, Ripple WJ, Wolf C, Moskwik M, Carreón-Arroyo G, Ceballos G, Córdova A, Dirzo R, Ehrlich PR, Flesch AD, List R, Lovejoy TE, Noss RF, Pacheco J, Sarukhán JK, et al. Nature Divided, Scientists United: US–Mexico Border Wall Threatens Biodiversity and Binational Conservation Bioscience. 68: 740-743. DOI: 10.1093/Biosci/Biy063 |
0.313 |
2017 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR, Dirzo R. Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 28696295 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1704949114 |
0.419 |
2017 |
Ehrlich PR. What Should Conservation Biologists be Doing? An Homage to Ilkka Hanski Annales Zoologici Fennici. 54: 7-11. DOI: 10.5735/086.054.0103 |
0.327 |
2016 |
Nyborg K, Anderies JM, Dannenberg A, Lindahl T, Schill C, Schlüter M, Adger WN, Arrow KJ, Barrett S, Carpenter S, Chapin FS, Crépin AS, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Folke C, et al. Social norms as solutions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 354: 42-43. PMID 27846488 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aaf8317 |
0.709 |
2016 |
Brosi BJ, Ehrlich PR. Charles Duncan Michener, 1918-2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 26862171 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1600285113 |
0.607 |
2016 |
Ponisio L, Ehrlich P. Diversification, Yield and a New Agricultural Revolution: Problems and Prospects Sustainability. 8: 1118. DOI: 10.3390/Su8111118 |
0.334 |
2016 |
Ross L, Arrow K, Cialdini R, Diamond-Smith N, Diamond J, Dunne J, Feldman M, Horn R, Kennedy D, Murphy C, Pirages D, Smith K, York R, Ehrlich P. The Climate Change Challenge and Barriers to the Exercise of Foresight Intelligence Bioscience. 66: 363-370. DOI: 10.1093/Biosci/Biw025 |
0.322 |
2015 |
Ehrlich PR, Harte J. Opinion: To feed the world in 2050 will require a global revolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 14743-4. PMID 26627228 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1519841112 |
0.321 |
2015 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR, Barnosky AD, García A, Pringle RM, Palmer TM. Accelerated modern human-induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction. Science Advances. 1: e1400253. PMID 26601195 DOI: 10.1126/Sciadv.1400253 |
0.631 |
2015 |
Karp DS, Mendenhall CD, Callaway E, Frishkoff LO, Kareiva PM, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Reply to Kirchhoff: Homogenous and mutually exclusive conservation typologies are neither possible nor desirable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: E5906. PMID 26483508 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1518479112 |
0.761 |
2015 |
Karp DS, Mendenhall CD, Callaway E, Frishkoff LO, Kareiva PM, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Confronting and resolving competing values behind conservation objectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 11132-7. PMID 26283400 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1504788112 |
0.811 |
2015 |
McAlpine CA, Seabrook LM, Ryan JG, Feeney BJ, Ripple WJ, Ehrlich AH, Ehrlich PR. Transformational change: Creating a safe operating space for humanity Ecology and Society. 20. DOI: 10.5751/Es-07181-200156 |
0.312 |
2015 |
Ehrlich PR, Harte J. Food security requires a new revolution International Journal of Environmental Studies. 72: 908-920. DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2015.1067468 |
0.356 |
2015 |
Şekercioğlu ÇH, Loarie SR, Oviedo-Brenes F, Mendenhall CD, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Tropical countryside riparian corridors provide critical habitat and connectivity for seed-dispersing forest birds in a fragmented landscape Journal of Ornithology. 156: 343-353. DOI: 10.1007/S10336-015-1299-X |
0.718 |
2014 |
Ehrlich PR. Conservation biology and the endarkenment. Ambio. 43: 847-8. PMID 25238979 DOI: 10.1007/S13280-014-0551-6 |
0.432 |
2014 |
Bonebrake TC, Boggs CL, Stamberger JA, Deutsch CA, Ehrlich PR. From global change to a butterfly flapping: biophysics and behaviour affect tropical climate change impacts. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 281. PMID 25165769 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2014.1264 |
0.628 |
2014 |
Troell M, Naylor RL, Metian M, Beveridge M, Tyedmers PH, Folke C, Arrow KJ, Barrett S, Crépin AS, Ehrlich PR, Gren A, Kautsky N, Levin SA, Nyborg K, Österblom H, et al. Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 13257-63. PMID 25136111 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1404067111 |
0.53 |
2014 |
He Q, Bertness MD, Bruno JF, Li B, Chen G, Coverdale TC, Altieri AH, Bai J, Sun T, Pennings SC, Liu J, Ehrlich PR, Cui B. Economic development and coastal ecosystem change in China. Scientific Reports. 4: 5995. PMID 25104138 DOI: 10.1038/Srep05995 |
0.372 |
2014 |
Mendenhall CD, Frishkoff LO, Santos-Barrera G, Pacheco J, Mesfun E, Mendoza Quijano F, Ehrlich PR, Ceballos G, Daily GC, Pringle RM. Countryside biogeography of Neotropical reptiles and amphibians. Ecology. 95: 856-70. PMID 24933806 DOI: 10.1890/12-2017.1 |
0.796 |
2014 |
Ehrlich PR. Human impact: The ethics of I=PAT Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics. 14: 11-18. DOI: 10.3354/Esep00151 |
0.344 |
2014 |
Pacheco J, Ceballos G, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Suzán G, Rodríguez-Herrera B, Marcé E. Diversidad, historia natural y conservación de los mamíferos de San Vito de Coto Brus, Costa Rica Revista De Biología Tropical. 54: 219. DOI: 10.15517/Rbt.V54I1.13998 |
0.628 |
2014 |
Barnosky AD, Brown JH, Daily GC, Dirzo R, Ehrlich AH, Ehrlich PR, Eronen JT, Fortelius M, Hadly EA, Leopold EB, Mooney HA, Myers JP, Naylor RL, Palumbi S, Stenseth NC, et al. Introducing theScientific Consensus on Maintaining Humanity’s Life Support Systems in the 21st Century: Information for Policy Makers The Anthropocene Review. 1: 78-109. DOI: 10.1177/2053019613516290 |
0.607 |
2014 |
Pyke GH, Ehrlich PR. Conservation and the holy grail: The story of the night parrot Pacific Conservation Biology. 20: 221-226. DOI: 10.1071/Pc140221 |
0.441 |
2014 |
Barrett S, Lenton TM, Millner A, Tavoni A, Carpenter S, Anderies JM, Chapin FS, Crépin AS, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Folke C, Galaz V, Hughes T, Kautsky N, Lambin EF, et al. Climate engineering reconsidered Nature Climate Change. 4: 527-529. DOI: 10.1038/Nclimate2278 |
0.641 |
2013 |
Kinzig AP, Ehrlich PR, Alston LJ, Arrow K, Barrett S, Buchman TG, Daily GC, Levin B, Levin S, Oppenheimer M, Ostrom E, Saari D. Social Norms and Global Environmental Challenges: The Complex Interaction of Behaviors, Values, and Policy. Bioscience. 63: 164-175. PMID 25143635 DOI: 10.1525/Bio.2013.63.3.5 |
0.701 |
2013 |
Karp DS, Mendenhall CD, Sandà RF, Chaumont N, Ehrlich PR, Hadly EA, Daily GC. Forest bolsters bird abundance, pest control and coffee yield. Ecology Letters. 16: 1339-47. PMID 23981013 DOI: 10.1111/Ele.12173 |
0.805 |
2013 |
Dasgupta PS, Ehrlich PR. Pervasive externalities at the population, consumption, and environment nexus. Science (New York, N.Y.). 340: 324-8. PMID 23599486 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1224664 |
0.385 |
2013 |
