G H (Godfrey Harold) Hardy

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"G Hardy"

(1877 - 1947)

Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Augustus Edward Hough Love research assistant 1903 Cambridge
Edmund Taylor Whittaker research assistant 1903 Cambridge


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Edward Arthur Milne research assistant 1914-1916 Cambridge
Frank Morley grad student
Richard Rado grad student (Philosophy Tree)
Edward Charles Titchmarsh grad student Oxford
Geoffrey Ingram Taylor grad student 1905-1910 Cambridge
Sydney Chapman grad student 1911 Cambridge
Ughtred Shuttleworth Haslam-Jones grad student 1928 Oxford
Lancelot Stephen Bosanquet grad student 1929 Balliol College, Oxford (Physics Tree)
E. Hubert Linfoot grad student 1929 Oxford
Frank Smithies grad student 1937 Cambridge
Harry Raymond Pitt grad student 1938 Cambridge (Econometree)
Donald Clayton Spencer grad student 1939 Cambridge
M James Lighthill grad student 1941-1943 Cambridge (Physics Tree)
Norbert Wiener post-doc
Hendrik Douwe Kloosterman post-doc 1922-1923 Oxford
Abram Besicovitch research scientist 1925- Oxford
Loo-Keng Hua research scientist 1936-1938 Cambridge
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Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1948) A new proof of a theorem on rearrangements Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 163-168
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1946) Notes on the theory of series (XXIV): A curious power-series Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 42: 85-90
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1944) Note on the theory of series (XXIII): On the partial sums of fourier series Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 40: 103-107
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1943) Notes on the theory of series (xxii): On the tauberian theorem for borel summability Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 194-200
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1942) Records of proceedings at meetings Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 1-3
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1941) Theorems concerning mean values of analytic or harmonic functions Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 221-256
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1937) Notes on the theory of series (XX): Generalizations of a theorem of paley Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 161-171
Hardy GH, Levinson N. (1937) Inequalities satisfied by a certain definite integral Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 43: 709-716
Hardy GH, Littlewood JE. (1936) Notes on the theory of series (xx): On lambert series Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 257-270
Hardy GH, Titchmarsh EC. (1936) New Solution of an Integral Equation Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 1-15
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