University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kashi S. AbhyankarDynamical systems, Neural networks2001 Morris W. Hirsch (grad student)
Joshua S. AbramsonProbability and stochastic processes Statistics2012 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
John W. AddisonTheory of definability, Descriptive set theory, Model theory, Recursive function theory
Ani Adhikari
Aditya P. AdiredjaMathematics education Science and Mathematics Education2014 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Mina AganagicString theory
Amod S. AgasheAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2000 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Amirali AghazadehSignal Processing, Machine Learning Kannan Ramchandran (grad student)
Ian AgolLow-dimensional topology
Raul E. Aguilar SchallEpidemiology, Public Health, Biostatistics Biology Biostatistics2010 Alan E. Hubbard (grad student)
Julia M. AguirreMathematics education2002 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Soyeon Ahn2009 Terry Speed (grad student)
Aashish Ahujamechanical engineering
Ethan Jon AkinTopology
Jameel Al-AidroosAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation2008 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Sara S. Al-BeainiMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2012 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Jomy J. Alappattu2007 Jim Pitman (grad student)
David AldousTheoretical and applied probability
Ivana M. AlexandrovaPartial differential equations, Mathematical physics2004 Maciej Zworski (grad student)
Kelty A. AllenRecursion theory, mathematical logic Logic and the Methodology of Science2014 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Paul R. AmmonEarly Childhood Education, Mathematics Education
Shadi B. AnaniCivil Engineering2008 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Robert M. AndersonMathematical economics, Nonstandard analysis, Probability theory
Meghan AndersonModel theory and applications to number theory Mathematics2011 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Bernard A. AndersonRecursion theory, mathematical logic2007 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Uri AndrewsModel theory and applications to number theory Mathematics2010 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Michael V. AnshelevichOperator algebras2000 Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (grad student)
Eric R. AntokoletzNon-commutative and algebraic geometry, Analysis, K-theory2008 Mariusz Wodzicki (grad student)
Tonci Antunovic Mathematics2012 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Adrian R. ArchillaCivil Engineering2000 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Federico ArdilaMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics
Paula L. ArgentieriSociology of Education, Women's Studies Education2014 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Yalin AriciCivil Engineering2005 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Kenneth M. ArmijoMechanical Engineering, Energy, Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2011 Van P. Carey (grad student)
William ArvesonMathematics
Sami H. AssafAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry2007 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
David AttwoodOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics
Manuele Aufiero Nuclear Engineering20152018 Massimiliano Fratoni (post-doc)
Denis AurouxSymplectic topology and mirror symmetry
Andrew E. B. LimOperations Research, Industrial Engineering, Statistics
Paul BaginskiModel theory and applications to number theory2009 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Enoch P. BaldwinMicrobiology Biology, Medical Biophysics, Biostatistics Biology Chemistry19861989 Peter G. Schultz (grad student)
Grey M. BallardNumerical analysis, Applied control theory Computer Science2013 James W. Demmel (grad student)
John R Balmes
Richard H. BamlerGeometric analysis, differential geometry, topology
Antar BandyopadhyayTheoretical and applied probability2003 David Aldous (grad student)
John L. BarberApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics2004 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student), Edgar Knobloch (grad student)
Grigory I. BarenblattApplied mathematics, Solid mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Similarity methods asymptotics, Mechanics of deformable solids
Donald A. BarkauskasMathematics2003 John Stallings (grad student)
Alexander G. BarnardLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms2003 Richard E. Borcherds (grad student)
Tathagata BasakLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms2006 Richard E. Borcherds (grad student)
Robertson E. BayerRecursion theory, mathematical logic Mathematics2012 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Katherine R. BaylisAgricultural Economics, Canadian Studies2003 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Christopher J. BeemConformal Field Theory, String theory, Supersymmetry, Mathematical Physics Physics2010 Mina Aganagic (grad student)
Edward D. Bein2007 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Ioan BejenaruPartial differential equations2004 Daniel Tataru (grad student)
Jeremy D. BemRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory2008 Leo Anthony Harrington (grad student)
Oliver Bembom2007 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Tracy L. BenningForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Biostatistics Biology
Michelle T. BensiCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2010 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Dario BeraldoLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory Mathematics2013 Constantin Teleman (grad student)
Rudolph J. BeranStatistics
Jennifer D. BergSuper-representation theory2008 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Noam Berger2003 Yuval Peres (grad student)
George M. BergmanAssociative rings, Universal algebra and category theory, Counterexamples
Pamela M. BerkeleyMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2013 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Elwyn R. BerlekampCombinatorial game theory, Algebraic coding theory, Electrical engineering, Computer science
Benjamin Abram Bernstein1913 Mellen Woodman Haskell (grad student)
Daniel Berwick EvansGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology Mathematics2013 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Sreekalyani S. BhamidiTheoretical and applied probability2008 David Aldous (grad student)
Gouri Kanta Bhattacharyya1966 Erich Leo Lehmann (grad student)
Peter J. Bickelnumerical weather prediction, astronomy, genomics1963 Erich Leo Lehmann (grad student)
Stephen J. BigelowTopology of manifolds2000 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Greg BigingForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Statistics
David S. BindelNumerical analysis, Applied control theory2006 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Merrill D. Birkner2006 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
David T. BlackstonNumerical analysis, Applied control theory2000 James W. Demmel (grad student)
David Harold Blackwellstatistics
Jonah D. BlasiakAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry2009 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
Ken Bogen1986 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Pieter G. BolhuisComputational Chemistry David Chandler (post-doc)
Adam L. BoocherAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation Mathematics2013 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Richard E. BorcherdsLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms
Gaetano BorrielloComputer Science, Statistics1988 Randy H. Katz (grad student)
Louis (Loo) W. BotsfordPopulation Biology Electrical Engineering1967 Herbert E. Rauch (research assistant)
Richard J. BrandPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology
Rozy BrarMathematics education Science & Mathematics Education2010 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Moorea Brega Statistics2011 Ken Wachter (grad student)
David R. Brillingertime series
Marco BroccardoCivil Engineering, Statistics, Mechanical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
William Allen Brock Economics1969 David Gale (grad student)
M. Alan Brookhart2003 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Jordan C. Brooks Biostatistics2012 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Ben Brown
Morgan V. BrownAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation Mathematics2012 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Joan Bruna
Robert L. BryantNonlinear partial differential equations and differential geometry, exterior differential systems, algebraic geometry, and Finsler geometry
Dursun A. Bulutoglu2001 Ching-shui Cheng (grad student)
Prabir BurmanBiostatistics Biology1982 Rudolph J. Beran (grad student)
Patrick J. BurnsMathematics1978 Chang-Lin Tien (grad student)
Richard D. BursteinVon Neumann algebras2008 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
Henrique Bursztyngeometry2001 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Andres E. CaicedoSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic2003 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Brandoch H. CalefAnalysis, Probability, Integrable systems, Medical imaging2002 F. Alberto Grünbaum (grad student)
Francesco D. CalegariAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2002 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Maria K. CameronApplied mathematics, Computational physics, Partial differential equations2007 James A. Sethian (grad student)
Mariana E. CampbellMathematics education Science & Mathematics Education2011 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Santiago V. Canezgeometry Mathematics2011 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Andreas C. CangellarisElectromagnetic modeling, electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic design automation Department of Electrical Engineering1985 Kenneth Kwan-hsiang Mei (grad student)
