Joshua M. Cowen, Ph.D.

2008 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
General, Administration Education, Industrial and Labor Relations
"Joshua Cowen"


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John F. Witte grad student 2008 UW Madison
 (Bargain -based schooling: Teacher unions and American education.)
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Brunner E, Cowen JM, Strunk KO, et al. (2019) Teacher Labor Market Responses to Statewide Reform: Evidence From Michigan: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 41: 403-425
Carlson D, Bell E, Lenard MA, et al. (2019) Socioeconomic-Based School Assignment Policy and Racial Segregation Levels: Evidence From the Wake County Public School System American Educational Research Journal. 57: 258-304
Drake S, Auletto A, Cowen JM. (2019) Grading Teachers: Race and Gender Differences in Low Evaluation Ratings and Teacher Employment Outcomes: American Educational Research Journal. 56: 1800-1833
Marianno BD, Kilbride T, Theobald R, et al. (2018) Cut From the Same Cloth? Comparing Urban District CBAs Within States and Across the United States: Educational Policy. 32: 334-359
Strunk KO, Cowen JM, Goldhaber D, et al. (2018) It is in the Contract: How the Policies Set in Teachers’ Unions’ Collective Bargaining Agreements Vary Across States and Districts: Educational Policy. 32: 280-312
Lincove JA, Valant J, Cowen JM. (2018) You can't always get what you want: Capacity constraints in a choice-based school system Economics of Education Review. 67: 94-109
Cowen JM. (2017) Who Are the Homeless? Student Mobility and Achievement in Michigan 2010–2013: Educational Researcher. 46: 33-43
Cowen JM, Creed B. (2017) Public School Choice and Student Achievement: Evidence From Michigan’s Interdistrict Open Enrollment System: Aera Open. 3: 233285841773155
Lincove JA, Cowen JM, Imbrogno JP. (2016) What's in Your Portfolio? How Parents Rank Traditional Public, Private, and Charter Schools in Post-Katrina New Orleans’ Citywide System of School Choice Education Finance and Policy. 13: 194-226
Carlson DE, Cowen JM. (2015) School vouchers and student neighborhoods: Evidence from the Milwaukee parental choice program Education Policy Analysis Archives. 23
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