Asher Wolinsky
Affiliations: | Economics | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
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"Asher Wolinsky"Children
Sign in to add traineeMarco Battaglini | grad student | 2001 | Northwestern |
Donato Gerardi | grad student | 2001 | Northwestern |
Tymon S. Tatur | grad student | 2003 | Northwestern |
Gregory Pavlov | grad student | 2005 | Northwestern |
Maria Goltsman | grad student | 2006 | Northwestern |
Jakub Kaluzny | grad student | 2008 | Northwestern |
Nenad Kos | grad student | 2008 | Northwestern |
Pak H. Au | grad student | 2012 | Northwestern |
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Lauermann S, Wolinsky A. (2017) Bidder Solicitation, Adverse Selection, and the Failure of Competition The American Economic Review. 107: 1399-1429 |
Lauermann S, Wolinsky A. (2016) Search With Adverse Selection Econometrica. 84: 243-315 |
Dekel E, Wolinsky A. (2012) Buying shares and/or votes for corporate control Review of Economic Studies. 79: 196-226 |
Dekel E, Jackson MO, Wolinsky A. (2009) Vote buying:Legislatures and lobbying Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 4: 103-128 |
Dekel E, Jackson MO, Wolinsky A. (2008) Vote buying: General elections Journal of Political Economy. 116: 351-380 |
Wolinsky A. (2005) Procurement via sequential search Journal of Political Economy. 113: 785-810 |
Pesendorfer W, Wolinsky A. (2003) Second opinions and price competition: Inefficiency in the market for expert advice Review of Economic Studies. 70: 417-437 |
Dekel E, Wolinsky A. (2003) Rationalizable outcomes of large private-value first-price discrete auctions Games and Economic Behavior. 43: 175-188 |
Wolinsky A. (2003) Information transmission when the sender's preferences are uncertain Games and Economic Behavior. 42: 319-326 |
Bagwell K, Wolinsky A. (2002) Chapter 49 Game theory and industrial organization Handbook of Game Theory With Economic Applications. 3: 1851-1895 |