Van P. CareyMechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mathematics
Elizabeth Carlton2010 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Scott H. CarnahanLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms2007 Richard E. Borcherds (grad student)
Kenneth R. CarringtonMechanical Engineering, Energy, Nanotechnology Mechanical Engineering2009 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Leslie R. CarsonEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Erin C. Carsonnumerical analysis Computer Science Computer Science James W. Demmel (grad student), Armando Fox (grad student)
Sheri A. CastroEducational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Teacher Training Education2003 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Kęstutis ČesnavičiusArithmetic geometry, the arithmetic of abelian varieties
Paul H. Chaffee Biostatistics2012 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Antoine ChambazBiostatistics Biology
Danielle D. ChampneyMathematics education Science and Mathematics Education2013 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Melody T. ChanCombinatorics and algebraic geometry, particularly tropical geometry Mathematics2012 Bernd Sturmfels (grad student)
Irene ChangEarly Childhood Education, Mathematics Education2005 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Sun-yung Alice Chang1974 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Yuen Ren Chao
Markos CharalampidisHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables Mathematics2014 Michael Christ (grad student)
Tzu-Yi ChenNumerical analysis, Applied control theory2001 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Li-Chung ChenAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry Mathematics2010 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
Qingtao Chen2009 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Tianbing ChenApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science2008 John Strain (grad student)
Hung Chen1985 Charles Joel Stone (grad student)
Ching-shui Cheng
Shiu-yuen Cheng1974 Shiing-Shen Chern (grad student)
Myeongguk CheonNuclear Engineering2005 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Shiing-Shen Chern
Paul R. ChernoffFunctional analysis, Operator theory
Elizabeth J. ChesterApplied mathematics, Computational physics, Partial differential equations2007 James A. Sethian (grad student)
Hsiao-Dong ChiangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Operations Research1986 Felix F. Wu (grad student)
Arnika Chidambaram Nuclear Engineering20162017 Massimiliano Fratoni (grad student)
Alexandru L. ChirvasituSuper-representation theory Mathematics2014 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Ka L. ChoiTopology of manifolds Mathematics2011 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Keon ChoiLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry Mathematics2013 Michael Hutchings (grad student)
Alexandre J. ChorinApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics
Michael ChristHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables
Francis M. ChristMathematics
Hans P. ChristiansonPartial differential equations, Mathematical physics2007 Maciej Zworski (grad student)
Karyen ChuGeneral Economics2004 Paul A. Ruud (grad student)
Anselmo T. CisnerosNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2013 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Diana E. Clark RodriguezGeneral Economics, Public and Social Welfare, Gerontology, Sociology of Education2003 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Aubrey I. ClaytonProbability and stochastic processes2008 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
Nathan K. Coehlo Statistics2010 John Rice (grad student)
Paul Concus
Ivan ContrerasMathematical physics, classical and quantum field theories, symplectic and Poisson geometry
Clyde H. CoombsMathematical psychology Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Heinz Otto CordesClassical analysis
Patrick K. CornMathematics2005 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Richard R. Cornwall Economics Economics1968 Gerard Debreu (grad student), Gerard Debreu (grad student)
Dusan CosoChemical Engineering, Energy Mechanical Engineering2013 Van P. Carey (grad student), Arunava Majumdar (grad student)
Stephen R. CosslettGeneral Economics, Statistics1979 Daniel Little McFadden (grad student)
Andrew W. Cotton-ClayLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry2009 Michael Hutchings (grad student)
Dennis J. CourtneyMathematics2007 William Arveson (grad student)
Alexander Coward3-dimensional topology and geometry
Carl C. CowenMathematics1976 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Tim CramerAlgebraic geometry, representation theory
Scott S. CramerSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic Mathematics2012 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Michael CrandallMathematics1965 Heinz Otto Cordes (grad student)
Jon C. CreytsMechanical Engineering2000 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Daniel A. Cristofaro-gardinerLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry Mathematics2013 Michael Hutchings (grad student)
Stephen R. CurranOperator algebras Mathematics2010 Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (grad student)
Howard D'abrera
Ishai Dan-CohenAlgebraic geometry2009 Arthur E. Ogus (grad student)
Elizabeth Dan-CohenSuper-representation theory2008 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Thomas A. DardenStatistics, Molecular Dynamics1979 Jerzy Neyman (grad student)
Samit DasguptaAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2004 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Ved DatarDifferential geometry, Kaehler-Einstein metrics, Kaehler-Ricci flow, Gromov-Hausdorff convergence
Kiril DatchevPartial differential equations, Mathematical physics Mathematics2010 Maciej Zworski (grad student)
Albert M. DatoMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology2009 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Michael W. DaubAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry Mathematics2013 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Anna DeckerBiostatistics Biology Biostatistics2014 Alan E. Hubbard (grad student)
James W. DemmelNumerical analysis, Applied control theory
Armen Der KiureghianCivil Engineering, Statistics
David L. desJardinsCombinatorial game theory, Algebraic coding theory, Electrical engineering, Computer science2002 Elwyn R. Berlekamp (grad student)
Aditya Devarakonda Computer Science Statistics James W. Demmel (grad student), Michael W. Mahoney (grad student)
Partha S. DeyProbability and stochastic processes Statistics2010 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
Alan V. Di VittorioRemote Sensing, Plant Physiology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2008 Greg Biging (grad student)
Peng Ding
Hanh D. Dogeometry Mathematics2013 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Jeffrey S. DokerMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2011 Federico Ardila (grad student)
Kjell Doksum
Thomas J. DorseyAssociative rings, Universal algebra and category theory, Counterexamples2006 George M. Bergman (grad student)
John Comstock DoyleControl and Dynamical Systems1984 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Elena DrozdAlgebraic geometry, History of geometry2003 Robin C. Hartshorne (grad student)
Sandrine DudoitStatistical methods, Genomics, R,
Pablo L. DurangoIndustrial Engineering, Operations Research, Civil Engineering2002 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Seth C. DutterDiophantine approximation, Nevanlinna theor, Arakelov theory2009 Paul A. Vojta (grad student)
Semen V. DyatlovPartial differential equations, Mathematical physics Mathematics2013 Maciej Zworski (grad student)
Kenneth DykemaMathematics1993 Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (grad student)
David DynermanApplied algebra, cryo-electron microscopy, implementation of algorithms
Clifton F. EalyModel theory and applications to number theory2004 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Karen E. EdwardsTopology of manifolds2001 Robion Kirby (grad student)
David EisenbudAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation
Anne K. EisentraegerMathematics2003 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Boris N. EiteneerMechanical Engineering, Physical Chemistry2000 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Tarek ElkhoraibiCivil Engineering2007 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Julia C. ErhardRecursion theory, mathematical logic Mathematics2013 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Daniel M. ErmanAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation Mathematics2010 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Norah C. EstyDynamical systems, normal hyperbolicity2005 Charles C. Pugh (grad student)
Tolga EtguTopology of manifolds2002 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Boris EttingerPartial differential equations Mathematics2013 Daniel Tataru (grad student)
L. Craig EvansPartial differential equations
Steven N. EvansProbability and stochastic processes
Griffith C. Evanspotential theory, functional analysis, integral equations and minimal surfaces
Rhonda J. EyzaguirreEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education2006 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Maoyong FanAgricultural Economics, Labor Economics, Public Health, Nutrition, Women's Studies, Demography, Public and Social Welfare, General2009 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Thibault FaneyNuclear Engineering, Applied Mathematics Nuclear Engineering2013 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Julian FarawayStatistics1987 Peter J. Bickel (grad student)
Joseph FarjounApplied mathematics2006 John C. Neu (grad student)
David M. FarrisLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry Mathematics2011 Michael Hutchings (grad student)
Max FathiPartial differential equations, optimal transport, probability