Levin S, Xepapadeas T, Crépin AS, Norberg J, De Zeeuw A, Folke C, Hughes T, Arrow K, Barrett S, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Kautsky N, Mäler KG, Polasky S, Troell M, et al. Social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems: Modeling and policy implications Environment and Development Economics. 18: 111-132. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X12000460 |
0.699 |
2012 |
Karp DS, Rominger AJ, Zook J, Ranganathan J, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Intensive agriculture erodes β-diversity at large scales. Ecology Letters. 15: 963-70. PMID 22727063 DOI: 10.1111/J.1461-0248.2012.01815.X |
0.807 |
2012 |
Ehrlich PR, Kareiva PM, Daily GC. Securing natural capital and expanding equity to rescale civilization. Nature. 486: 68-73. PMID 22678281 DOI: 10.1038/Nature11157 |
0.692 |
2012 |
Giam X, Scheffers BR, Sodhi NS, Wilcove DS, Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR. Reservoirs of richness: least disturbed tropical forests are centres of undescribed species diversity. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 279: 67-76. PMID 21593037 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2011.0433 |
0.412 |
2012 |
Fischer J, Dyball R, Fazey I, Gross C, Dovers S, Ehrlich PR, Brulle RJ, Christensen C, Borden RJ. Human behavior and sustainability Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10: 153-160. DOI: 10.1890/110079 |
0.324 |
2012 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Solving the human predicament International Journal of Environmental Studies. 69: 557-565. DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2012.693281 |
0.362 |
2012 |
Pompa S, Ehrlich PR, Ceballos G. Reply to Wiersma and Nudds: Despite constraints, our approach still best available Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: E289. DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1119266109 |
0.353 |
2012 |
Mendenhall CD, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Improving estimates of biodiversity loss Biological Conservation. 151: 32-34. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biocon.2012.01.069 |
0.726 |
2011 |
Karp DS, Ziv G, Zook J, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Resilience and stability in bird guilds across tropical countryside. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 21134-9. PMID 22160726 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1118276108 |
0.805 |
2011 |
Mendenhall CD, Sekercioglu CH, Brenes FO, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Predictive model for sustaining biodiversity in tropical countryside. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 16313-6. PMID 21911396 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1111687108 |
0.812 |
2011 |
Pompa S, Ehrlich PR, Ceballos G. Global distribution and conservation of marine mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 13600-5. PMID 21808012 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1101525108 |
0.387 |
2011 |
Hobbs RJ, Hallett LM, Ehrlich PR, Mooney HA. Intervention ecology: Applying ecological science in the twenty-first century Bioscience. 61: 442-450. DOI: 10.1525/Bio.2011.61.6.6 |
0.36 |
2011 |
Bonebrake TC, Navratil RT, Boggs CL, Fendorf S, Field CB, Ehrlich PR. Native and Non-Native Community Assembly through Edaphic Manipulation: Implications for Habitat Creation and Restoration Restoration Ecology. 19: 709-716. DOI: 10.1111/J.1526-100X.2010.00768.X |
0.607 |
2011 |
Ehrlich PR. A personal view: environmental education—its content and delivery Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 1: 6-13. DOI: 10.1007/S13412-011-0006-3 |
0.331 |
2010 |
Ehrlich PR. Retrospective. Stephen Schneider (1945-2010). Science (New York, N.Y.). 329: 776. PMID 20705843 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1195502 |
0.345 |
2010 |
Gleick PH, Adams RM, Amasino RM, Anders E, Anderson DJ, Anderson WW, Anselin LE, Arroyo MK, Asfaw B, Ayala FJ, Bax A, Bebbington AJ, Bell G, Bennett MV, Bennetzen JL, ... ... Ehrlich PR, et al. Climate change and the integrity of science. Science (New York, N.Y.). 328: 689-90. PMID 20448167 DOI: 10.1126/Science.328.5979.689 |
0.766 |
2010 |
Beattie A, Ehrlich P. The missing link in biodiversity conservation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 328: 307-8. PMID 20395493 DOI: 10.1126/Science.328.5976.307-C |
0.333 |
2010 |
Pyke GH, Ehrlich PR. Biological collections and ecological/environmental research: a review, some observations and a look to the future. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 85: 247-66. PMID 19961469 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-185X.2009.00098.X |
0.393 |
2010 |
Bonebrake TC, Christensen J, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR. Population decline assessment, historical baselines, and conservation Conservation Letters. 3: 371-378. DOI: 10.1111/J.1755-263X.2010.00139.X |
0.645 |
2010 |
Bonebrake TC, Boggs CL, McNally JM, Ranganathan J, Ehrlich PR. Oviposition behavior and offspring performance in herbivorous insects: Consequences of climatic and habitat heterogeneity Oikos. 119: 927-934. DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0706.2009.17759.X |
0.787 |
2010 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. The culture gap and its needed closures International Journal of Environmental Studies. 67: 481-492. DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2010.510825 |
0.326 |
2010 |
Bonebrake TC, Ponisio LC, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR. More than just indicators: A review of tropical butterfly ecology and conservation Biological Conservation. 143: 1831-1841. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biocon.2010.04.044 |
0.705 |
2010 |
Sodhi NS, Lee TM, Sekercioglu CH, Webb EL, Prawiradilaga DM, Lohman DJ, Pierce NE, Diesmos AC, Rao M, Ehrlich PR. Local people value environmental services provided by forested parks Biodiversity and Conservation. 19: 1175-1188. DOI: 10.1007/S10531-009-9745-9 |
0.797 |
2009 |
Walker B, Barrett S, Polasky S, Galaz V, Folke C, Engström G, Ackerman F, Arrow K, Carpenter S, Chopra K, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Hughes T, Kautsky N, Levin S, et al. Environment. Looming global-scale failures and missing institutions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 325: 1345-6. PMID 19745137 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1175325 |
0.707 |
2009 |
Ehrlich PR. Cultural evolution and the human predicament. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 24: 409-12. PMID 19577322 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tree.2009.03.015 |
0.3 |
2009 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR. Discoveries of new mammal species and their implications for conservation and ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 3841-6. PMID 19228946 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0812419106 |
0.405 |
2009 |
Moore SA, Wallington TJ, Hobbs RJ, Ehrlich PR, Holling CS, Levin S, Lindenmayer D, Pahl-Wostl C, Possingham H, Turner MG, Westoby M. Diversity in current ecological thinking: implications for environmental management. Environmental Management. 43: 17-27. PMID 18709471 DOI: 10.1007/S00267-008-9187-2 |
0.53 |
2009 |
Fischer J, Brosi B, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Goldman R, Goldstein J, Lindenmayer DB, Manning AD, Mooney HA, Pejchar L, Ranganathan J, Tallis H. Fostering constructive debate: A reply to Chappell et al. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 7: 184. DOI: 10.1890/09.Wb.012 |
