Irina L. Derkatch

Basic Medical Science New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Microbiology Biology
"Irina Derkatch"
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Nizhnikov AA, Antonets KS, Bondarev SA, et al. (2016) Prions, Amyloids, and RNA: Pieces of a Puzzle. Prion. 0
Stephan JS, Fioriti L, Lamba N, et al. (2015) The CPEB3 Protein Is a Functional Prion that Interacts with the Actin Cytoskeleton. Cell Reports. 11: 1772-85
Nizhnikov AA, Antonets KS, Inge-Vechtomov SG, et al. (2014) Modulation of efficiency of translation termination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Prion. 8: 247-60
Li X, Rayman JB, Kandel ER, et al. (2014) Functional role of Tia1/Pub1 and Sup35 prion domains: directing protein synthesis machinery to the tubulin cytoskeleton. Molecular Cell. 55: 305-18
Pampeno C, Derkatch IL, Meruelo D. (2014) Interaction of human laminin receptor with Sup35, the [PSI⁺] prion-forming protein from S. cerevisiae: a yeast model for studies of LamR interactions with amyloidogenic proteins. Plos One. 9: e86013
Derkatch IL, Liebman SW. (2013) The story of stolen chaperones: how overexpression of Q/N proteins cures yeast prions. Prion. 7: 294-300
Yang Z, Hong JY, Derkatch IL, et al. (2013) Heterologous gln/asn-rich proteins impede the propagation of yeast prions by altering chaperone availability. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003236
Derkatch IL, Liebman SW. (2007) Prion-prion interactions. Prion. 1: 161-9
Liebman SW, Bagriantsev SN, Derkatch IL. (2006) Biochemical and genetic methods for characterization of [PIN+] prions in yeast. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 39: 23-34
Ter-Avanesyan M, Derkatch I, Baskakov I, et al. (2006) Unraveling prion structures and biological functions. Genome Biology. 6: 366
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