Ryan P. FeeleyMechanical Engineering, Biostatistics Biology2008 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Jerome Arthur Feldman
Jacob FeldmanErgodic theory, Stochastic processes
Richard A. Fenske1984 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Jacqueline M Ferguson2019 Ellen A. Eisen (grad student), Sadie C. Costello (grad student), John R Balmes (grad student), Patrick T. Bradshaw (grad student)
Ron A. FertigAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2006 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Will Fithian
Joseph D. FlennerModel theory and applications to number theory2008 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Taryn C. FlockHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables Mathematics2014 Michael Christ (grad student)
Noah M. Forman Mathematics2013 Jim Pitman (grad student)
Eric Fosler-LussierComputational Linguistics, Speech Recognition19931999 Nelson Morgan (grad student), John Ohala (grad student)
Meredith L. FowlieGeneral Economics, Environmental Sciences2006 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Johanna N. FranklinRecursion theory, mathematical logic2007 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
William E. FraserCombinatorial game theory, Algebraic coding theory, Electrical engineering, Computer science2002 Elwyn R. Berlekamp (grad student)
Massimiliano FratoniNuclear Engineering2008 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Edward FrenkelRepresentation theory, Integrable systems, Mathematical physics
Michael FrenklachMechanical Engineering, Biostatistics Biology
Bernard FriedmanApplied mathematics
Bradley M. FroehleApplied Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Mathematics2013 Per-Olof Persson (grad student)
Kazuya FujimuraCivil Engineering2006 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
David Gale
Yu GanMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Mechanical Engineering2011 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Francesco GandaNuclear Engineering2008 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Stephan R. GarciaComplex function theory, Operator theory2003 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Robert Brown Gardner1965 Shiing-Shen Chern (grad student)
Paolo GardoniCivil Engineering, Statistics2002 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Sanjam GargTheory (THY); Security (SEC)
Howard Garland1964 Shiing-Shen Chern (grad student), Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Andrew S. GearhartNumerical analysis, Applied control theory Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2014 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Anton I. GeraschenkoSuper-representation theory Mathematics2011 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Laurent E. GhaouiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics
Dragos F. GhiocaMathematics2005 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Subhroshekhar GhoshTheoretical and applied probability Mathematics2013 David Aldous (grad student)
Daniel M. GiaimoAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation2004 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Robert L. Gibbons Statistics2011 Deborah Nolan (grad student)
Ahna C. Girshickvisual perception, psychophysics, computational models of vision20012007 Martin Banks (grad student)
Alexander GiventalSymplectic and contact geometry, Singularity theory, Mathematical physics
Matthias R. GoernerLow-dimensional topology Mathematics2011 Ian Agol (grad student)
Amos GolanCriminology and Penology, Statistics, General Economics Economics1988 W Michael Hanemann (grad student)
Lisa Goldberg
Darin A. GoldsteinProbability theory, Combinatorics2000 Michael J. Klass (grad student)
Diogo GomesApplied Mathematics, Mathematics2000 Lawrence Craig Evans (grad student), Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (grad student)
Emiliano GómezNumber theory, Galois representation
Concetta M. GomezRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory2000 Leo Anthony Harrington (grad student)
John R. GoodrickModel theory and applications to number theory2007 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Phillip Gorman Nuclear Engineering2016 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Sanjay GovindjeeComputer Science, Mathematics
Alfonso Gracia-Sazgeometry2006 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Aaron P. GrayAlgebraic geometry2007 Arthur E. Ogus (grad student)
Devin C. GreeneMathematics2001 William Arveson (grad student)
Ehud GreenspanNuclear Engineering, Mathematics
Aaron GreiciusMathematics2007 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Thomas M. GriebEnvironmental Sciences2000 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Julia E. GrigsbyTopology of manifolds2006 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Anatoli A. GrinshpanComplex function theory, Operator theory2001 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Vinicius Gripp Barros RamosLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry Mathematics2013 Michael Hutchings (grad student)
Pinhas GrossmanVon Neumann algebras2006 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
Susan Gruber Biostatistics2011 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
F. Alberto GrünbaumAnalysis, Probability, Integrable systems, Medical imaging
Ming GuNumerical linear algebra, Scientific computing
John GuckenheimerDynamical systems1970 Stephen Smale (grad student)
Reynaldo G. GuerraBiomedical Engineering2009 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Santiago GuerreroEnvironmental Economics Agricultural Economics2011 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Apratim Guhatime series2005 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Adityanand Guntuboyina
Thomas Daniel Hadfield2001 Marc A. Rieffel (grad student)
Gus Wendell Haggstrom
Mark D. HaimanAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry
Ian R. HakenRecursion theory, mathematical logic Mathematics2014 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Ole H. HaldNumerical analysis
Huntington T. HallTopology of manifolds2004 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Garrett J. HallApplied Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2001 Sanjay Govindjee (grad student)
Rogers P. HallCurriculum and Instruction Education, Mathematics Education, Speech Communication
Daniel S. Halpern-leistnerLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory Mathematics2013 Constantin Teleman (grad student)
Alan HammondStatistical mechanics, studied rigorously via modern techniques from mathematical probability2005 Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (grad student), Yuval Peres (grad student)
Megumi HaradaMathematics2003 Allen Knutson (grad student)
Amal C. Harrati Demography2014 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Leo Anthony HarringtonRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory
Susan E. Harrington2001 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Jenny HarrisonFunctional analysis, Geometric measure theory, Calculus of variations, Mathematical physics
Gwyneth F. Harrison-ShermoenModel theory and applications to number theory Logic & the Methodology of Science2013 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Michael A. HartglassVon Neumann algebras Mathematics2013 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
Robin C. HartshorneAlgebraic geometry, History of geometry
Nathaniel E. Harvey2003 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Seyed A. HashemiCivil Engineering2007 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Mellen Woodman Haskell
Kaleb Hatfield Nuclear Engineering20162016 Massimiliano Fratoni (grad student)
Gregory J. Hather2008 Terry Speed (grad student)
Pauline P. HathornReading Education, Technology of Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Black Studies2005 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Konstantinos HatzitaskosGeneral Economics, Theory Economics2007 Paul A. Ruud (grad student)
Terje HaukaasCivil Engineering2003 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Christopher K. HaulkProbability, stochastic processes, combinatorics, machine learning Statistics2011 James Pitman (grad student)
Guojun HeEnvironmental Economics, General, General Economics Agricultural & Resource Economics2013 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Brianna C. Heggeseth Statistics2013 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Moty HeiblumElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Statistics John R. Whinnery (grad student)
Florent HeidetNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2010 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Christine E. HeitschAlgebra, Semigroups, Automata2000 John L. Rhodes (grad student)
Gedaliahu Held Electrical Engineering1954 Samuel Silver (grad student)
David F. HelmAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2003 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Martin HelmerComputational algebraic geometry
Tyler HelmuthStatistical mechanics, probability
Nicolas HengartnerStatistics1993 Philip B. Stark (grad student), Peter J. Bickel (grad student)
Conrad A. HengesbachNonlinear partial differential equations and differential geometry, exterior differential systems, algebraic geometry, and Finsler geometry Mathematics2012 Robert L. Bryant (grad student)
Alexandru HeningProbability and stochastic processes Mathematics2013 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
Tanya A. Henneman2002 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Ian-Cadoc R. HerbertRecursion theory, mathematical logic Logic & the Methodology of Science2013 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Irma d. Hernandez Magallanestime series Statistics2010 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Michael J. Higgins Statistics2013 Deborah Nolan (grad student)
Cameron D. HillRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory Mathematics2010 Leo Anthony Harrington (grad student)
Peter HintzMathematical physics, partial differential equations, microlocal analysis.