0.739 |
2009 |
Ehrlich PR. Population, Environment, War, and Racism: Adventures of a Public Scholar Practising Public Scholarship: Experiences and Possibilities Beyond the Academy. 36-41. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-8330.2008.00604.X |
0.314 |
2009 |
Ranganathan J, Daniels RJR, Chandran MDS, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Reply to Sridhar: Agricultural landscapes remain an essential front for biodiversity conservation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: E35. DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0901856106 |
0.814 |
2009 |
Ehrlich PR, Recher HF. The future of conservation in Polynesia Pacific Conservation Biology. 15: 2-3. DOI: 10.1071/Pc090002 |
0.355 |
2009 |
Ehrlich P, Ehrlich A. Paul Ehrlich: Population, development and the poor New Scientist. 203: 36-37. DOI: 10.1016/S0262-4079(09)62565-3 |
0.303 |
2009 |
Ehrlich PR. Ecoethics: Now central to all ethics Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 6: 417-436. DOI: 10.1007/S11673-009-9197-7 |
0.336 |
2008 |
Santos-Barrera G, Pacheco J, Mendoza-Quijano F, Bolaños F, Cháves G, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Ceballos G. Diversity, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles from the San Vito Region, southwestern Costa Rica. Revista De Biologãa Tropical. 56: 755-78. PMID 19256442 DOI: 10.15517/Rbt.V56I2.5622 |
0.719 |
2008 |
Ranganathan J, Daniels RJ, Chandran MD, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Sustaining biodiversity in ancient tropical countryside. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 17852-4. PMID 18981411 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0808874105 |
0.826 |
2008 |
Ehrlich PR, Pringle RM. Colloquium paper: where does biodiversity go from here? A grim business-as-usual forecast and a hopeful portfolio of partial solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 11579-86. PMID 18695214 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0801911105 |
0.678 |
2008 |
Carwardine J, Wilson KA, Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR, Naidoo R, Iwamura T, Hajkowicz SA, Possingham HP. Cost-effective priorities for global mammal conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 11446-50. PMID 18678892 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0707157105 |
0.337 |
2008 |
Fischer J, Brosi B, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Goldman R, Goldstein J, Lindenmayer DB, Manning AD, Mooney HA, Pejchar L, Ranganathan J, Tallis H. Should agricultural policies encourage land sparing or wildlife-friendly farming? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6: 380-385. DOI: 10.1890/070019 |
0.799 |
2008 |
Ehrlich PR. Demography and policy: A view from outside the discipline Population and Development Review. 34: 103-113. DOI: 10.1111/J.1728-4457.2008.00207.X |
0.384 |
2008 |
Ehrlich PR. Key issues for attention from ecological economists Environment and Development Economics. 13: 1-20. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X07004019 |
0.366 |
2008 |
Ehrlich PR. Evolution, ecology and terrorism Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 23: 599-600. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tree.2008.07.004 |
0.347 |
2008 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Nature's economy and the human economy Environmental and Resource Economics. 39: 9-16. DOI: 10.1007/S10640-007-9177-5 |
0.366 |
2008 |
Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR. Conservation of coevolved insect herbivores and plants Specialization, Speciation, and Radiation: the Evolutionary Biology of Herbivorous Insects. 325-332. |
0.529 |
2007 |
Armsworth PR, Chan KM, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Kremen C, Ricketts TH, Sanjayan MA. Ecosystem-service science and the way forward for conservation. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 21: 1383-4. PMID 18173455 DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2007.00821.X |
0.767 |
2007 |
Ehrlich PR, Goulder LH. Is current consumption excessive? A general framework and some indications for the United States. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 21: 1145-54. PMID 17883480 DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2007.00779.X |
0.356 |
2007 |
Brosi BJ, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Bee community shifts with landscape context in a tropical countryside. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 17: 418-30. PMID 17489249 DOI: 10.1890/06-0029 |
0.806 |
2007 |
Sekercioglu CH, Loarie SR, Oviedo Brenes F, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Persistence of forest birds in the Costa Rican agricultural countryside. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 21: 482-94. PMID 17391198 DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2007.00655.X |
0.816 |
2007 |
Chan KM, Pringle RM, Ranganathan J, Boggs CL, Chan YL, Ehrlich PR, Haff PK, Heller NE, Al-Khafaji K, Macmynowski DP. When agendas collide: human welfare and biological conservation. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 21: 59-68. PMID 17298511 DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2006.00570.X |
0.794 |
2007 |
Goehring DM, Daily GC, Dasgupta S, Ehrlich PR. Range occupancy and endangerment: A test with a butterfly community American Midland Naturalist. 157: 106-120. DOI: 10.1674/0003-0031(2007)157[106:Roaeat]2.0.Co;2 |
0.692 |
2007 |
Arrow KJ, Daily G, Dasgupta P, Ehrlich P, Goulder L, Heal G, Levin S, Mäler KG, Schneider S, Starrett D, Walker B. Consumption, investment, and future well-being: Reply to Daly et al Conservation Biology. 21: 1363-1365. DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2007.00783.X |
0.673 |
2007 |
Ehrlich PR. Urban Countryside Biogeography: A decade of comparing the avifauna of a Sydney suburb and reserve Pacific Conservation Biology. 13: 69-73. DOI: 10.1071/Pc070069 |
0.307 |
2006 |
Pacheco J, Ceballos G, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Suzán G, RodrÃguez-Herrera B, Marcé E. [Diversity, natural history and conservation of mammals from San Vito de Coto Brus, Costa Rica]. Revista De Biologãa Tropical. 54: 219-40. PMID 18457190 |
0.682 |
2006 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR. Global mammal distributions, biodiversity hotspots, and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 19374-9. PMID 17164331 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0609334103 |
0.375 |
2006 |
Pimm S, Raven P, Peterson A, Sekercioglu CH, Ehrlich PR. Human impacts on the rates of recent, present, and future bird extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 10941-6. PMID 16829570 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0604181103 |
0.801 |
2006 |
Boggs CL, Holdren CE, Kulahci IG, Bonebrake TC, Inouye BD, Fay JP, McMillan A, Williams EH, Ehrlich PR. Delayed population explosion of an introduced butterfly. The Journal of Animal Ecology. 75: 466-75. PMID 16637999 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2656.2006.01067.X |
0.652 |
2006 |
