Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Emil Abderhalden1902 Gustav von Bunge (grad student)
Ruedi AebersoldProteomics1983 Dietmar G. Braun (grad student)
Michael Allan1976 John P. Maier (grad student)
Otoniel Denis AlpizarPotential energy surface, Inclastic quantum dynamic, Bound states, Bending-rotation coupling, CS-H2, HCN-H2, HCN-He, C3-He Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Maximilian Amsler Physics20092012 Stefan Goedecker (grad student)
Werner Arber
Ernst BambergIon Channel, Na-K Pump, Channelrhodopsins1971 Peter Läuger (grad student)
Linda Bannwart Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Dario Bassani Physical Chemistry Institute19931995 Jakob Wirz (post-doc)
Olivier BaudoinSynthetic chemistry
Raymond J Bemish Chemistry19961997 John P. Maier (post-doc)
Tristan Bereau Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Klaus Bernauer19581964 Silvio Fallab (grad student)
Evan J. Bieske John P. Maier (post-doc)
Lorenzo Delarue Bizzini Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Michal BorkovecInterfaces, Colloids
Thomas Brandl Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Rebecca Braslauorganic, polymers19891991 Bernd Giese (post-doc)
Dietmar G. Braun
Sebastian Brickel Markus Meuwly (grad student)
Hans-Herbert Brintzingerreactivities of organometallic compounds, e.g. as catalysts for polymerization reactions1960 Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer (grad student)
Clemens BurdaNanomaterials, optoelectronics19941997 Jakob Wirz (grad student)
Arghya Chakraborty20112016 John P. Maier (grad student)
Edwin C. ConstableSupramolecular Chemistry, Topology, Ruthenium, Terpyridine,
Marc CreusMolecular Evolution, Enzyme Promiscuity2005 Thomas R. Ward (post-doc)
Adriano D'Addio Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Akshaya Das Markus Meuwly (grad student)
Franz (Franciscus Sylvius) de le Boë (Dubois)chemistry, physiology, anatomy1637 Emmanuel Stupanus (grad student)
Nabanita Deb20202020 Stefan Willitsch (post-doc)
Florian Degen Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Hervé Dekkiche Marcel Mayor (post-doc)
Murielle F. Delley
Marco Di GennaroMaterials informatics Deparment of Chemistry O. Anatole von Lilienfeld-Toal (post-doc)
Otto Dopfer19952001 John P. Maier (post-doc)
Gerhardt Dorn (dornius)alchemy Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student)
Kurt DresslerMolecular Spectroscopy1955 Paul Huber (grad student), Ernst Miescher (grad student)
William J. DrurySynthetic Organic Chemistry and Catalysis organic chemistry20002004 Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc)
Jacques Dubochetcryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections1973 Eduard Kellenberger (grad student)
Emma L. DunphyRuthenium, Terpyridine Edwin C. Constable (grad student)
Siegfried Edlbacher
Krystel El HageTheoretical Chemistry Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Daniel ElliottNatural product total synthesis Chemistry2016 Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc)
Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer
Christoph FahrniMetals in Biology1995 Andreas Pfaltz (grad student)
Silvio Fallab1950 Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer (grad student)
Richard FranklinVirology
Almudena Gallego G. Marcel Mayor (post-doc)
Sudhakar Gaikwad Marcel Mayor (post-doc)
Fabian Gerson
Rolf Gleiterorganic chemistry19681972 Edgar Heilbronner (post-doc)
Frank Glorius19962000 Andreas Pfaltz (grad student)
Stefan Goedecker
Cyril Groborganic chemistry
Prashant K. Gupta Markus Meuwly (grad student)
Krystel El Hage
Peter Hemmerichflavoproteins1957 Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer (grad student)
Andreas HoengerParasitology Biology, Biochemistry19891993 Andreas Engel (grad student)
Tim Hohner Marcel Mayor (grad student)
David P. HornbyEnzymology
Catherine E. HousecroftCoordination chemistry and materials
Jing Huang
Paul Hubernuclear physics
Manuel Hugo Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Johan N. Jansoniusstructural biology
Hans Jansonius
Roger W. Jeanlozglycobiology Tadeus Reichstein (post-doc)
Robert Elmer Jensenmitochondrial function and morphology Gottfried Schatz (post-doc)
Laurent Jucker Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Michal Juríček
Moheb Karbasiyoun Michal Juríček (grad student)
Johann August Ludwig Friedrich Kehrmann1887 Rudolf Hugo Nietzki (grad student)
Eduard KellenbergerMolecular Biology
Jöel Keller Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Debasish KonerReaction Dynamics, Machine Learning Chemistry20172020 Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Christian Kramer Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Charlotte Kress Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Camiel Kroonen Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Werner Kuhn
Peter Läuger1962 Werner Kuhn (grad student)
Myung W. Lee theoretical and computational approaches to study complex systems in materials science, condensed-matter physics, and physical chemistry Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Michael Levinedevelopmental patterning, segmentation1982 Walter Gehring (post-doc)
Seymour LiebermanEndocrine chemistry1947 Tadeus Reichstein (post-doc)