Morris W. HirschDynamical systems, Neural networks
Ilan HirshbergMathematics2003 William Arveson (grad student)
Gregory HjorthMathematics1993 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Joseph Lawson Hodges1949 Jerzy Neyman (grad student)
Mark HoemmenNumerical analysis, Applied control theory Computer Science2010 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Kyle A. HollandRemote Sensing Environmental Science, Policy, and Management2013 Greg Biging (grad student)
Maurice Holt
Charles G. HoltonDifferential topology, Algebraic K-theory, Dynamical systems2002 John B. Wagoner (grad student)
Olga HoltzNumerical analysis, matrix theory, algebra and combinatorics, computational complexity
Savet Hong Demography2013 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Kee-Jeung HongCivil Engineering2003 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Ilana S. HornMathematics education2002 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
John B. Hough2006 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Crystal F. HoytSuper-representation theory2007 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Wu-Yi HsiangTransformation groups, Differential geometry
An HuangLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms Mathematics2011 Richard E. Borcherds (grad student)
Haiyan Huang
Hsiang-Ping HuangMathematics2000 Vaughan Jones (grad student)
Chen-Kang HuangMechanical Engineering2004 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Alan E. HubbardBiostatistics Biology, Epidemiology, Statistics1998 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Matias A. Hube GinestarCivil Engineering2009 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Bonnie S. HugginsMathematics2005 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Jae-Seok HuhApplied mathematics, Computational physics, Partial differential equations2007 James A. Sethian (grad student)
Yu-Jay Huoh Statistics2013 Cari Kaufman (grad student)
Mathieu HursinNuclear Engineering, Mathematics Nuclear Engineering2010 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Sebastian Hurtado SalazarLow-dimensional topology Mathematics2014 Ian Agol (grad student)
M Yousuff HussainiMathematics1970 Maurice Holt (grad student)
Michael HutchingsLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry
Luis M. Ibanez de GarayoEnvironmental Sciences, Information Technology Environmental Science, Policy, & Management2011 Greg Biging (grad student)
Fletcher Ibser
Mihaela IfrimNonlinear partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, harmonic analysis
Gregory IgusaRecursion theory, mathematical logic Mathematics2013 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Eugene A. IngermanApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics2003 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student)
Taiyo InoueTopology of manifolds2007 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Edward L. Ionidestime series2001 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Erica IsaacsonApplied mathematics, Numerical methods, Partial Differential Equations Applied Mathematics2012 Jon Wilkening (grad student)
Futoshi Ishii Demography2014 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Joseph S. IsraelAssociative rings, Universal algebra and category theory, Counterexamples2002 George M. Bergman (grad student)
Sarah E. IvesonAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry Mathematics2012 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
Alexander J. IzzoMathematics1989 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Ankit Jain Industrial Engineering & Operations Research2010 J George Shanthikumar (grad student)
Farid Jamshidian Biostatistics2011 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Zachary W. Jarvis-WloszekMechanical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Andrew K. Packard (grad student)
Dimitar P. JetchevAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2008 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Nicholas P. Jewell
Aachey S. JohnCurriculum and Instruction Education, Mathematics Education, Speech Communication2001 Rogers P. Hall (grad student)
Theodore P. Johnson-Freyd Mathematics2013 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Alejandra Jolodosky Nuclear Engineering20132017 Massimiliano Fratoni (grad student)
Vaughan JonesMathematics
Bjarni Jónsson1946 Alfred Tarski (grad student)
Michael I. Jordanmachine learning, statistics
Benoit M. Jubingeometry Mathematics2012 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Zachary J. JudsonComplex function theory, Operator theory2009 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Kenley Y. JungOperator algebras2004 Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (grad student)
William M. KahanError analysis, Numerical computations, Computers, Convexity, Large matrices, Trajectory problems
Tamas KalmanTopology of manifolds2004 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Adam M. KalmanCombinatorics, and connections to representation theory, geometry, and statistical physics Mathematics2014 Lauren Williams (grad student)
Joel KamnitzerMathematics2005 Allen Knutson (grad student)
Loretta S. KaneCurriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education, Secondary Education2005 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Hsien-Ching KaoTheory Physics, Applied Mathematics Physics2013 Edgar Knobloch (grad student)
Gizem Karaali2004 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Noureddine El Karoui
David C. KasparProbability theory, Partial differential equations Mathematics2014 Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (grad student)
Cari Kaufman
Daisuke KawasakiNuclear Engineering2005 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Sunduz Keles2003 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Ryan M. KelloggGeneral Economics, Agricultural Economics, Energy2008 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Petros G. KeshishianCivil Engineering2001 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Richard O. KetchersidSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic2000 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Kristin KieselAgricultural Economics, Marketing Business Administration2008 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Takayuki KiharaComputability theory, descriptive set theory
Kyung P. KimLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms Biostatistics2013 An Huang (grad student)
Robion KirbyTopology of manifolds
Kay KirkpatrickProbability theory, Partial differential equations2007 Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (grad student)
George A. KirkupAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation2005 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Bjorn Kjos-HanssenRecursion theory, mathematical logic2002 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Michael J. KlassProbability theory, Combinatorics
Jerome Hamilton Klotz1960 Joseph Lawson Hodges (grad student)
Edgar KnoblochFluid and Plasma Physics, Mathematics
Allen KnutsonMathematics
Sungjoon KoTopology of manifolds2000 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Plamen S. KoevNumerical analysis, Applied control theory2002 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Jakub K. KominiarczukApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics Mathematics2013 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student)
Aikaterini KonakliCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
P. Takis KonstantopoulosMathematics1989 Jean Walrand (grad student)
Heonsang KooCivil Engineering2003 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Hira L. KoulStatistics Statsitics1967 Peter J. Bickel (grad student)
Tsuyoshi KoyamaMechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering2008 Sanjay Govindjee (grad student)
Kenji Kozai3-manifolds, low-dimensional topology
William T. KramerNumerical analysis, Applied control theory2008 James W. Demmel (grad student)
John H. KranzlerEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education Psychology Arthur R. Jensen (grad student)
Manjunath R. Krishnapur2006 Yuval Peres (grad student)
John K. Kruschkeattention in learning, connectionist models, bayesian statistics19841990 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Pardeep KumarCivil Engineering, Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Gabrielle Laguisma Nuclear Engineering20162016 Massimiliano Fratoni (grad student)
Tsit-Yuen (林節玄) Lam
Mara G. LandersMathematics education2007 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Pawel J. Lasieckitime series2006 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Frederic Latremoliere2004 Marc A. Rieffel (grad student)
Normand M. LaurendeauMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics, Statistics
Richard J. Laverset theory1969 Ralph Nelson Whitfield McKenzie (grad student)
Patrick LaVictoireHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables Mathematics2010 Michael Christ (grad student)
Andrew LawriePartial differential equations, Harmonic Analysis.
