Manjunath R. Krishnapur, Ph.D.

2006 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Manjunath Krishnapur"


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Yuval Peres grad student 2006 UC Berkeley
 (Zeros of random analytic functions.)
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Chan CL, Fernandes W, Kashyap N, et al. (2017) Phase Transitions for the Uniform Distribution in the Pattern Maximum Likelihood Problem and its Bethe Approximation Siam Journal On Discrete Mathematics. 31: 597-631
Ghosh S, Krishnapur M, Peres Y. (2016) Continuum percolation for Gaussian zeroes and Ginibre eigenvalues The Annals of Probability. 44: 3357-3384
Krishna M, Krishnapur M. (2016) Persistence probabilities in centered, stationary, Gaussian processes in discrete time Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics. 47: 183-194
Krishnapur M, Rider B, Virág B. (2016) Universality of the Stochastic Airy Operator Communications On Pure and Applied Mathematics. 69: 145-199
Krishnapur M, Virag B. (2014) The Ginibre Ensemble and Gaussian Analytic Functions International Mathematics Research Notices. 2014: 1441-1464
Krishnapur M, Kurlberg P, Wigman I. (2013) Nodal length fluctuations for arithmetic random waves Annals of Mathematics. 177: 699-737
Gadgil S, Krishnapur M. (2013) Lipschitz correspondence between metric measure spaces and random distance matrices International Mathematics Research Notices. 2013: 5623-5644
Guionnet A, Krishnapur M, Zeitouni O. (2011) The single ring theorem Annals of Mathematics. 174: 1189-1217
Tao T, Vu VH, Krishnapur M. (2010) Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law Annals of Probability. 38: 2023-2065
Krishnapur M. (2009) From random matrices to random analytic functions Annals of Probability. 37: 314-346
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