Steven D. Scott

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry
"Steven Scott"
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Marques AFA, Relvas JMRS, Scott SD, et al. (2020) Melt inclusions in quartz from felsic volcanic rocks of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Clues for magmatic ore metal transfer towards VMS-forming systems Ore Geology Reviews. 103743
Yeats CJ, Parr JM, Binns RA, et al. (2014) The SuSu Knolls hydrothermal field, eastern Manus basin, Papua New Guinea: An active submarine high-sulfidation copper-gold system Economic Geology. 109: 2207-2226
Peter JM, Leybourne MI, Scott SD, et al. (2014) Geochemical constraints on the tectonic setting of basaltic host rocks to the Windy Craggy Cu-Co-Au massive sulphide deposit, northwestern British Columbia International Geology Review. 56: 1484-1503
Layton-Matthews D, Leybourne MI, Peter JM, et al. (2013) Multiple sources of selenium in ancient seafloor hydrothermal systems: Compositional and Se, S, and Pb isotopic evidence from volcanic-hosted and volcanic-sediment-hosted massive sulfide deposits of the Finlayson Lake District, Yukon, Canada Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 117: 313-331
Marques AFA, Scott SD, Sodhi RNS. (2012) Time-Of-Flight Sims (Tof-Sims) Analyses Of Melt Inclusions Canadian Mineralogist. 50: 1305-1320
James RE, Scott SD, Fortin D, et al. (2012) Regulation of Fe3+-oxide Formation Among Fe2+-oxidizing Bacteria Geomicrobiology Journal. 29: 537-543
Conly AG, Scott SD, Bellon H. (2011) Metalliferous manganese oxide mineralization associated with the Boléo Cu-Co-Zn district, Mexico Economic Geology. 106: 1173-1196
Marques AFA, Scott SD, Guillong M. (2011) Magmatic degassing of ore-metals at the Menez Gwen: Input from the Azores plume into an active Mid-Atlantic Ridge seafloor hydrothermal system Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 310: 145-160
Marques AFA, Scott SD, Sodhi RNS. (2011) Determining major and trace element compositions of exposed melt inclusions in minerals using ToF‐SIMS Surface and Interface Analysis. 43: 436-442
Kennedy CB, Gault AG, Fortin D, et al. (2010) Carbon isotope fractionation by circumneutral iron-oxidizing bacteria Geology. 38: 1087-1090
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