Sterner T, Troell M, Vincent J, Aniyar S, Barrett S, Brock W, Carpenter S, Chopra K, Ehrlich P, Hoel M, Levin S, Mäler KG, Norberg J, Pihl L, Söderqvist T, et al. Quick fixes for the environment: Part of the solution or part of the problem? Environment. 48: 20-27. DOI: 10.3200/Envt.48.10.20-27 |
0.41 |
2005 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR, Soberón J, Salazar I, Fay JP. Global mammal conservation: what must we manage? Science (New York, N.Y.). 309: 603-7. PMID 16040704 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1114015 |
0.431 |
2005 |
Ehrlich PR, Kennedy D. Sustainability. Millennium assessment of human behavior. Science (New York, N.Y.). 309: 562-3. PMID 16040693 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1113028 |
0.319 |
2005 |
Ehrlich PR, Levin SA. The evolution of norms. Plos Biology. 3: e194. PMID 15941355 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.0030194 |
0.437 |
2005 |
Maass JM, Balvanera P, Castillo A, Daily GC, Mooney HA, Ehrlich P, Quesada M, Miranda A, Jaramillo VJ, García-Oliva F, Martínez-Yrizar A, Cotler H, López-Blanco J, Pérez-Jiménez A, Búrquez A, et al. Ecosystem services of tropical dry forests: Insights from long-term ecological and social research on the Pacific Coast of Mexico Ecology and Society. 10. DOI: 10.5751/Es-01219-100117 |
0.688 |
2005 |
Maass JM, Balvanera P, Castillo A, Daily GC, Mooney HA, Ehrlich P, Quesada M, Miranda A, Jaramillo VJ, García-Oliva F, Martínez-Yrizar A, Cotler H, López-Blanco J, Pérez-Jiménez A, Búrquez A, et al. Ecosystem Services of Tropical Dry Forests: Insights from Long-term Ecological and Social Research on the Pacific Coast of Mexico Ecology and Society. 10. DOI: 10.5751/ES-01219-100117 |
0.661 |
2004 |
Sekercioğlu CH, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Ecosystem consequences of bird declines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 18042-7. PMID 15601765 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0408049101 |
0.808 |
2004 |
Ricketts TH, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Michener CD. Economic value of tropical forest to coffee production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 12579-82. PMID 15306689 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0405147101 |
0.816 |
2004 |
Arrow K, Dasgupta P, Goulder L, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Heal G, Levin S, Mäler KG, Schneider S, Starrett D, Walker B. Are we consuming too much? Journal of Economic Perspectives. 18: 147-172. DOI: 10.1257/0895330042162377 |
0.709 |
2004 |
Heal G, Walker B, Levin S, Arrow K, Dasgupta P, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Maler KG, Kautsky N, Lubchenco J, Schneider S, Starrett D. Genetic diversity and interdependent crop choices in agriculture Resource and Energy Economics. 26: 175-184. DOI: 10.1016/J.Reseneeco.2003.11.006 |
0.709 |
2003 |
Kinzig A, Starrett D, Arrow K, Aniyar S, Bolin B, Dasgupta P, Ehrlich P, Folke C, Hanemann M, Heal G, Hoel M, Jansson A, Jansson BO, Kautsky N, Levin S, et al. Coping with uncertainty: a call for a new science-policy forum. Ambio. 32: 330-5. PMID 14571961 DOI: 10.1579/0044-7447-32.5.330 |
0.4 |
2003 |
Liu J, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Luck GW. Effects of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity. Nature. 421: 530-3. PMID 12540852 DOI: 10.1038/Nature01359 |
0.699 |
2003 |
Ehrlich PR. Bioethics: Are Our Priorities Right? Bioscience. 53: 1207-1216. DOI: 10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053[1207:Baopr]2.0.Co;2 |
0.325 |
2003 |
Horner-Devine MC, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Boggs CL. Countryside biogeography of tropical butterflies Conservation Biology. 17: 168-177. DOI: 10.1046/J.1523-1739.2003.01310.X |
0.8 |
2003 |
Hellmann JJ, Weiss SB, McLaughlin JF, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR, Launer AE, Murphy DD. Do hypotheses from short-term studies hold in the long-term? An empirical test Ecological Entomology. 28: 74-84. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2311.2003.00484.X |
0.622 |
2003 |
Luck GW, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Population diversity and ecosystem services Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18: 331-336. DOI: 10.1016/S0169-5347(03)00100-9 |
0.712 |
2003 |
Ehrlich PR. The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World Ecological Economics. 46: 512-513. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecolecon.2003.07.006 |
0.345 |
2002 |
McLaughlin JF, Hellmann JJ, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR. The route to extinction: population dynamics of a threatened butterfly. Oecologia. 132: 538-548. PMID 28547640 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-002-0997-2 |
0.65 |
2002 |
Ceballos G, Ehrlich PR. Mammal population losses and the extinction crisis. Science (New York, N.Y.). 296: 904-7. PMID 11988573 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1069349 |
0.421 |
2002 |
McLaughlin JF, Hellmann JJ, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR. Climate change hastens population extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99: 6070-4. PMID 11972020 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.052131199 |
0.662 |
2002 |
Sekercioglu CH, Ehrlich PR, Daily GC, Aygen D, Goehring D, Sandi RF. Disappearance of insectivorous birds from tropical forest fragments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99: 263-7. PMID 11782549 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.012616199 |
0.812 |
2002 |
Ehrlich PR. Human natures, nature conservation, and environmental ethics Bioscience. 52: 31-43. DOI: 10.1641/0006-3568(2002)052[0031:Hnncae]2.0.Co;2 |
0.32 |
2002 |
Hughes JB, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Conservation of tropical forest birds in countryside habitats Ecology Letters. 5: 121-129. DOI: 10.1046/J.1461-0248.2002.00294.X |
0.735 |
2002 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population, development, and human natures Environment and Development Economics. 7: 158-170. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X02000104 |
0.403 |
2002 |
Ehrlich PR. The brownlash rides again Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 17: 51. DOI: 10.1016/S0169-5347(01)02379-5 |
0.432 |
2002 |
Ricketts TH, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Does butterfly diversity predict moth diversity? Testing a popular indicator taxon at local scales Biological Conservation. 103: 361-370. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3207(01)00147-1 |
0.785 |
2002 |
McLaughlin JF, Hellmann JJ, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR. The route to extinction: Population dynamics of a threatened butterfly Oecologia. 132: 538-548. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-002-0997-2 |
0.568 |
2001 |
Balvanera P, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Ricketts TH, Bailey SA, Kark C, Pereira H. Conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services. Science (New York, N.Y.). 291: 2047. PMID 11256386 DOI: 10.1126/Science.291.5511.2047 |
0.777 |
2001 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Sánchez-Azofeifa GA. Countryside biogeography: Use of human-dominated habitats by the avifauna of southern Costa Rica Ecological Applications. 11: 1-13. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(2001)011[0001:Cbuohd]2.0.Co;2 |
