Ann C. Mooney, Ph.D.

2000 University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
Management Business Administration
"Ann Mooney"


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Allen C. Amason grad student 2000 University of Georgia
 (The antecedents to conflict during strategic decision making: The importance of behavioral integration.)
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Amason AC, Mooney AC. (2008) The Icarus paradox revisited: how strong performance sows the seeds of dysfunction in future strategic decision-making Strategic Organization. 6: 407-434
Mooney A. (2007) Core Competence, Distinctive Competence, and Competitive Advantage: What Is the Difference? The Journal of Education For Business. 83: 110-115
Mooney AC, Holahan PJ, Amason AC. (2007) Don't Take It Personally: Exploring Cognitive Conflict as a Mediator of Affective Conflict Journal of Management Studies. 44: 733-758
Hambrick DC, Finkelstein S, Mooney AC. (2005) Executives Sometimes Lose it, Just Like the Rest of Us Academy of Management Review. 30: 503-508
Hambrick DC, Finkelstein S, Mooney AC. (2005) Executive Job Demands: New Insights for Explaining Strategic Decisions and Leader Behaviors Academy of Management Review. 30: 472-491
Finkelstein S, Mooney AC. (2003) Not the usual suspects: How to use board process to make boards better Academy of Management Perspectives. 17: 101-113
Amason AC, Mooney AC. (1999) The Effects of Past Performance on Top Management Team Conflict in Strategic Decision Making International Journal of Conflict Management. 10: 340-359
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