Judith Totman Parrish - Publications

1988-2003 Geosciences University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
 2003-2011 Geological Sciences University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States 

40 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Parrish JT, Rasbury ET, Chan MA, Hasiotis ST. Earliest Jurassic U-Pb ages from carbonate deposits in the Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah, USA Geology. 47: 1015-1019. DOI: 10.1130/G46338.1  0.32
2018 Parrish JT, Hyland EG, Chan MA, Hasiotis ST. Stable and clumped isotopes in desert carbonate spring and lake deposits reveal palaeohydrology: A case study of the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, south‐western USA Sedimentology. 66: 32-52. DOI: 10.1111/Sed.12540  0.351
2017 Dorney LJ, Parrish JT, Chan MA, Hasiotis ST. Petrography and Environmental Interpretation of Tufa Mounds and Carbonate Beds In the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of Southeastern Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 87: 967-985. DOI: 10.2110/Jsr.2017.56  0.368
2017 Parrish JT, Hasiotis ST, Chan MA. Carbonate Deposits In the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southern Utah and Northern Arizona, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 87: 740-762. DOI: 10.2110/Jsr.2017.42  0.334
2016 Hobbs KM, Parrish JT. Miocene global change recorded in Columbia River basalt–hosted paleosols Geological Society of America Bulletin. 128: 1543-1554. DOI: 10.1130/B31437.1  0.455
2013 Breedlovestrout RL, Evraets BJ, Parrish JT. New Paleogene paleoclimate analysis of western Washington using physiognomic characteristics from fossil leaves Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 392: 22-40. DOI: 10.1016/J.Palaeo.2013.08.013  0.565
2011 Colombi CE, Montañez IP, Parrish JT. Floral carbon isotopic record, ischigualasto formation (upper triassic), northwest of Argentina: Paleoatmospheric implications | Registro de la relación isotópica de carbono en la paleoflora de la formación ischigualasto (triásico superior), noroeste Argentino: Implicaciones paleoatmosféricas Revista Brasileira De Paleontologia. 14: 39-50. DOI: 10.4072/Rbp.2011.1.04  0.345
2010 Parrish JT, Fiorillo AR, Jacobs BF, Currano ED, Wheeler EA. The Ketavik Formation: A new stratigraphic unit and its implications for the Paleogene paleogeography and paleoclimate of southwestern Alaska Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 295: 348-362. DOI: 10.1016/J.Palaeo.2009.09.008  0.465
2008 Colombi CE, Parrish JT. Late triassic environmental evolution in southwestern Pangea: Plant taphonomy of the ischigualasto formation Palaios. 23: 778-795. DOI: 10.2110/Palo.2007.P07-101R  0.438
2007 Parrish JT, Falcon-Lang HJ. Coniferous Trees Associated With Interdune Deposits In The Jurassic Navajo Sandstone Formation, Utah, Usa Palaeontology. 50: 829-843. DOI: 10.1111/J.1475-4983.2007.00689.X  0.42
2004 McAllister Rees P, Noto CR, Parrish JM, Parrish JT. Late Jurassic climates, vegetation, and dinosaur distributions Journal of Geology. 112: 643-653. DOI: 10.1086/424577  0.476
2004 Parrish JT, Peterson F, Turner CE. Jurassic “savannah”—plant taphonomy and climate of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic, Western USA) Sedimentary Geology. 167: 137-162. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sedgeo.2004.01.004  0.407
2004 Fiorillo AR, Parrish JT. The first record of a Cretaceous dinosaur from southwestern Alaska Cretaceous Research. 25: 453-458. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cretres.2004.03.002  0.433
2003 Soreghan GS, Parrish JT, Maples CG. Geoclimate: Probing the Earth's climate record at all temporal and spatial scales Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 84: 471-472. DOI: 10.1029/2003Eo440006  0.373
2001 Parrish JT, Droser ML, Bottjer DJ. A Triassic Upwelling Zone: The Shublik Formation, Arctic Alaska, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 71: 272-285. DOI: 10.1306/032102720742  0.426
1998 Demko TM, Dubiel RF, Parrish JT. Plant taphonomy in incised valleys: Implications for interpreting paleoclimate from fossil plants Geology. 26: 1119-1122. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<1119:Ptiivi>2.3.Co;2  0.732
1998 Parrish JT, Daniel IL, Kennedy EM, Spicer RA. Paleoclimatic significance of Mid-Cretaceous floras from the middle Clarence Valley, New Zealand Palaios. 13: 149-159. DOI: 10.1043/0883-1351(1998)013<0149:Psomff>2.0.Co;2  0.465
1994 Parrish JT. A brief discussion of the history, strengths and limitations of conceptual climate models for pre-Quaternary time Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 341: 263-266. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-1254-3_7  0.429