0.74 |
2001 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Sánchez-Azofeifa GA. COUNTRYSIDE BIOGEOGRAPHY: USE OF HUMAN-DOMINATED HABITATS BY THE AVIFAUNA OF SOUTHERN COSTA RICA Ecological Applications. 11: 1-13. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(2001)011[0001:CBUOHD]2.0.CO;2 |
0.665 |
2001 |
Ricketts TH, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Fay JP. Countryside biogeography of moths in a fragmented landscape: Biodiversity in native and agricultural habitats Conservation Biology. 15: 378-388. DOI: 10.1046/J.1523-1739.2001.015002378.X |
0.796 |
2000 |
Daily GC, Söderqvist T, Aniyar S, Arrow K, Dasgupta P, Ehrlich PR, Folke C, Jansson A, Jansson B, Kautsky N, Levin S, Lubchenco J, Mäler KG, Simpson D, Starrett D, et al. Ecology. The value of nature and the nature of value. Science (New York, N.Y.). 289: 395-6. PMID 10939949 DOI: 10.1126/Science.289.5478.395 |
0.723 |
2000 |
Kremen C, Niles JO, Dalton MG, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Fay JP, Grewal D, Guillery RP. Economic incentives for rain forest conservation across scales. Science (New York, N.Y.). 288: 1828-32. PMID 10846165 DOI: 10.1126/Science.288.5472.1828 |
0.694 |
2000 |
Ehrlich PR. Evolution of an advocate. Science (New York, N.Y.). 287: 2159. PMID 10744533 DOI: 10.1126/Science.287.5461.2159C |
0.307 |
2000 |
Hughes JB, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Conservation of insect diversity: A habitat approach Conservation Biology. 14: 1788-1797. DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2000.99187.X |
0.692 |
2000 |
Hughes JB, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Conservation of Insect Diversity: a Habitat Approach Conservation Biology. 14: 1788-1797. DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.2000.99187.X |
0.669 |
1999 |
Fleishman E, Wolff GH, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR, Launer AE, Niles JO, Ricketts TH. Conservation in practice: Overcoming obstacles to implementation Conservation Biology. 13: 450-452. DOI: 10.1046/J.1523-1739.1999.013002450.X |
0.744 |
1999 |
Holl KD, Daily GC, Daily SC, Ehrlich PR, Bassin S. Knowledge of and attitudes toward population growth and the environment: University students in Costa Rica and the United States Environmental Conservation. 26: 66-74. DOI: 10.1017/S0376892999000107 |
0.752 |
1999 |
Ehrlich PR, Wolff G, Daily GC, Hughes JB, Daily S, Dalton M, Goulder L. Knowledge and the environment Ecological Economics. 30: 267-284. DOI: 10.1016/S0921-8009(98)00130-X |
0.672 |
1999 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Managing Earth's ecosystems: An interdisciplinary challenge Ecosystems. 2: 277-280. DOI: 10.1007/S100219900075 |
0.685 |
1998 |
Daily G, Dasgupta P, Bolin B, Crosson P, du Guerny J, Ehrlich P, Folke C, Jansson AM, Jansson B, Kautsky N, Kinzig A, Levin S, Mäler KG, Pinstrup-Andersen P, Siniscalco D, et al. Food production, population growth, and the environment. Science (New York, N.Y.). 281: 1291-2. PMID 9735046 DOI: 10.1126/Science.281.5381.1291 |
0.725 |
1998 |
Tilman D, Ehrlich PR. The Essence and Ethics of Ecology and Conservation@@@A World of Wounds: Ecologists and the Human Dilemma Ecology. 79: 1118. DOI: 10.2307/176608 |
0.314 |
1998 |
LEVIN SA, BARRETT S, ANIYAR S, BAUMOL W, BLISS C, BOLIN B, DASGUPTA P, EHRLICH P, FOLKE C, GREN I, HOLLING C, JANSSON A, JANSSON B, MÄLER K, MARTIN D, et al. Resilience in natural and socioeconomic systems Environment and Development Economics. 3: 221-262. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X98240125 |
0.455 |
1997 |
Hughes JB, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Population diversity: its extent and extinction. Science (New York, N.Y.). 278: 689-92. PMID 9381179 DOI: 10.1126/Science.278.5338.689 |
0.71 |
1997 |
Sisk TD, Haddad NM, Ehrlich PR. Bird assemblages in patchy woodlands: Modeling the effects of edge and matrix habitats Ecological Applications. 7: 1170-1180. DOI: 10.1890/1051-0761(1997)007[1170:Baipwm]2.0.Co;2 |
0.396 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Nocturnality and species survival. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93: 11709-12. PMID 8876201 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.93.21.11709 |
0.707 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Socioeconomic Equity, Sustainability, and Earth's Carrying Capacity Ecological Applications. 6: 991-1001. DOI: 10.2307/2269582 |
0.605 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Alberti M. Managing earth's life support systems: the game, the players, and getting everyone to play Ecological Applications. 6: 19-21. DOI: 10.2307/2269542 |
0.636 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Alberti M. Managing Earth's Life Support Systems: The Game, the Players, and Getting Everyone to Play Ecological Applications. 6: 19-21. DOI: 10.2307/2269542 |
0.606 |
1996 |
Keyfitz N, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH, Daily GC. The Stork and the Plow: The Equity Answer to the Human Dilemma. Population and Development Review. 22: 157. DOI: 10.2307/2137693 |
0.605 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Global change and human susceptibility to disease Annual Review of Energy and the Environment. 21: 125-144. DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Energy.21.1.125 |
0.682 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. GLOBAL CHANGE AND HUMAN SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISEASE Annual Review of Energy and the Environment. 21: 125-144. DOI: 10.1146/ |
0.608 |
1996 |
Postel SL, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Human appropriation of renewable fresh water Science. 271: 785-788. DOI: 10.1126/Science.271.5250.785 |
0.685 |
1996 |
Postel SL, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Human Appropriation of Renewable Fresh Water Science. 271: 785-788. DOI: 10.1126/science.271.5250.785 |
0.593 |
1996 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Impacts of development and global change on the epidemiological environment Environment and Development Economics. 1: 311-346. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X00000656 |
0.687 |
1996 |
Ehrlich PR. Conservation in temperate forests: What do we need to know and do? Forest Ecology and Management. 85: 9-19. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1127(96)03746-2 |
0.479 |
1995 |
Myers N, Sisk TD, Launer AE, Switky KR, Ehrlich PR. Reassessing Threats to Biodiversity: Two Replies Bioscience. 45: 379-380. DOI: 10.2307/1312714 |
0.404 |
1995 |
Britten HB, Brussard PF, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR. A test for isolation-by-distance in central Rocky Mountain and Great Basin populations of Edith's checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha) Journal of Heredity. 86: 204-210. DOI: 10.1093/Oxfordjournals.Jhered.A111563 |
0.62 |
1995 |
Holl KD, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Knowledge and perceptions in Costa Rica regarding environment, population, and biodiversity issues Conservation Biology. 9: 1548-1558. DOI: 10.1046/J.1523-1739.1995.09061548.X |
0.75 |
1995 |
Dwyer LE, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR. Property rights case law and the challenge to the Endangered Species Act Conservation Biology. 9: 725-741. DOI: 10.1046/J.1523-1739.1995.09040725.X |
