Getachew Animut, Ph.D.

2004 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States 
Range Management Agriculture, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture
"Getachew Animut"


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Arthur L. Goetsch grad student 2004 Oklahoma State University
 (Evaluation of stocking rate effects with pastures that contain various forbs and grasses being co-grazed by goats and sheep and subsequent performance with an energy -rich diet.)
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Begna R, Urge M, Negesse T, et al. (2023) Performances, carcass characteristics, and economic benefit of yearling Hararghe highland rams fed diet containing concentrate mixtures and sugarcane bagasse or rice husk treated with and effective microorganisms. Food Science & Nutrition. 11: 7686-7697
Mohammed AS, Animut G, Urge M, et al. (2020) Grazing behavior, dietary value and performance of sheep, goats, cattle and camels co-grazing range with mixed species of grazing and browsing plants. Veterinary and Animal Science. 10: 100154
Zeleke G, Urge M, Animut G, et al. (2020) Comparative Laying Performance, Egg Quality, Fertility and Hatchability of Guinea Fowl with Tilili, Horro and Potchefstroom Koekoek Chicken Breeds Open Journal of Animal Sciences. 10: 665-682
Worku A, Urge M, Animut G, et al. (2020) Comparative Slaughter Performance and Meat Quality of Rutana, Gumuz and Washera Sheep of Ethiopia Supplemented with Different Levels of Concentrate Open Journal of Animal Sciences. 10: 48-63
Fekade N, Urge M, Nurfeta A, et al. (2019) Effects of Replacing Maize with Kocho in White Leghorn Layers Ration on Egg Production, Egg and Chick Quality, Fertility and Hatchability East African Journal of Sciences. 13: 65-74
Abreha HH, Animut G, Hailemichael A, et al. (2019) Effect of Commercial and Non-conventional Feeds, Leaves of Indigenous and Improved Multipurpose Tree Supplementation on Feed Intake, Digestibility and Growth Performance of Sheep The Open Agriculture Journal. 13: 207-214
Melaku M, Urge M, Animut G. (2019) Comparative Evaluation of Growth Performance among Broilers Supplemented with Synthetic Lysine Amino Acid from 0-28 Days Agricultural Science Digest - a Research Journal. 39
Ayele S, Urge M, Animut G, et al. (2018) Comparative slaughter performance and carcass quality of three Ethiopian fat-tailed hair sheep breeds supplemented with two levels of concentrate. Tropical Animal Health and Production
Kebede G, Mengistu A, Assefa G, et al. (2018) Nutritional and fermentative quality of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) top ensiled with or without urea and molasses African Journal of Agricultural Research. 13: 1010-1017
Abera F, Urge M, Animut G. (2018) Feeding Value of Maize Stover Treated with Urea or Urea Molasses for Hararghe Highland Sheep The Open Agriculture Journal. 12: 84-94
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