Seongah Im, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Columbia University, New York, NY |
Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"Seongah Im"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJames E. Corter | grad student | 2007 | Columbia | |
(Statistical consequences of attribute misspecification in the Rule Space Model.) |
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Yamauchi LA, Im S, Mark L. (2013) The Influence of Professional Development on Educators' Instructional Conversations in Preschool Classrooms Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 34: 140-153 |
Yamauchi LA, Im S, Schonleber NS. (2012) Adapting Strategies of Effective Instruction for Culturally Diverse Preschoolers Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 33: 54-72 |
Im S, Corter JE. (2011) Statistical consequences of attribute misspecification in the rule space method Educational and Psychological Measurement. 71: 712-731 |
Im S. (2011) The effect of profile elevation on the relationship between interest differentiation and vocational identity British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 39: 149-160 |
Im S, Park HJ. (2010) A comparison of US and Korean students' mathematics skills using a cognitive diagnostic testing method: Linkage to instruction Educational Research and Evaluation. 16: 287-301 |
Im S, Yin Y. (2009) Diagnosing skills of statistical hypothesis testing using the Rule Space Method Studies in Educational Evaluation. 35: 193-199 |
Corter JE, Nickerson JV, Esche SK, et al. (2007) Constructing reality: A study of remote, hands-on, and simulated laboratories Acm Transactions On Computer-Human Interaction. 14 |