Lisa C. Kanner, Ph.D.

2012 Geosciences University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Geology, Climate Change, Geochemistry
"Lisa Kanner"
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Stephen J. Burns grad student 2012 U Mass Amherst
 (An isotopic perspective on climatic change in tropical South America from the modern through the Last Glacial period.)
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Burns SJ, Kanner LC, Cheng H, et al. (2015) A tropical speleothem record of glacial inception, the South American Summer Monsoon from 125 to 115 ka Climate of the Past. 11: 931-938
Kanner LC, Buenning NH, Stott LD, et al. (2014) The role of soil processes in δ18O terrestrial climate proxies Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 28: 239-252
Buenning NH, Stott L, Kanner L, et al. (2013) Diagnosing atmospheric influences on the interannual 18O/16O variations in western U.S. precipitation Water (Switzerland). 5: 1116-1140
Kanner LC, Burns SJ, Cheng H, et al. (2013) High-resolution variability of the South American summer monsoon over the last seven millennia: Insights from a speleothem record from the central Peruvian Andes Quaternary Science Reviews. 75: 1-10
Kanner L, Buenning N, Stott L, et al. (2013) Climatologic and hydrologic influences on the oxygen isotope ratio of tree cellulose in coastal southern California during the late 20th century Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14: 4488-4503
Kanner LC, Burns SJ, Cheng H, et al. (2012) High-latitude forcing of the South American summer monsoon during the Last Glacial. Science (New York, N.Y.). 335: 570-3
Vuille M, Burns SJ, Taylor BL, et al. (2012) A review of the South American monsoon history as recorded in stable isotopic proxies over the past two millennia Climate of the Past. 8: 1309-1321
Baratoux D, Pinet P, Gendrin A, et al. (2007) Mineralogical structure of the subsurface of Syrtis Major from OMEGA observations of lobate ejecta blankets Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 112
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