James W. Fredrickson

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Management Business Administration
"James Fredrickson"
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Theeke M, Polidoro F, Fredrickson JW. (2018) Path-dependent Routines in the Evaluation of Novelty: The Effects of Innovators’ New Knowledge Use on Brokerage Firms’ Coverage: Administrative Science Quarterly. 63: 910-942
Fredrickson JW, Davis-Blake A, Sanders WG. (2010) Sharing the wealth: social comparisons and pay dispersion in the CEO's top team† Southern Medical Journal. 31: 1031-1053
Hambrick DC, Fredrickson JW. (2001) Are you sure you have a strategy Academy of Management Executive. 19: 51-62
Carpenter MA, Fredrickson JW. (2001) Top Management Teams, Global Strategic Posture, and the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Academy of Management Journal. 44: 533-545
Henderson AD, Fredrickson JW. (2001) Top Management Team Coordination Needs and the CEO Pay Gap: A Competitive Test of Economic and Behavioral Views Academy of Management Journal. 44: 96-117
Westphal JD, Fredrickson JW. (2001) Who directs strategic change? Director experience, the selection of new CEOs, and change in corporate strategy Southern Medical Journal. 22: 1113-1137
Iaquinto AL, Fredrickson JW. (1997) Top Management Team Agreement About The Strategic Decision Process: A Test Of Some Of Its Determinants And Consequences Strategic Management Journal. 18: 63-75
Henderson AD, Fredrickson JW. (1996) Information-Processing Demands as a Determinant of Ceo Compensation Academy of Management Journal. 39: 575-606
Hambrick DC, Geletkanycz MA, Fredrickson JW. (1993) Top Executive Commitment To The Status Quo: Some Tests Of Its Determinants Southern Medical Journal. 14: 401-418
Fredrickson JW, Iaquinto AL. (1989) Inertia And Creeping Rationality In Strategic Decision Processes Academy of Management Journal. 32: 516-542
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