Andrew K. Packard

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Mechanical Engineering, Biostatistics Biology
"Andrew Packard"


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Ufuk Topcu grad student UC Berkeley (E-Tree)
Douglas O. Philbrick grad student 2001 UC Berkeley
Zachary W. Jarvis-Wloszek grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
Eric L. Wemhoff grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
Kunpeng Sun grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
Weehong Tan grad student 2006 UC Berkeley
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Yin H, Packard A, Arcak M, et al. (2020) Reachability analysis using dissipation inequalities for uncertain nonlinear systems Systems & Control Letters. 142: 104736
Narvaez-Aroche O, Meyer P, Tu S, et al. (2019) Robust Control of the Sit-to-Stand Movement for a Powered Lower Limb Orthosis Ieee Transactions On Control Systems and Technology. 1-14
Seiler P, Moore RM, Meissen C, et al. (2019) Finite horizon robustness analysis of LTV systems using integral quadratic constraints Automatica. 100: 135-143
Hegde A, Li W, Oreluk J, et al. (2018) Consistency Analysis for Massively Inconsistent Datasets in Bound-to-Bound Data Collaboration Siam/Asa Journal On Uncertainty Quantification. 6: 429-456
Ferreira ASR, Meissen C, Arcak M, et al. (2018) Symmetry Reduction for Performance Certification of Interconnected Systems Ieee Transactions On Control of Network Systems. 5: 525-535
Iavarone S, Oreluk J, Smith SST, et al. (2018) Application of Bound-to-Bound Data Collaboration approach for development and uncertainty quantification of a reduced char combustion model Fuel. 232: 769-779
Slavinskaya NA, Abbasi M, Starcke JH, et al. (2017) Development of an Uncertainty Quantification Predictive Chemical Reaction Model for Syngas Combustion Energy & Fuels. 31: 2274-2297
Glover K, Packard A. (2017) Some numerical considerations in H∞ control Systems & Control Letters. 101: 15-20
Meissen C, Klausen K, Arcak M, et al. (2017) Passivity-based Formation Control for UAVs with a Suspended Load Ifac-Papersonline. 50: 13150-13155
Frenklach M, Packard A, Garcia-Donato G, et al. (2016) Comparison of Statistical and Deterministic Frameworks of Uncertainty Quantification Siam/Asa Journal On Uncertainty Quantification. 4: 875-901
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