Patricia Clare Ryan

CPSS Astra-Zeneca (R&D) 
"Patricia Ryan"
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Garg S, Jain S, Dawood FS, et al. (2015) Pneumonia among adults hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed seasonal influenza virus infection-United States, 2005-2008. Bmc Infectious Diseases. 15: 369
Dixit R, Iciek LA, McKeever K, et al. (2010) Challenges of general safety evaluations of biologics compared to small molecule pharmaceuticals in animal models. Expert Opinion On Drug Discovery. 5: 79-94
Funk KA, Frantz C, Dyke AS, et al. (2010) Nasal turbinate enlargement due to cartilage and bone proliferation: a normal developmental finding in young ferrets. Toxicologic Pathology. 38: 1064-9
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