1993 Parrish JT, Demko TM, Tanck GS, Sellwood BW, Reut Z, Curtis CD, Coleman ML. Sedimentary palaeoclimatic indicators: what they are and what they tell us Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 344: 21-25. DOI: 10.1098/Rsta.1993.0071  0.721
1993 Curtis CD, Douglas I, Reut Z, Meadows P, Badham JPN, Bristow CS, Parrish JT. Catchment Processes and the Quantity and Composition of Sediment Delivered to Terminal Basins [and Discussion] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 344: 5-20. DOI: 10.1098/Rsta.1993.0070  0.409
1993 Parrish JT. Climate of the Supercontinent Pangea The Journal of Geology. 101: 215-233. DOI: 10.1086/648217  0.451
1990 Spicer RA, Parrish JT. Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary palaeoclimates of northern high latitudes: a quantitative view Journal of the Geological Society. 147: 329-341. DOI: 10.1144/Gsjgs.147.2.0329  0.483
1989 Paul GS, Parrish JT, Parrish JM, Hutchison JH, Spicer RA. Late Cretaceous Vertebrate Fossils from the North Slope of Alaska and Implications for Dinosaur Ecology: Comment & Reply Palaios. 4: 298-300. DOI: 10.2307/3514779  0.432
1988 Parrish JT, Spicer RA. Late Cretaceous terrestrial vegetation: A near-polar temperature curve Geology. 16: 22-25. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1988)016<0022:Lctvan>2.3.Co;2  0.444
1988 Parrish JT, Peterson F. Wind directions predicted from global circulation models and wind directions determined from eolian sandstones of the western United States—A comparison Sedimentary Geology. 56: 261-282. DOI: 10.1016/0037-0738(88)90056-5  0.359
1987 Parrish JM, Parrish JT, Hutchison JH, Spicer RA. Late Cretaceous Vertebrate Fossils from the North Slope of Alaska and Implications for Dinosaur Ecology Palaios. 2: 377. DOI: 10.2307/3514763  0.443
1987 Parrish JT. Palaeo-upwelling and the distribution of organic-rich rocks Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 26: 199-205. DOI: 10.1144/Gsl.Sp.1987.026.01.12  0.343
1986 Parrish JT, Zhongrui S. Source Rock Potential of Nanpanjiang Basin, South China--Preliminary Report: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 70. DOI: 10.1306/94885Fde-1704-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.366
1986 Spicer RA, Parrish JT. Paleobotanical evidence for cool north polar climates in middle Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) time Geology. 14: 703-706. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1986)14<703:Pefcnp>2.0.Co;2  0.477
1985 Parrish JT. Lithological and Geochemical Facies of Shublik Formation (Triassic), North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 69: 675-675. DOI: 10.1306/Ad462713-16F7-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.449
1985 Rowley DB, Raymond A, Parrish JT, Lottes AL, Scotese CR, Ziegler AM. Carboniferous paleogeographic, phytogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions International Journal of Coal Geology. 5: 7-42. DOI: 10.1016/0166-5162(85)90009-6  0.753
1983 Parrish JT. Upwelling Deposits: Nature of Association of Organic-Rich Rock, Chert, Chalk, Phosphorite, and Glauconite: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 67: 529-529. DOI: 10.1306/03B5B3D5-16D1-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.43
1982 Parrish JT. Upwelling and Petroleum Source Beds, With Reference to Paleozoic Aapg Bulletin. 66: 750-774. DOI: 10.1306/03B5A30E-16D1-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.443
1982 Parrish JT, Ziegler AM, Scotese CR. Rainfall patterns and the distribution of coals and evaporites in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 40: 67-101. DOI: 10.1016/0031-0182(82)90085-2  0.75
1982 Parrish JT, Curtis RL. Atmospheric circulation, upwelling, and organic-rich rocks in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 40: 31-66. DOI: 10.1016/0031-0182(82)90084-0  0.442
1981 Parrish JT, Humphreville RG. Upwelling and Phosphorites in Paleozoic: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 65: 969-969. DOI: 10.1306/2F91A11A-16Ce-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.452
1981 Parrish JT. Global Atmospheric Circulation in Mesozoic and Cenozoic: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 65: 969-969. DOI: 10.1306/2F91A115-16Ce-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.441
1980 Parrish JT, Ziegler AM. Climate Asymmetry and Biogeographic Distributions: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 64: 763-763. DOI: 10.1306/2F9190Cb-16Ce-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.699
1979 Parrish JT, Hansen KS, Ziegler AM. Atmospheric Circulation and Upwelling in Paleozoic, with Reference to Petroleum Source Beds: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 63: 507-508. DOI: 10.1306/2F917E29-16Ce-11D7-8645000102C1865D  0.69
1979 Parrish JT. Tales of an Old Ocean. Tjeerd van Andel The Journal of Geology. 87: 591-591. DOI: 10.1086/628449  0.315
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