0.304 |
1995 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich AH, Ehrlich PR. Response to Bartlett and Lytwak (1995): Population and immigration policy in the United States Population and Environment. 16: 521-526. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02208560 |
0.658 |
1995 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Preservation of biodiversity in small rainforest patches: rapid evaluations using butterfly trapping Biodiversity and Conservation. 4: 35-55. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00115313 |
0.718 |
1994 |
Cushman JH, Boggs CL, Weiss SB, Murphy DD, Harvey AW, Ehrlich PR. Estimating female reproductive success of a threatened butterfly: influence of emergence time and hostplant phenology. Oecologia. 99: 194-200. PMID 28313966 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00317101 |
0.588 |
1994 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Influence of social status on individual foraging and community structure in a bird guild. Oecologia. 100: 153-165. PMID 28307039 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00317142 |
0.706 |
1994 |
Ehrlich PR. Enhancing the status of population biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 9: 157. PMID 21236805 DOI: 10.1016/0169-5347(94)90196-1 |
0.302 |
1994 |
Sisk TD, Launer AE, Switky KR, Ehrlich PR. Identifying extinction threats. Global analyses of the distribution of biodiversity and the expansion of the human enterprise Bioscience. 44: 592-604. DOI: 10.2307/1312459 |
0.34 |
1994 |
Ehrlich PR. Energy use and biodiversity loss Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society of London, B. 344: 99-104. DOI: 10.1098/Rstb.1994.0057 |
0.32 |
1994 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. A Controversial Analysis of Population IssuesLiving Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos.Garrett Hardin The Quarterly Review of Biology. 69: 237-240. DOI: 10.1086/418543 |
0.683 |
1994 |
Sparrow HR, Sisk TD, Ehrlich PR, Murphy DD. Techniques and guidelines for monitoring neotropical butterflies Conservation Biology. 8: 800-809. DOI: 10.1046/J.1523-1739.1994.08030800.X |
0.336 |
1994 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich AH, Ehrlich PR. Optimum human population size Population and Environment. 15: 469-475. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02211719 |
0.697 |
1994 |
Cushman JH, Boggs CL, Weiss SB, Murphy DD, Harvey AW, Ehrlich PR. Estimating female reproductive success of a threatened butterfly: influence of emergence time and hostplant phenology Oecologia. 99: 194-200. DOI: 10.1007/BF00317101 |
0.53 |
1993 |
Weiss SB, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR, Metzler CF. Adult emergence phenology in checkerspot butterflies: the effects of macroclimate, topoclimate, and population history. Oecologia. 96: 261-270. PMID 28313423 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00317740 |
0.352 |
1993 |
Ehrlich PR, Daily GC. Science and the Management of Natural Resources. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 3: 558-560. PMID 27759308 DOI: 10.2307/1942078 |
0.649 |
1993 |
Holl KD, Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. The fertility plateau in Costa Rica: a review of causes and remedies. Environmental Conservation. 20: 317-23. PMID 12290839 DOI: 10.1017/S037689290002350X |
0.749 |
1993 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Haddad NM. Double keystone bird in a keystone species complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90: 592-4. PMID 11607351 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.90.2.592 |
0.683 |
1993 |
Hunter WC, Ehrlich PR, Dobkin DS, Wheye D. Birds in Jeopardy: The Imperiled and Extinct Birds of the United States and Canada, Including Hawaii and Puerto Rico The Journal of Wildlife Management. 57: 938. DOI: 10.2307/3809104 |
0.314 |
1993 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH, Daily GC. Food security, population, and environment Population & Development Review. 19: 1-32. DOI: 10.2307/2938383 |
0.672 |
1993 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH, Daily GC. Food Security, Population and Environment Population and Development Review. 19: 1. DOI: 10.2307/2938383 |
0.624 |
1992 |
Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR. The Challenges of Conservation Biology. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2: 1-2. PMID 27759191 DOI: 10.2307/1941884 |
0.62 |
1992 |
Ehrlich PR. Population biology of checkerspot butterflies and the preservation of global biodiversity Oikos. 63: 6-12. DOI: 10.2307/3545510 |
0.424 |
1992 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. Population, Sustainability, and Earth's Carrying Capacity Bioscience. 42: 761-771. DOI: 10.2307/1311995 |
0.642 |
1992 |
Ehrlich P. Environmental deterioration, biodiversity and the preservation of civilisation The Environmentalist. 12: 9-14. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01267591 |
0.334 |
1991 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Wheye D. Determinants of spatial distribution in a population of the subalpine butterfly Oeneis chryxus. Oecologia. 88: 587-596. PMID 28312631 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00317724 |
0.655 |
1991 |
Ehrlich PR, Wilson E. Biodiversity studies: science and policy. Science (New York, N.Y.). 253: 758-62. PMID 17835492 DOI: 10.1126/Science.253.5021.758 |
0.399 |
1991 |
Ehrlich PR. Population diversity and the future of ecosystems. Science (New York, N.Y.). 254: 175. PMID 17787959 DOI: 10.1126/Science.254.5029.175 |
0.389 |
1991 |
Espenshade TJ, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. The Population Explosion. Population and Development Review. 17: 331. DOI: 10.2307/1973735 |
0.361 |
1991 |
Harrison S, Quinn JF, Baughman JF, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR. Estimating the effects of scientific study on two butterfly populations American Naturalist. 137: 227-243. DOI: 10.1086/285155 |
0.511 |
1991 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Mooney HA, Ehrlich AH. Greenhouse economics: learn before you leap Ecological Economics. 4: 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/0921-8009(91)90002-V |
0.669 |
1991 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR, Mooney HA, Ehrlich AH. Greenhouse economics: learn before you leap Ecological Economics. 4: 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/0921-8009(91)90002-V |
0.586 |
1991 |
Ehrlich PR. We've run the test Population and Environment. 12: 189-191. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01357912 |
0.369 |
1990 |
Daily GC, Ehrlich PR. An exploratory model of the impact of rapid climate change on the world food situation. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 241: 232-44. PMID 1979448 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.1990.0091 |
0.661 |
1990 |
Baughman JF, Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR, Murphy DD. History, selection, drift, and gene flow: complex differentiation in checkerspot butterflies Canadian Journal of Zoology. 68: 1967-1975. DOI: 10.1139/Z90-277 |
0.633 |
1990 |
Holl K, Daily G, Ehrlich PR. Integrated pest management in Latin America Environmental Conservation. 17: 341-350. DOI: 10.1017/S0376892900032793 |
