Romain S. Neugebauer, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
"Romain Neugebauer"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMark J. van der Laan | grad student | 2004 | UC Berkeley | |
(Double robust estimation of causal parameters in marginal structural models.) |
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Williamson BD, Wyss R, Stuart EA, et al. (2023) An application of the Causal Roadmap in two safety monitoring case studies: Causal inference and outcome prediction using electronic health record data. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 7: e208 |
Kreif N, Sofrygin O, Schmittdiel JA, et al. (2020) Exploiting non-systematic covariate monitoring to broaden the scope of evidence about the causal effects of adaptive treatment strategies. Biometrics |
Sofrygin O, Zhu Z, Schmittdiel JA, et al. (2019) Targeted learning with daily EHR data. Statistics in Medicine |
Neugebauer R, Schmittdiel JA, Adams AS, et al. (2017) Identification of the joint effect of a dynamic treatment intervention and a stochastic monitoring intervention under the no direct effect assumption. Journal of Causal Inference. 5 |
Sofrygin O, van der Laan MJ, Neugebauer R. (2017) simcausal R Package: Conducting Transparent and Reproducible Simulation Studies of Causal Effect Estimation with Complex Longitudinal Data. Journal of Statistical Software. 81 |
Neugebauer R, Schmittdiel JA, van der Laan MJ. (2016) A Case Study of the Impact of Data-Adaptive Versus Model-Based Estimation of the Propensity Scores on Causal Inferences from Three Inverse Probability Weighting Estimators. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 12: 131-55 |
Raine-Bennett T, Tucker LY, Zaritsky E, et al. (2015) Occult Uterine Sarcoma and Leiomyosarcoma: Incidence of and Survival Associated With Morcellation. Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Neugebauer R, Schmittdiel JA, Zhu Z, et al. (2015) High-dimensional propensity score algorithm in comparative effectiveness research with time-varying interventions. Statistics in Medicine. 34: 753-81 |
Neugebauer R, Schmittdiel JA, van der Laan MJ. (2014) Targeted learning in real-world comparative effectiveness research with time-varying interventions. Statistics in Medicine. 33: 2480-520 |
Neugebauer R, Fireman B, Roy JA, et al. (2013) Super learning to hedge against incorrect inference from arbitrary parametric assumptions in marginal structural modeling. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 66: S99-109 |