Sid L. Huff

The University of Western Ontario (Canada) 
Management Business Administration
"Sid Huff"
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Marcolin BL, Compeau DR, Munro MC, et al. (2000) Assessing User Competence: Conceptualization and Measurement Information Systems Research. 11: 37-60
Compeau D, Higgins CA, Huff S. (1999) Social cognitive theory and individual reactions to computing technology: a longitudinal study Management Information Systems Quarterly. 23: 145-158
Enns HG, Huff SL. (1999) Information Technology Implementation in Developing Countries: Advent of the Internet in Mongolia Journal of Global Information Technology Management. 2: 5-24
Newsted PR, Huff SL, Munro MC. (1998) Survey instruments in information systems Management Information Systems Quarterly. 22: 553-554
Chan YE, Huff SL, Barclay DW, et al. (1997) Business Strategic Orientation, Information Systems Strategic Orientation, and Strategic Alignment Information Systems Research. 8: 125-150
Chan YE, Huff SL, Copeland DG. (1997) Assessing realized information systems strategy Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 6: 273-298
Munro MC, Huff SL, Marcolin BL, et al. (1997) Understanding and measuring user competence Information & Management. 33: 45-57
Chan YE, Huff SL. (1992) Strategy: an information systems research perspective Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 1: 191-204
Barki H, Huff SL. (1990) Implementing Decision Support Systems: Correlates Of User Satisfaction And System Usage Infor. 28: 89-101
Igbaria M, Pavri FN, Huff SL. (1989) Microcomputer applications: An empirical look at usage Information and Management. 16: 187-196
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