Mary A. Malina, Ph.D.

2001 University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Accounting Business Administration
"Mary Malina"


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Frank H. Selto grad student 2001 CU Boulder
 (Management control and the Balanced Scorecard: An empirical test of causal relations.)
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Malina MA, Selto FH. (2015) Behavioral-Economic Nudges and Performance Measurement Models Journal of Management Accounting Research. 27: 27-45
Malina MA. (2013) The Evolution Of A Balanced Scorecard Journal of Applied Business Research. 29: 901-912
Euske KJ, Hesford JW, Malina MA. (2011) A Social Network Analysis of the Literature on Management Control Journal of Management Accounting Research. 23: 259-283
Malina MA, Nørreklit HSO, Selto FH. (2011) Lessons learned: advantages and disadvantages of mixed method research Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management. 8: 59-71
Johnston D, Malina MA. (2008) Managing Sexual Orientation Diversity The Impact on Firm Value Group & Organization Management. 33: 602-625
Malina MA, Nørreklit HSO, Selto FH. (2007) Relations among Measures, Climate of Control, and Performance Measurement Models* Contemporary Accounting Research. 24: 935-982
Abernethy MA, Horne M, Lillis AM, et al. (2005) A multi-method approach to building causal performance maps from expert knowledge Management Accounting Research. 16: 135-155
Malina MA, Selto FH. (2004) Choice and Change of Measures in Performance Measurement Models Management Accounting Research. 15: 441-469
Malina MA, Selto FH. (2001) Communicating and Controlling Strategy: An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard Journal of Management Accounting Research. 13: 47-90
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