George J. Mailath

Economics University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"George Mailath"


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Alvaro Sandroni grad student
Dirk Bergemann grad student 1994 Penn
Johannes Hörner grad student 2000 Penn
Anna Ilyina grad student 2001 Penn
Ichiro Obara grad student 2001 Penn
Sergio O. Parreiras grad student 2001 Penn
Nicolas Sahuguet grad student 2001 Penn
Sumantra Sen grad student 2003 Penn
Braz Camargo grad student 2004 Penn
Alfredo Di Tillio grad student 2004 Penn
KyungMin Kim grad student 2009 Penn
Antonio Penta grad student 2010 Penn
Xi Weng grad student 2011 Penn
Chong Huang grad student 2012 Penn
Francesc Dilme grad student 2013 Penn
Fei Li grad student 2008-2013 Penn
Ilwoo Hwang grad student 2014 Penn
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Cole HL, Krueger D, Mailath GJ, et al. (2020) Coalition-Proof Risk Sharing Under Frictions National Bureau of Economic Research
Mailath GJ, Samuelson L. (2020) Learning under Diverse World Views: Model-Based Inference The American Economic Review. 110: 1464-1501
Bhaskar V, Mailath GJ. (2019) The Curse of Long Horizons Journal of Mathematical Economics. 82: 74-89
Mailath GJ, Postlewaite A, Samuelson L. (2017) Premuneration Values and Investments in Matching Markets The Economic Journal. 127: 2041-2065
Mailath GJ, Nocke V, White L. (2015) When and how the punishment must fit the crime International Economic Review. 58: 315-330
Mailath GJ, Samuelson L. (2015) Reputations in Repeated Games Handbook of Game Theory With Economic Applications. 4: 165-238
Liu Q, Mailath GJ, Postlewaite A, et al. (2014) Stable matching with incomplete information Econometrica. 82: 541-587
Mailath GJ, Postlewaite A, Samuelson L. (2013) Pricing and investments in matching markets Theoretical Economics. 8: 535-590
Bhaskar V, Mailath GJ, Morris S. (2013) A foundation for markov equilibria in sequential games with finite social memory Review of Economic Studies. 80: 925-948
Mailath GJ, von Thadden EL. (2013) Incentive compatibility and differentiability: New results and classic applications Journal of Economic Theory. 148: 1841-1861
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