Herbert Blaine Lawson
Lucien Marie Le Cam1952 Jerzy Neyman (grad student)
Eli B. LebowLow Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry2007 Michael Hutchings (grad student)
Chul-hee LeeLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms Mathematics2012 Richard E. Borcherds (grad student)
Wayne T. Lee Statistics2013 Cari Kaufman (grad student)
Tae-Hyung LeeCivil Engineering2005 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Hyerin LeeCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
R. Sherman LehmanNumber theory, Numerical analysis
Erich Leo Lehmann1946 Jerzy Neyman (grad student)
Xiudong Lei2005 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Hendrik W. LenstraAlgebraic number theory, Algorithms
Tomás León2018 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
David J. LettieriMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2012 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Joshua L. LevenbergApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science2003 John Strain (grad student)
Aaron D. LevinDiophantine approximation, Nevanlinna theor, Arakelov theory2005 Paul A. Vojta (grad student)
Lionel T. Levine2007 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Katherine E. LewisMathematics education Education2011 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Hanfeng Li2002 Marc A. Rieffel (grad student)
Binbin LiCivil Engineering, Statistics Civil and Environmental Engineering20122016 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
David Li-Blanddifferential geometry, mathematical physics, symplectic and Poisson geometry, Lie theory
Richard H. LiangProbability and stochastic processes2009 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
Chyng-Lan Liang2001 John Rice (grad student)
Song Liang2003 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Mary-Lynn T. LidstoneTeacher Training Education, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2002 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Doo-Hyun LimNuclear Engineering, Hydrology2002 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Chu-Wee LimAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2005 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Lin LinNumerical analysis, computational quantum chemistry, computational materials science
Kevin K. LinApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics2003 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student)
Haijian K. LinLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory Mathematics2012 Constantin Teleman (grad student)
Winston Lin Statistics2013 Jasjeet Sekhon (grad student)
Da-Jie LinCivil Engineering2001 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
David A. LippeRecursion theory, mathematical logic2001 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
David A. LippelRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory2001 Leo Anthony Harrington (grad student)
Baoping LiuPartial differential equations Mathematics2012 Daniel Tataru (grad student)
Andreas J. LiuSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic2004 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Haotian LiuCivil Engineering, Operations Research, Statistics Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Meilin LiuMaterials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Mathematics1989 Lutgard C. De Jonghe (grad student)
Xudong Liu Nuclear Engineering2016 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Richard LockhartStatistics1979 David Harold Blackwell (grad student)
Michel Loève
Arvid Turner Lonsethintegral equations, the calculus of variations, and computational methods1939 Hans Lewy (grad student)
John LottDifferential geometry
Fei LuMalliavin calculus, stochastic modeling and scientific computing
Fangwen LuGeneral Economics, Public Health, Higher Education, Instructional Design Education Agricultural & Resource Economics2011 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Ming-Chang LuMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2010 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Adam Lucas
Bradley Luen Statistics2010 Philip B. Stark (grad student)
Grace LyoAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2007 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Kevin Ma Nuclear Engineering20162016 Massimiliano Fratoni (grad student)
Rhoderick N. Machekano2006 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Trina N. MackieEnvironmental Health, Water Resource Management, Remote Sensing Environmental Health Sciences2010 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Heather A. MacLeodTeacher Training Education, Black Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2008 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Samer M. MadanatCivil Engineering, Operations Research, Statistics
Susan MagidsonMathematics education2002 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Michael W. Mahoneycomputational chemistry and molecular design
Andrew Joseph Majda
Maryanthe E. MalliarisModel theory and applications to number theory2009 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Lasse P. MannistoAlgebraic and arithmetic geometry Mathematics2014 Martin Olsson (grad student)
Daniel W. MarkiewiczMathematics2002 William Arveson (grad student)
Gregory T. Marks2000 Tsit-Yuen (林節玄) Lam (grad student)
Andrew S. MarksRecursion theory, mathematical logic Mathematics2012 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Carolina MarquezGeneral Economics, Finance2007 Paul A. Ruud (grad student)
Lilit MartirosyanSuper-representation theory Mathematics2013 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Jeremy L. MarzuolaPartial differential equations2007 Daniel Tataru (grad student)
Don Maszle1998 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Ivan MaticProbability theory, Partial differential equations Mathematics2010 Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (grad student)
Jon MccammondGeometric Group Theory Mathematics1991 John L. Rhodes (grad student)
John Edward McCarthy1989 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
James G. McCarthy2000 Robert M. Anderson (grad student)
Dominic McCartyMathematics Mathematics2014 William H. Woodin (grad student)
John Hector McDonald
Shawn K. McDougalGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology Mathematics2013 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Ralph Nelson Whitfield McKenzieGeneral algebra, Logic
Karen M. McKeown Biostatistics2011 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Aaron F. McMillangeometry Mathematics2011 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Aditya MeduryTransportation, Operations Research, Civil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Alice MedvedevModel theory and applications to number theory2007 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Rajan A. Mehtageometry2006 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Hector MendozaMechanical Engineering, Energy, Nanotechnology Mechanical Engineering2013 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Kurt M. MenningForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Biostatistics Biology2003 Tracy L. Benning (grad student)
Bill Meredith
Amy G. MerrillBiogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences2001 Tracy L. Benning (grad student)
Zachary MesyanAssociative rings, Universal algebra and category theory, Counterexamples2006 George M. Bergman (grad student)
Todor E. MilanovSymplectic and contact geometry, Singularity theory, Mathematical physics2005 Alexander Givental (grad student)
Warry Millar
P. Warwick Millar
C. Keith MillerPartial differential equations, Numerical methods for PDE's
Carl A. MillerAlgebraic geometry2007 Arthur E. Ogus (grad student)
Roger E. MillsapPersonality Psychology, Statistics Bill Meredith (grad student)
Luisa MiranianAnalysis, Probability, Integrable systems, Medical imaging2005 F. Alberto Grünbaum (grad student)
Sunny J. MistryMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Mechanical Engineering2014 Sanjay Govindjee (grad student)
Toby MitchellCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Sanjay Govindjee (grad student)
Sevak Mkrtchyan2009 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Annette M. Molinaro2004 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
James D. MonkMathematics1961 Alfred Tarski (grad student)
Antonio MontalbánMathematical logic, computability theory
Calvin C. MooreRepresentations and actions of topological groups, Operator algebras
Kelly L. Moore Biostatistics2009 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Marcelo J. MoreiraGeneral Economics, Labor Economics, Statistics2002 Thomas J. Rothenberg (grad student)
Charles B. MorreyMathematical Analysis
Scott E. MorrisonMathematics2007 Vaughan Jones (grad student)
Khalid M. MosalamCivil Engineering, Statistics
Timothy D. MountGeneral Economics, Area Planning and Development, Statistics1970 Ivan Marion Lee (grad student)
Mohamed A. MoustafaCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Kimberly M. MuellerEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Teacher Training Education2001 Paul R. Ammon (grad student), Martin V. Covington (grad student)
Carl E. Mueller1979 P. Warwick Millar (grad student)
Jason MurphyNonlinear dispersive partial differential equations
William L. Murray2001 Tsit-Yuen (林節玄) Lam (grad student)
Katta G. MurtyOperations Research, Mathematics1968 David Gale (grad student)
Mircea I. MustataAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation2001 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Per A. MyklandFinance, Statistics1989 Rudolph J. Beran (grad student)
Asaf Y. Nachmias2008 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Serban M. Nacu2004 Yuval Peres (grad student)
David NadlerGeometric representation theory, symplectic geometry
