Virginie Driss

Lille 2 
"Virginie Driss"


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Monique Capron grad student 2008 Lille 2
 (Les éosinophiles : effecteurs de la réponse immunitaire innée anti-mycobactérienne)
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Thi THH, Priemel PA, Karrout Y, et al. (2017) Preparation and investigation of P28GST-loaded PLGA microparticles for immunomodulation of experimental colitis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Gatault S, Delbeke M, Driss V, et al. (2015) IL-18 Is Involved in Eosinophil-Mediated Tumoricidal Activity against a Colon Carcinoma Cell Line by Upregulating LFA-1 and ICAM-1. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 195: 2483-92
Capron M, El Nady M, Dubuquoy L, et al. (2014) Mo1696 Treatment With P28GST, a Recombinant Enzyme From Schistosome Helminth Parasite Prevents Hapten-Induced Colitis by Inducing a Regulatory Th2 Response Gastroenterology. 146: S-638
Driss V, Hermann E, Legrand F, et al. (2012) CR3-dependent negative regulation of human eosinophils by Mycobacterium bovis BCG lipoarabinomannan. Immunology Letters. 143: 202-7
Legrand F, Driss V, Delbeke M, et al. (2010) Human eosinophils exert TNF-α and granzyme A-mediated tumoricidal activity toward colon carcinoma cells. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 185: 7443-51
Driss V, Legrand F, Loiseau S, et al. (2010) [Eosinophil: a new effector of innate immunity?]. Medecine Sciences : M/S. 26: 621-6
Kanda A, Driss V, Hornez N, et al. (2009) Eosinophil-derived IFN-gamma induces airway hyperresponsiveness and lung inflammation in the absence of lymphocytes. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 124: 573-82, 582.e1-9
Legrand F, Driss V, Woerly G, et al. (2009) A functional gammadeltaTCR/CD3 complex distinct from gammadeltaT cells is expressed by human eosinophils. Plos One. 4: e5926
Driss V, Legrand F, Hermann E, et al. (2009) TLR2-dependent eosinophil interactions with mycobacteria: role of alpha-defensins. Blood. 113: 3235-44
Legrand F, Woerly G, Driss V, et al. (2008) Innate immune function of eosinophils: from antiparasite to antitumor cells. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 415: 215-40
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