0.695 |
1990 |
Holl K, Daily G, Ehrlich PR. Integrated Pest Management in Latin America Environmental Conservation. 17: 341-350. DOI: 10.1017/S0376892900032793 |
0.755 |
1989 |
Brussard PF, Baughman JF, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR, Wright J. Complex population differentiation in checkerspot butterflies (Euphydryas spp.) Canadian Journal of Zoology. 67: 330-335. DOI: 10.1139/Z89-048 |
0.651 |
1989 |
Ehrlich PR. The limits to substitution: Meta-resource depletion and a new economic-ecological paradigm Ecological Economics. 1: 9-16. DOI: 10.1016/0921-8009(89)90021-9 |
0.304 |
1988 |
Harrison S, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR. Distribution of the bay checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha bayensis: evidence for a metapopulation model American Naturalist. 132: 360-382. DOI: 10.1086/284858 |
0.529 |
1987 |
Johnson ND, Williams KS, Ehrlich PR. Effects of chemical fertilization of Diplacus aurantiacus on the development and persistence of the postdiapause larvae of its lepidopteran herbivore Euphydryas chalcedona American Midland Naturalist. 117: 435-438. DOI: 10.2307/2425986 |
0.606 |
1987 |
EHRLICH PR, MURPHY DD. Conservation Lessons from Long-Term Studies of Checkerspot Butterflies Conservation Biology. 1: 122-131. DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-1739.1987.Tb00021.X |
0.409 |
1987 |
Ehrlich PR. AIBS News: Population biology, conservation biology, and the future of humanity Bioscience. 37: 757-763. DOI: 10.1093/Bioscience/37.10.757 |
0.34 |
1987 |
Dobkin DS, Olivieri I, Ehrlich PR. Rainfall and the interaction of microclimate with larval resources in the population dynamics of checkerspot butterflies (Euphydryas editha) inhabiting serpentine grassland Oecologia. 71: 161-166. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00377280 |
0.32 |
1986 |
Wilcox BA, Murphy DD, Ehrlich PR, Austin GT. Insular biogeography of the montane butterfly faunas in the Great Basin: comparison with birds and mammals. Oecologia. 69: 188-194. PMID 28311357 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00377620 |
0.401 |
1986 |
Vitousek PM, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH, Matson PA. Human Appropriation of the Products of Photosynthesis Bioscience. 36: 368-373. DOI: 10.2307/1310258 |
0.359 |
1986 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. World population crisis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 42: 13-19. DOI: 10.1080/00963402.1986.11459351 |
0.377 |
1986 |
Murphy DD, Menninger MS, Ehrlich PR, Wilcox BA. Local population dynamics of adult butterflies and the conservation status of two closely related species Biological Conservation. 37: 201-223. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3207(86)90082-0 |
0.393 |
1985 |
Ehrlich PR. Human ecology for introductory biology courses: an overview American Zoologist. 25: 379-394. DOI: 10.1093/Icb/25.2.379 |
0.395 |
1983 |
Williams KS, Lincoln DE, Ehrlich PR. The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants : II. Maternal and host plant effects on larval growth, development, and food-use efficiency. Oecologia. 56: 330-335. PMID 28310212 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00379708 |
0.624 |
1983 |
Williams KS, Lincoln DE, Ehrlich PR. The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants : I. Larval feeding behavior and host plant chemistry. Oecologia. 56: 323-329. PMID 28310211 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00379707 |
0.61 |
1983 |
Ehrlich PR, Mooney HA. Extinction, Substitution, and Ecosystem Services Bioscience. 33: 248-254. DOI: 10.2307/1309037 |
0.331 |
1983 |
SINGER MC, DeVRIES PJ, EHRLICH PR. The Cissia confusa species-group in Costa Rica and Trinidad (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 79: 101-119. DOI: 10.1111/J.1096-3642.1983.Tb01162.X |
0.316 |
1982 |
Lincoln DE, Newton TS, Ehrlich PR, Williams KS. Coevolution of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas chalcedona and its larval food plant Diplacus aurantiacus: larval response to protein and leaf resin. Oecologia. 52: 216-223. PMID 28310511 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00363840 |
0.618 |
1982 |
Holdren CE, Ehrlich PR. Ecological determinants of food plant choice in the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha in Colorado. Oecologia. 52: 417-423. PMID 28310406 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00367970 |
0.317 |
1982 |
Ehrlich PR. Human Carrying Capacity, Extinctions, and Nature Reserves Bioscience. 32: 331-333. DOI: 10.2307/1308850 |
0.451 |
1981 |
Mooney HA, Williams KS, Lincoln DE, Ehrlich PR. Temporal and spatial variability in the interaction between the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona and its principal food source, the Californian shrub, Diplacus aurantiacus. Oecologia. 50: 195-198. PMID 28311087 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00348037 |
0.631 |
1981 |
Holdren CE, Ehrlich PR. Long range dispersal in checkerspot butterflies: Transplant experiments with Euphydryas gillettii. Oecologia. 50: 125-129. PMID 28310073 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00378805 |
0.379 |
1981 |
Eisner T, Eisner H, Meinwald J, Sagan C, Walcott C, Mayr E, Wilson EO, Raven PH, Ehrlich A, Ehrlich PR, Carr A, Odum EP, Gans C. Conservation of tropical forests. Science (New York, N.Y.). 213: 1314. PMID 17732553 DOI: 10.1126/Science.213.4514.1314 |
0.374 |
1981 |
Anderson GRV, Ehrlich AH, Ehrlich PR, Roughgarden JD, Russell BC, Talbot FH. The Community Structure of Coral Reef Fishes The American Naturalist. 117: 476-495. DOI: 10.1086/283729 |
0.301 |
1981 |
Ehrlich P, Ehrlich A. The politics of extinction Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 37: 26-30. DOI: 10.1080/00963402.1981.11458858 |
0.323 |
1980 |
Ehrlich PR, Murphy DD, Singer MC, Sherwood CB, White RR, Brown IL. Extinction, reduction, stability and increase: The responses of checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas) populations to the California drought. Oecologia. 46: 101-105. PMID 28310633 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00346973 |
0.361 |
1980 |
Mooney HA, Ehrlich PR, Lincoln DE, Williams KS. Environmental controls on the seasonality of a drought deciduous shrub, Diplacus aurantiacus and its predator, the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona. Oecologia. 45: 143-146. PMID 28309522 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00346452 |
0.621 |
1980 |
Brown IL, Ehrlich PR. Population biology of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona structure of the Jasper Ridge colony. Oecologia. 47: 239-251. PMID 28309478 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00346827 |
0.31 |
1980 |
Ehrlich PR, White RR. Colorado Checkerspot Butterflies: Isolation, Neutrality, and the Biospecies The American Naturalist. 115: 328-341. DOI: 10.1086/283564 |
0.315 |
1979 |
Cullenward MJ, Ehrlich PR, White RR, Holdren CE. The ecology and population genetics of an alpine checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas anicia. Oecologia. 38: 1-12. PMID 28309065 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00347819 |
0.321 |
1978 |