Clay J. NaitoCivil Engineering2000 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Ziad S. NakatCivil Engineering2006 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Moni NaorComputer Science Manuel Blum (grad student)
Johanna L. NeaderhouserDynamical systems, Neural networks2000 Morris W. Hirsch (grad student)
Brent NelsonFree probability, non-tracial von Neumann algebras
Nina NemyrovskaSuper-representation theory2003 Vera Serganova (grad student)
John C. NeuApplied mathematics
Romain S. Neugebauer2004 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Genevra C. NeumannComplex function theory, Operator theory2003 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Jerzy Neyman1924 Wacław Sierpiński (grad student)
Long H. NgoPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology2000 Richard J. Brand (grad student)
Nghi H. NguyenMathematics2005 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Khoa L. NguyenSymplectic topology
Ari P. Nieh2007 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Andrew N. NilesAlgebraic and arithmetic geometry Mathematics2014 Martin Olsson (grad student)
William Niskanen
Deborah Nolan
April Novak Nuclear Engineering Rachel N. Slaybaugh (grad student)
Andrew P. OggNumber theory, Elliptic curves, Modular forms
Arthur E. OgusAlgebraic geometry
Sung-Jin OhPartial differential equations, geometric dispersive equations, geometric heat flows
Pavel OkunevApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics2005 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student)
Martin OlssonAlgebraic and arithmetic geometry
Alf A. OnshuusModel theory and applications to number theory2002 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Hirosi OoguriTheoretical Physics
Christopher Paciorek
Andrew K. PackardMechanical Engineering, Biostatistics Biology
Jorge PadillaMechanical Engineering, Nanotechnology Mechanical Engineering2014 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Koushik PalModel theory and applications to number theory Logic & the Methodology of Science2011 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Eva Contreras PalaciosLow dimensional topology, knot theory
Konstantin Palamarchuk2006 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Julian PalmoreMathematics1973 Stephen Smale (grad student)
Victor M. Panaretostime series2007 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Sangjoon ParkCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2010 Khalid M. Mosalam (grad student)
Sejung ParkCivil Engineering, Operations Research2004 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Byung-Hyun ParkNuclear Engineering, Energy2004 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Beresford N. ParlettNumerical analysis, Scientific computation
Emanuel ParzenStatistics1953 Michel Loève (grad student)
Alexander PaulinNumber theory, p-adic automorphic forms
Maja Pavlic2001 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Dmitri PavlovGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology Mathematics2011 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Sally L. Payson HaysGuidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2000 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Robert L. PegoMathematics1982 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
Michael PejicApplied Mathematics, Quantum Physics, Computer Science Mathematics2014 F. Alberto Grünbaum (grad student)
Ron PeledProbability and stochastic processes2008 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
David S. PenneysVon Neumann algebras Mathematics2012 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
Yuval Peres
Assaf PeretzRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory2003 Leo Anthony Harrington (grad student)
Ronald PerlineMathematics1984 F. Alberto Grünbaum (grad student)
Jeffrey PerloffGeneral Economics, Statistics
Per-Olof PerssonApplied Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics
Gabor Z. Pete2006 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Mira Alexander Peterka Mathematics2010 Marc A. Rieffel (grad student)
Emily E. PetersMathematics2009 Vaughan Jones (grad student)
Maya L. Petersen2007 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Derick R. PetersonStatistics1998 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Douglas O. PhilbrickMechanical Engineering2001 Andrew K. Packard (grad student)
Olivier Pironneau Elijah Polak (grad student)
Jim Pitman
James PitmanProbability, stochastic processes, combinatorics, machine learning
Helmut Pitters
Elijah PolakMechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mathematics1962 Charles A. Desoer (grad student)
Eric C. Polley Biostatistics2010 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Daniel M. PomerleanoLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory Mathematics2012 Constantin Teleman (grad student)
Bjorn PoonenMathematics
William Popendorf1977 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Lea PopovicTheoretical and applied probability2003 David Aldous (grad student)
Trevor J. PotterApplied mathematics, Numerical methods, Partial Differential Equations Applied Mathematics2013 Jon Wilkening (grad student)
Jeffrey J. PowersNuclear Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Energy Nuclear Engineering2011 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Luca Pozzi Biostatistics2014 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Malabika PramanikHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables2001 Michael Christ (grad student)
Arturo F. Prat WaldronGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology2009 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Peter N. PribikRepresentation theory, Integrable systems, Mathematical physics2004 Edward Frenkel (grad student)
Charles C. PughDynamical systems, normal hyperbolicity
Kevin PurbhooMathematics2004 Allen Knutson (grad student)
Elizabeth PurdomStatistics, BioX
Roger Purves
John K.-H. Quah1994 Robert M. Anderson (grad student)
Christopher M. Quale2001 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Rene L. QuilodranHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables Mathematics2012 Michael Christ (grad student)
Staffan A. QvistNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2013 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Vaughan F. R. JonesVon Neumann algebras
Nusrat Rabbee
Olga V. Radkogeometry2002 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Claudiu C. RaicuAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation Mathematics2011 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Janak D. RamakrishnanModel theory and applications to number theory2008 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Manya J. RamanMathematics education2002 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Aaditya Kumar Ramdasstatistics, machine learning EECS and Statistics EECS and Statistics20152018 Martin Wainwright (post-doc), Michael I. Jordan (post-doc)
Aaditya V. RanganApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science2003 John Strain (grad student)
Bruce H. Rannala1998 Montgomery Slatkin (post-doc)
Pierre RaphaëlAnalysis of nonlinear partial differential equations, singularity formation
Marina RatnerErgodic theory
Justin V. RemaisPublic Health, Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Parasitology Biology2006 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Alexander D. RennetModel theory and applications to number theory Logic & the Methodology of Science2012 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Nicolai Reshetikhin
Sanaz RezaeianCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2010 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Fraydoun RezakhanlouProbability theory, Partial differential equations
Sarah A. ReznikoffVon Neumann algebras2002 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
John L. RhodesAlgebra, Semigroups, Automata
Kenneth A. RibetAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry
John Rice
Edward J. RiedyNumerical analysis, Applied control theory Computer Science2010 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Marc A. Rieffel Mathematical Analysis
Mark W. RinkerMathematics2005 John Stallings (grad student)
Stephan J. RitterBiostatistics Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, General Biology Biostatistics2013 Alan E. Hubbard (grad student)
Douglas P. RizzoloProbability, stochastic processes, combinatorics, machine learning Mathematics2012 James Pitman (grad student)
Timothy A. RobardsForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Statistics Environmental Science, Policy, & Management2009 Greg Biging (grad student)
Charles-Antoine RobelinCivil Engineering2006 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Lawrence P. RobertsTopology of manifolds2004 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Harlan S. Robinscomputational biology2001 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Mark L. RodiniGeneral Economics, Speech Communication2009 Paul A. Ruud (grad student)
Vincent D. RomaninMechanical Engineering, Energy Mechanical Engineering2012 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Sherri Rose Biostatistics2011 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Marvin Rosenblum1955 František Wolf (grad student)
Clementine H. Rossier2002 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Brian Rostron2008 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Brian D. RothbachAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry2009 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
Melvin Gordon Rothenberg1962 P. Emery (Paul) Thomas (grad student)
Thomas J. RothenbergFinance, Statistics
Johannes O. RoysetCivil Engineering, Operations Research2002 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student), Elijah Polak (grad student)
Victor RoytburdMathematics1981 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
Ronitt RubinfeldComputer Science, Statistics Manuel Blum (grad student)
