Jessica Tryner

2017 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
"Jessica Tryner"
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Tryner J, Quinn C, Molina Rueda E, et al. (2023) AirPen: A Wearable Monitor for Characterizing Exposures to Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds. Environmental Science & Technology
Bilsback K, Dahlke J, Fedak K, et al. (2019) A Laboratory Assessment of 120 Air Pollutant Emissions from Biomass and Fossil-Fuel Cookstoves. Environmental Science & Technology
Van Zyl L, Tryner J, Bilsback K, et al. (2019) Effects of fuel moisture content on emissions from a rocket-elbow cookstove. Environmental Science & Technology
Bilsback KR, Eilenberg SR, Good N, et al. (2018) The Firepower Sweep Test: A Novel Approach to Cookstove Laboratory Testing. Indoor Air
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