Davis DE, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH, Holden JP. Ecoscience: Population, Resources, and Environment The Journal of Wildlife Management. 42: 952. DOI: 10.2307/3800797 |
0.342 |
1976 |
Schrier RD, Cullenward MJ, Ehrlich PR, White RR. The structure and genetics of a montane population of the checkerspot butterfly, Chlosyne palla. Oecologia. 25: 279-289. PMID 28308873 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00345105 |
0.334 |
1975 |
Ehrlich PR, White RR, Singer MC, McKechnie SW, Gilbert LE. Checkerspot butterflies: a historical perspective. Science (New York, N.Y.). 188: 221-8. PMID 1118723 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1118723 |
0.573 |
1975 |
Ehrlich PR. The Population Biology of Coral Reef Fishes Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 6: 211-247. DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Es.06.110175.001235 |
0.371 |
1974 |
Sharp MA, Parks DR, Ehrlich PR. Plant Resources and Butterfly Habitat Selection Ecology. 55: 870-875. DOI: 10.2307/1934423 |
0.35 |
1974 |
Ehrlich PR. Human Population and Environmental Problems Environmental Conservation. 1: 15-20. DOI: 10.1017/S0376892900003817 |
0.421 |
1973 |
Dolinger PM, Ehrlich PR, Fitch WL, Breedlove DE. Alkaloid and predation patterns in colorado lupine populations. Oecologia. 13: 191-204. PMID 28308576 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00360510 |
0.308 |
1973 |
Ehrlich PR, Gilbert LE. Population Structure and Dynamics of the Tropical Butterfly Heliconius ethilla Biotropica. 5: 69. DOI: 10.2307/2989656 |
0.659 |
1973 |
Conway GR, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population, Resources, Environment: Issues in Human Ecology. The Journal of Applied Ecology. 10: 663. DOI: 10.2307/2093693 |
0.38 |
1973 |
Beattie AJ, Breedlove DE, Ehrlich PR. The Ecology of the Pollinators and Predators of Frasera Speciosa Ecology. 54: 81-91. DOI: 10.2307/1934376 |
0.406 |
1972 |
Breedlove DE, Ehrlich PR. Coevolution: Patterns of legume predation by a lycaenid butterfly. Oecologia. 10: 99-104. PMID 28306856 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00347982 |
0.384 |
1972 |
Ehrlich PR, Breedlove DE, Brussard PF, Sharp MA. Weather and the “Regulation” of Subalpine Populations Ecology. 53: 243-247. DOI: 10.2307/1934077 |
0.645 |
1972 |
Holdren JP, Ehrlich PR. One-Dimensional Ecology Revisited A Rejoinder Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 28: 42-45. DOI: 10.1080/00963402.1972.11457946 |
0.362 |
1971 |
Singer MC, Ehrlich PR, Gilbert LE. Butterfly feeding on lycopsid. Science (New York, N.Y.). 172: 1341-2. PMID 17755210 DOI: 10.1126/Science.172.3990.1341 |
0.576 |
1971 |
Ehrlich PR, Holdren JP. Impact of population growth. Science (New York, N.Y.). 171: 1212-7. PMID 5545198 DOI: 10.1126/Science.171.3977.1212 |
0.348 |
1971 |
Meade JE, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population, Resources, Environment. The Economic Journal. 81: 428. DOI: 10.2307/3896229 |
0.342 |
1971 |
Palmore JA, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population Resources Environment Social Forces. 49: 500. DOI: 10.2307/3005744 |
0.342 |
1971 |
Hill MO, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population/Resources/Environment. The Journal of Ecology. 59: 917. DOI: 10.2307/2258159 |
0.342 |
1971 |
A. A, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population. Ressources Environnement. Issues in Human Ecology Population (French Edition). 26: 393. DOI: 10.2307/1529466 |
0.36 |
1971 |
Ehrlich PR. Ecology and the War on Hunger Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas. 6: 11-14. DOI: 10.1080/00368121.1971.10113374 |
0.386 |
1970 |
Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR. Contrasting population biology of 2 species of butterfly. Nature. 227: 91-2. PMID 5422643 DOI: 10.1038/227091A0 |
0.647 |
1970 |
Colbert FT, Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. Population, Resources, Environment Journal of Range Management. 23: 304. DOI: 10.2307/2230110 |
0.342 |
1970 |
Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR. Adult Behavior and Population Structure in Erebia Epipsodea (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) Ecology. 51: 880-885. DOI: 10.2307/1933981 |
0.629 |
1970 |
Brussard PF, Ehrlich PR. The Population Structure of Erebia Epipsodea (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) Ecology. 51: 119-129. DOI: 10.2307/1933605 |
0.646 |
1970 |
Ehrlich PR. The optimum population for Britain Biological Conservation. 2: 155-156. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3207(70)90169-2 |
0.303 |
1969 |
Ehrlich PR, Holdren JP. Population and Panaceas A Technological Perspective Bioscience. 19: 1065-1071. DOI: 10.2307/1294858 |
0.317 |
1968 |
Mason LG, Ehrlich PR, Emmel TC. THE POPULATION BIOLOGY OF THE BUTTERFLY EUPHYDRYAS EDITHA: VI. PHENETICS OF THE JASPER RIDGE COLONY, 1965-66. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 22: 46-54. PMID 28564990 DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1968.tb03448.x |
0.703 |
1968 |
Gilbert LE, Raven PH, Ehrlich PR. More on forest defoliation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 161: 964-5. PMID 17812790 DOI: 10.1126/Science.161.3845.964 |
0.61 |
1968 |
Breedlove DE, Ehrlich PR. Plant-herbivore coevolution: lupines and lycaenids. Science (New York, N.Y.). 162: 671-2. PMID 17736044 DOI: 10.1126/Science.162.3854.671 |
0.322 |
1968 |
Ehrlich PR, Holm RW. Population growth: crash program needed. Science (New York, N.Y.). 160: 252-4. PMID 5641251 DOI: 10.1126/Science.160.3825.252-C |
0.77 |
1967 |
Mason LG, Ehrlich PR, Emmel TC. THE POPULATION BIOLOGY OF THE BUTTERFLY, EUPHYDRYAS EDITHA. V. CHARACTER CLUSTERS AND ASYMMETRY. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 21: 85-91. PMID 28556098 DOI: 10.1111/J.1558-5646.1967.Tb00132.X |
0.701 |
1967 |
Birch LC, Ehrlich PR. Evolutionary history and population biology. Nature. 214: 349-52. PMID 6040610 DOI: 10.1038/214349A0 |
0.33 |
1967 |
Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. The Phenetic Relationships of the Butterflies I. Adult Taxonomy and the Nonspecificity Hypothesis Systematic Zoology. 16: 301. DOI: 10.2307/2412150 |
0.317 |
1967 |
Ehrlich PR, Birch LC. The "Balance of Nature" and "Population Control" The American Naturalist. 101: 97-107. DOI: 10.1086/282477 |
0.337 |
1966 |
Ehrlich PR, Mason LG. THE POPULATION BIOLOGY OF THE BUTTERFLY EUPHYDRY AS EDITH A. III. SELECTION AND THE PHENETICS OF THE JASPER RIDGE COLONY. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 20: 165-173. PMID 28563621 DOI: 10.1111/J.1558-5646.1966.Tb03352.X |
0.304 |
1965 |
0.344 |
1962 |
Amadon D, Ehrlich PR, Holm RW. Population Biology. Science (New York, N.Y.). 138: 733-4. PMID 17829715 DOI: 10.1126/science.138.3541.733 |
0.782 |
1962 |
Ehrlich PR, Holm RW. Patterns and Populations: Basic problems of population biology transcend artificial disciplinary boundaries. Science (New York, N.Y.). 137: 652-7. PMID 17770944 DOI: 10.1126/Science.137.3531.652 |
0.795 |
1961 |
Ehrlich PR. Has the Biological Species Concept Outlived Its Usefulness? Systematic Zoology. 10: 167. DOI: 10.2307/2411614 |
0.336 |
1958 |
Camin JH, Ehrlich PR. Natural Selection in Water Snakes (Natrix sipedon L.) on Islands in Lake Erie Evolution. 12: 504. DOI: 10.2307/2405961 |
0.3 |
Show low-probability matches. |