Huang RuiAgricultural Economics, General Economics, Marketing Business Administration2008 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Maritza RuizMechanical Engineering, Energy Mechanical Engineering2015 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Nicolas RumignyMechanical Engineering2006 Elijah Polak (grad student)
Trent M. RussiMechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics Mechanical Engineering2010 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Paul A. RuudTheory Economics, Statistics
Ann J. RyuMathematics education2006 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Nader SadeghMechanical Engineering, Statistics Roberto Horowitz (grad student)
Mohammad Safdari Mathematics2014 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Koki SagiyamaCivil Engineering, Applied Mathematics Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Sanjay Govindjee (grad student)
Jeremy Neil Sain Mathematics2009 Marc A. Rieffel (grad student)
Elisa K. SalasinCurriculum and Instruction Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Elementary Education2005 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Ian R. SammisApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science2009 John Strain (grad student)
Gaston Sanchez
Nirit SandmanDiophantine approximation, Nevanlinna theor, Arakelov theory2004 Paul A. Vojta (grad student)
Stephanie K. Sapp Statistics2014 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Donald Erik SarasonComplex function theory, Operator theory
Mehrdad Sasani-KoloriCivil Engineering2001 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student), Vitelmo V. Bertero (grad student), Nicos Makris (grad student)
Matthew B. SatrianoAlgebraic and arithmetic geometry Mathematics2010 Martin Olsson (grad student)
Nikolai SavelievLow-dimensional topology and gauge theory
Thomas ScanlonModel theory and applications to number theory
Chad M. Schafer2004 Philip B. Stark (grad student)
Daniel K. ScheplerAlgebraic geometry2005 Arthur E. Ogus (grad student)
Saul D. SchleimerMathematics2001 John Stallings (grad student)
Celeste SchneiderClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2003 Paul R. Ammon (grad student)
Robert R. SchneidermanTopology of manifolds2001 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Frederic R. Paik SchoenbergStatistics1997 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Alan SchoenfeldMathematics education
Christopher J. Schommer-PriesGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology2009 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Stefan Schoppmannneutrino physics
Charles A. SchuetzMechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences2004 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Steven E. SchwarzSolid-State Devices; Nano-Optoelectronics, Electromagnetics/Plasmas
Jason R. SchweinsbergProbability, stochastic processes, combinatorics, machine learning2001 James Pitman (grad student)
Alexandru ScorpanTopology of manifolds2003 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Lynn C. ScowModel theory and applications to number theory Mathematics2010 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Jasjeet Sekhon
Arnab SenProbability and stochastic processes Statistics2010 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
Vera SerganovaSuper-representation theory
Khrystyna SerhiyenkoAlgebra, representation theory, cluster algebras
Antonio M. SerraComplex function theory, Operator theory2002 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
James A. SethianApplied mathematics, Computational physics, Partial differential equations
Edmund Y. SetoPublic Health, Environmental Sciences, Remote Sensing2000 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Sobhan Seyfaddinigeometry Mathematics2012 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Juliet Shaffer
Amip J. ShahMechanical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Niral ShahMathematics education Education2013 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
Ying ShanApplied mathematics, Computational physics, Partial differential equations2007 James A. Sethian (grad student)
J George ShanthikumarOperations Research, Industrial Engineering, Statistics
Shahed I. SharifMathematics2006 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Arun SharmaAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry2009 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
Shashi ShekharElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics1990 C. V. (Chittoor Vijayaraghavalu) Ramamoorthy (grad student)
Zhihua ShenGeneral Economics, Statistics2000 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Vivek ShendeGeometry
Xianghui ShiSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic2006 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Tiffany M. ShihTheory Economics, General Economics Agricultural and Resource Economics2013 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Sug Woo ShinNumber theory, automorphic forms
Noam ShomronSuper-representation theory2001 Vera Serganova (grad student)
Yelena ShvetsApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics2005 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student)
Aaron N. SiegelCombinatorial game theory, Algebraic coding theory, Electrical engineering, Computer science2005 Elwyn R. Berlekamp (grad student)
Jeffrey A. SiegelMechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering2002 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Jack H. SilverMathematical logic, Theory of sets Mathematics Robert Lawson Vaught (grad student)
Barton Simmons1991 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Isadore M. SingerGeometry, Partial differential equations, Physics
Sandra E. Sinisi2006 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Andrew R. SintonLie groups, Functional analysis, Riemannian geometry2005 Joseph A. Wolf (grad student)
Karthikgeyan SivakumaranTransportation Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Samer M. Madanat (grad student)
Theodore A. SlamanRecursion theory, mathematical logic
William E. SlofstraLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory Mathematics2011 Constantin Teleman (grad student)
Stephen SmaleAlgorithms, Numerical analysis, Global analysis
Charles K. SmartRecursion theory, Model theory, Set theory Mathematics2010 Leo Anthony Harrington (grad student)
Berend SmitMolecular simulations, multi-scale modeling, catalysts, soft-condensed matter, biological membranes, clays19911992 David Chandler (post-doc)
Wayne SmithMathematics1983 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Pablo R. SolisLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory Mathematics2014 Constantin Teleman (grad student)
Edgar SolomonikNumerical analysis, Applied control theory Computer Science2014 James W. Demmel (grad student)
Robert M. SolovayMathematical Logic
Stephanie J. Somersille2009 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Yun S. SongBiosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Theory (THY); Applied Probability and Statistics
Junho SongCivil Engineering2004 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Edwin Henry Spanier
Wilbur Spaul1983 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Robert C. SpearPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology
Terry Speed
Natasha M. SpeerMathematics education2001 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
David I. SpivakGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology2007 Peter Teichner (grad student)
William W. Sprague Demography2013 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Cecily A. SpurlockEnvironmental Economics, Energy, Agricultural Economics Agricultural and Resource Economics2013 Meredith L. Fowlie (grad student)
Priya SreedharanEnvironmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, System Science Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2008 Van P. Carey (grad student), Ashok J Gadgil (grad student)
Nikhil SrivastavaTheoretical computer science, random matrices, geometry of polynomials
John StallingsMathematics
Philip B. Stark
Harold M. StarkMathematics1964 Derrick Henry Lehmer (grad student)
Ori M. Stitelman Biostatistics2010 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Chuck Stone
Charles Joel Stoneprobability, mathematical statistics
Lindsay E. StovallHarmonic analysis, Partial differential equations, Complex analysis in several variables2009 Michael Christ (grad student)
Shobhana Stoyanov
John StrainApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science
Sylvia E. SudatBiostatistics Biology, Public Health Biostatistics2012 Alan E. Hubbard (grad student)
Nike Sun
Chen-li SunMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering2002 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Kunpeng SunMechanical Engineering2004 Andrew K. Packard (grad student)
Hongbin SunLow dimensional topology and hyperbolic geometry
Shenghao SunAlgebraic and arithmetic geometry Mathematics2010 Martin Olsson (grad student)
Matthew M. SzczesnyRepresentation theory, Integrable systems, Mathematical physics2002 Edward Frenkel (grad student)
Kelli TalaskaAlgebraic combinatorics
Weehong TanMechanical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Andrew K. Packard (grad student)
Xiang Tanggeometry2004 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Daniel TataruPartial differential equations
Abraham Haskel Taubdifferential geometry, general relativity and cosmology, applied mathematics (shock waves and relativistic hydrodynamics), and numerical analysis
William Francis Taylor Statistics1950 Jerzy Neyman (grad student)
James Sturdevant Taylor1918 Mellen Woodman Haskell (grad student)
Peter TeichnerGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology
Constantin TelemanLie groups, Algebraic geometry, Topology, Quantum field theory
James E. TenerVon Neumann algebras Mathematics2014 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
Siew-Leng Teng2007 Haiyan Huang (grad student)
