Kyle L. Grazier

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Health Care Management, Mental Health
"Kyle Grazier"
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Videka L, Page C, Buche J, et al. (2023) Peer Support Services in Behavioral Health Facilities: Secondary Analysis From Two National Surveys. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips20220366
Gaiser M, Buche J, Baum NM, et al. (2023) Mental Health Needs Due to Disasters: Implications for Behavioral Health Workforce Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Public Health Reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974). 138: 48S-55S
Willison CE, Singer PM, Grazier KL. (2020) Double-edged sword of federalism: variation in essential health benefits for mental health and substance use disorder coverage in states. Health Economics, Policy, and Law. 1-13
Reiss-Brennan B, Brunisholz KD, Dredge C, et al. (2016) Association of Integrated Team-Based Care With Health Care Quality, Utilization, and Cost. Jama. 316: 826-834
Grazier KL, Smiley ML, Bondalapati KS. (2016) Overcoming Barriers to Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care Services. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health
Grazier KL, Eisenberg D, Jedele JM, et al. (2015) Effects of Mental Health Parity on High Utilizers of Services: Pre-Post Evidence From a Large, Self-Insured Employer. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). appips201400586
Grazier KL, Smith JE, Song J, et al. (2014) Integration of depression and primary care: barriers to adoption. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 5: 67-73
Grazier KL. (2012) Risk-adjusted payment for and performance assessment of primary care. Medical Care. 50: 640-2
Stensland M, Watson PR, Grazier KL. (2012) An examination of costs, charges, and payments for inpatient psychiatric treatment in community hospitals. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 63: 666-71
Capoccia VA, Grazier KL, Toal C, et al. (2012) Massachusetts's experience suggests coverage alone is insufficient to increase addiction disorders treatment. Health Affairs (Project Hope). 31: 1000-8
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