Heike Folsch

Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
"Heike Folsch"
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Kell M, Halpern A, Fölsch H. (2022) Immunoprecipitation and Western Blot Analysis of AP-1 Clathrin-Coated Vesicles. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2557: 619-633
Kell MJ, Ang SF, Pigati L, et al. (2020) Novel function for AP-1B during cell migration. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE20040256
Hou S, Fölsch H, Ke K, et al. (2017) Early endosome as a pathogenic target for antiphosphatidylethanolamine antibodies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fölsch H. (2015) Role of the epithelial cell-specific clathrin adaptor complex AP-1B in cell polarity. Cellular Logistics. 5: e1074331
Fölsch H. (2015) Analyzing the role of AP-1B in polarized sorting from recycling endosomes in epithelial cells. Methods in Cell Biology. 130: 289-305
Ang SF, Fölsch H. (2012) The role of secretory and endocytic pathways in the maintenance of cell polarity. Essays in Biochemistry. 53: 29-39
Rbaibi Y, Cui S, Mo D, et al. (2012) OCRL1 modulates cilia length in renal epithelial cells. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 13: 1295-305
Shteyn E, Pigati L, Fölsch H. (2011) Arf6 regulates AP-1B-dependent sorting in polarized epithelial cells. The Journal of Cell Biology. 194: 873-87
Reales E, Sharma N, Low SH, et al. (2011) Basolateral sorting of syntaxin 4 is dependent on its N-terminal domain and the AP1B clathrin adaptor, and required for the epithelial cell polarity. Plos One. 6: e21181
Kang RS, Fölsch H. (2009) An old dog learns new tricks: novel functions of the exocyst complex in polarized epithelia in animals. F1000 Biology Reports. 1: 83
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