Enrique ThomannMathematics1985 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
P. Emery (Paul) Thomas
Aram J. Thomasian1956 David Harold Blackwell (grad student)
Howard M. ThompsonAlgebraic geometry2002 Arthur E. Ogus (grad student)
Dylan P. ThurstonVon Neumann algebras2000 Vaughan F. R. Jones (grad student)
William P. ThurstonMathematics1972 Morris W. Hirsch (grad student)
Iris TienCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Armen Der Kiureghian (grad student)
Arthur E. TilleyModel theory and applications to number theory Logic & the Methodology of Science2014 Thomas Scanlon (grad student)
Peter W. Tingley2008 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Rocio Titiunik Agricultural Economics2009 Jasjeet Sekhon (grad student)
Mihai H. TohaneanuPartial differential equations2009 Daniel Tataru (grad student)
Andrew J. TollandRepresentation theory, Integrable systems, Mathematical physics2009 Edward Frenkel (grad student)
Sarah E. Tom2007 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Valentin TonitaSymplectic and contact geometry, Singularity theory, Mathematical physics Mathematics2011 Alexander Givental (grad student)
Adam TopazGalois theory, arithmetic geometry, valuation theory
Jose A. TorralbaSciences Education, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Technology of Education2006 Rogers P. Hall (grad student)
Waldemar Joseph Trjitzinsky1926 John Hector McDonald (grad student)
Hsian-Hua TsengSymplectic and contact geometry, Singularity theory, Mathematical physics2005 Alexander Givental (grad student)
Anastasios (Butch) A. TsiatisStatistics1975 Jerzy Neyman (grad student)
Matthew Bruce Tucker-Simmons Mathematics2013 Marc A. Rieffel (grad student)
Christopher P. TuffleyTopology of manifolds2003 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Catherine A. Tuglus Biostatistics2010 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Sinan UnverDiophantine approximation, Nevanlinna theor, Arakelov theory2003 Paul A. Vojta (grad student)
Perry d. ValpineEcology Biology, Statistics
Bret P. van den AkkerNuclear Engineering, Applied Mathematics Nuclear Engineering2012 Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Johannes Gualtherus van der Corput
Mark J. van der LaanBiostatistics Biology, Epidemiology
Ronald M. van LuijkAlgebraic number theory, Algorithms2005 Hendrik W. Lenstra (grad student)
Anthony VarillyMathematics2009 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Robert Lawson Vaught Mathematics Alfred Tarski (grad student)
Ivan B. VenturaPartial differential equations, Mathematical physics Mathematics2012 Maciej Zworski (grad student)
Renato F. ViannaSymplectic topology and mirror symmetry Mathematics2014 Denis Auroux (grad student)
Prashanth K. VijalapuraCivil Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2004 Sanjay Govindjee (grad student)
Oscar G. VillarealMathematics2005 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Balint Virag2000 Yuval Peres (grad student)
Bianca L. VirayMathematics Mathematics2010 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)
Sankaran ViswanathLie algebras, Vertex algebras, Automorphic forms2004 Richard E. Borcherds (grad student)
Alexander B. VladimirskyApplied mathematics, Computational physics, Partial differential equations2001 James A. Sethian (grad student)
Dan-Virgil VoiculescuOperator algebras
John M. VoightAlgebraic number theory, Algorithms2005 Hendrik W. Lenstra (grad student)
Paul A. VojtaDiophantine approximation, Nevanlinna theor, Arakelov theory
Thanh Q. VuAlgebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation Mathematics2014 David Eisenbud (grad student)
Richard W. VuducHigh-performance computing, performance engineering, autotuning Computer Science Division19972004 James W. Demmel (grad student), Katherine A. Yelick (grad student)
Ken Wachter
Joseph F. WagnerMathematics education2003 Alan Schoenfeld (grad student)
John B. WagonerDifferential topology, Algebraic K-theory, Dynamical systems
Carl WalshGeneral Economics, Statistics Economics1976 R. Aaron Gordon (grad student)
Andrew WandTopology of manifolds Mathematics2010 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Jiajun WangTopology of manifolds2007 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Shuo Wang Environmental Health Sciences2013 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Nathaniel G. WatsonGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology Mathematics2013 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Eric S. WaymanProbability and stochastic processes Mathematics2014 Steven N. Evans (grad student)
Jonathan Q. WeareApplied mathematics, numerical methods, computational physics, computational statistics2007 Alexandre J. Chorin (grad student)
Benjamin T. Webster2007 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Katrin WehrheimLow-dimensional and symplectic topology
David L. WeimerGeneral, Statistics Aaron Wildavsky (grad student), William Niskanen (grad student)
Alan Weinsteingeometry Mathematics1967 Shiing-Shen Chern (grad student)
Jared S. WeinsteinAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2007 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Aaron P. WemhoffMechanical Engineering2004 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Eric L. WemhoffMechanical Engineering2003 Andrew K. Packard (grad student)
Linda B. WestrickRecursion theory, mathematical logic Mathematics2014 Theodore A. Slaman (grad student)
Roger J. WetsMathematics1965 David Harold Blackwell (grad student)
Michael WetterMechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mathematics2004 Van P. Carey (grad student)
Russell A. WhitesidesMechanical Engineering2009 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Wayne A. WhitneyAlgebraic number theory, Algorithms2002 Hendrik W. Lenstra (grad student)
Charlotte V. Wickhamtime series Statistics2011 David R. Brillinger (grad student)
Ernest Julius Wilczynski
Alan C. WilderGeometric topology, 4-manifolds, elliptic cohomology Mathematics2011 Peter Teichner (grad student)
Jon WilkeningApplied mathematics, Numerical methods, Partial Differential Equations
Lauren WilliamsCombinatorics, and connections to representation theory, geometry, and statistical physics
Harold M. Williams Mathematics2014 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Oliver E. WilliamsonGeneral Business Administration, Management Business Administration, General Economics, Energy
Mariusz WodzickiNon-commutative and algebraic geometry, Analysis, K-theory
Joseph A. WolfLie groups, Functional analysis, Riemannian geometry
František Wolf
Thomas WolffMathematics1979 Donald Erik Sarason (grad student)
Seung Min Woo Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering20132017 Massimiliano Fratoni (grad student), Joonhong Ahn (grad student)
Alexander K. WooAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry2005 Mark D. Haiman (grad student)
W. Hugh WoodinSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic1984 Robert M. Solovay (grad student)
William H. WoodinMathematics
Ximing WuLabor Economics2003 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student)
Chien-Fu Jeff WuStatistics1976 Peter J. Bickel (grad student)
Jyun-de Wu1997 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Hung-Hsi WuReal and complex geometry
Jianlin XiaMathematics, Computer Science2006 Ming Gu (grad student)
Biao Xing2004 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Janice Yager1982 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Milen T. Yakimov2001 Nicolai Reshetikhin (grad student)
Muzhe YangGeneral Economics2008 Jeffrey Perloff (grad student), Kenneth Chay (grad student)
Grace Lo Yang1966 Lucien Marie Le Cam (grad student)
Jiangang YaoTopology of manifolds2008 Robion Kirby (grad student)
Shing-tung Yau1971 Herbert Blaine Lawson (grad student)
Soroosh YazdaniAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry2007 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Devin R. YeatesMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Information Science Mechanical Engineering2011 Michael Frenklach (grad student)
Zhengyu Yin
Hwajong YooAlgebraic number theory, Algebraic Geometry Mathematics2013 Kenneth A. Ribet (grad student)
Ken Yost1989 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Danzhen You2007 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Yang You Computer Science James W. Demmel (grad student)
Jessica G. Young2007 Nicholas P. Jewell (grad student)
Zhuo Yu2002 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Jia YuApplied mathematics, Numerical methods, Partial Differential Equations Applied Mathematics2010 Jon Wilkening (grad student)
Xinyi YuanNumber theory
Richard Zachphilosophy of mathematics, history of analytic philosophy, mathematical logic, philosophical of logic Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science19962001 Jack H. Silver (grad student), Paolo Mancosu (grad student)
Marco Zambongeometry2004 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Xiaoyan Zhang2001 John Rice (grad student)
Guanheng Zhang Nuclear Engineering2015 Ehud Greenspan (grad student)
Jianfeng ZhangApplied Mathematics, Finance Environmental Health Sciences Kirk R. Smith (post-doc)
Wenjing Zheng Biostatistics2014 Mark J. van der Laan (grad student)
Liheng ZhongRemote Sensing, General Agriculture, Water Resource Management Environmental Science, Policy, & Management2012 Greg Biging (grad student)
Joey Yi Zhou1998 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Chenchang Zhugeometry2004 Alan Weinstein (grad student)
John Yiran Zhu Mathematics2011 Robert M. Anderson (grad student)
Xinwen ZhuRepresentation theory, Integrable systems, Mathematical physics2009 Edward Frenkel (grad student)
Aaron S. ZobleSet theory, Large cardinals, Mathematical logic2000 W. Hugh Woodin (grad student)
Sarah M. Zureick Demography2010 Ken Wachter (grad student)
Maciej ZworskiPartial differential equations, Mathematical physics
David J. ZywinaMathematics2008 Bjorn Poonen (grad student)