Marcin LindnerOrganic Chemistry, Functional Aromatic Systems Faculty of Science20122016 Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Stuart M. Linnbiology, enzymology of DNA metabolism, DNA repair and replication in mammalian cells, mechanisms of DNA damage by reactive oxygen species, structure of iron: DNA complexes, DNA damage and repair, DNA polymerases Werner Arber (post-doc)
Guy Lloyd-Jones Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc)
Lorentz Lutzalchemy Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student)
John P. MaierSpectroscopy, astrochemistry19731974 Edgar Heilbronner (post-doc)
Surajit Maity20142015 John P. Maier (post-doc)
Rajesh Mannancherry Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Andreas Marx Chemsitry Bernd Giese (grad student)
Marcel Mayor
Clément Mazet20032005 Andreas Pfaltz (grad student)
Eric MeggersOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis19951999 Bernd Giese (grad student)
Markus MeuwlyComputational and Theoretical Chemistry19941997 John P. Maier (grad student)
Ernst Miescher1930 August Hagenbach (grad student)
Johannes Friedrich Miescher
Sabyashachi MishraComputational and Theoretical Chemistry20072009 Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Padmabati MondalExcited state quantum chemistry20152017 Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Fabien Monnard Thomas R. Ward (grad student)
Klaus MüllenSynthetic Chemistry1972 Fabian Gerson (grad student)
Franz Müllerflavoproteins1966 Peter Hemmerich (grad student)
Tibor Nagy Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Stan T. Nakanishimotoneurons, spinal cord, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy20052006 Silvia Arber (post-doc)
Michael A. NashNanotechnology, biotechnology, biophysics, biophysical chemistry, polymers
Elisa S. Nogueira Thomas R. Ward (grad student)
David Nutt Markus Meuwly (post-doc)
Rene M. Oetterlicurrently: Vitamin B1220082009 Marc Creus (grad student)
Johannes Oporinusalchemy Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student)
Michael Parmentierorganic chemistry, R&D, catalysis chemistry20092012 Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc)
Digambara Patra20012002 Werner M. Nau (post-doc)
Erich Henrik Peters Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Andreas PfaltzSynthetic organic chemistry; organometallic chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; asymmetric catalysis; combinatorial approaches to catalysis.
Nuria Plattner Markus Meuwly (grad student)
Srinivasa RangaswamiOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry, pharmacology1948 Tadeus Reichstein (grad student)
Adi Raveh Biomedicine Bernhard Bettler (post-doc)
Tadeus ReichsteinOrganic Chemistry
Ksenia Reznikova Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Michel RickhausOrganic Synthesis Departement of Chemistry20112015 Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Daniel Roesch Chemistry20112016 Stefan Willitsch (grad student)
Thibaud RosselInorganic chemistry20062011 Thomas R. Ward (grad student)
Adriana Gonzales Sandoval Susan Gasser (grad student)
Claudio Santiorganic chemistry, stereoselective synthesis, selenium chemistry, biorganic chemistry, green chemistry Organic Chemistry19981998 Thomas Wirth (post-doc)
Alessia Sardo2011 Marc Creus (grad student)
Frank SchaperPolymerization catalysis Edwin C. Constable (post-doc)
Gottfried Schatzbiochemistry
Peter Schiess
Timothy W. SchmidtMolecular Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Department of Chemistry20012003 John P. Maier (grad student)
Charles William Shoppee Tadeus Reichstein (post-doc)
Eric Sidler Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Simon SieberChemistry Karl Gademann (grad student)
Hans-Peter Sigg Chemistry1956 Tadeus Reichstein (grad student)
Alfredo Di Silvestro Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Pablo Sinues Department of Biomedical Engineering Renato Zenobi (grad student)
Tomas Solomek Chemistry20142015 Michal Juríček (post-doc)
Bernhard SpinglerX-ray, crystallization, Porphyrinoid-based PDT19951998 Margareta Neuburger-Zehnder (grad student)
Christian Suter Chemistry Peter Schiess (grad student)
Lukas K. Tammmembrane fusion and membrane protein structure1982 Joachim H. Seelig (grad student)
Christoph TammOrganic chemistry1948 Tadeus Reichstein (grad student)
Michael D. Toney19911992 Hans Jansonius (post-doc)
Narasimha R. Uda2009 Marc Creus (grad student)
Oliver T Unke Markus Meuwly (grad student)
Jennifer A. van Wijngaardenrotational spectroscopy John P. Maier (post-doc)
Luis Itza Vazquez-SalazarQuantum Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics20192024 Markus Meuwly (grad student)
John C. VederasBioorganic chemistry19731976 Christoph Tamm (post-doc)
David Vogel Marcel Mayor (grad student)
Adam von Bodensteinalchemy Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student)
Gustav von Bunge
Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus)medicine, alchemy
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld-Toalfirst principles based sampling of chemical compound space using quantum mechanics, super computers, Big Data, and machine learning. Institute of Physical Chemistry20022005 Ursula Roethlisberger (grad student)
Thomas R. WardStreptavidin, Artificial Metalloenzymes, Catalysis, Bio-nanotechnology
Christopher B. Whitehead
Stefan Willitsch
Thomas Wirth1999 Bernd Giese (research scientist)
Jakob Wirz
Kurt Wüthrichnuclear magnetic resonance1964 Silvio Fallab (grad student)
E. Albert Zeller1937 Siegfried Edlbacher (grad student)
Guoqui Zhang
Patrick Zwick Marcel Mayor (grad student)