Emil Abderhalden | | | | 1902 | Gustav von Bunge (grad student) |
Ruedi Aebersold | Proteomics | | | 1983 | Dietmar G. Braun (grad student) |
Michael Allan | | | | 1976 | John P. Maier (grad student) |
Otoniel Denis Alpizar | Potential energy surface, Inclastic quantum dynamic, Bound states, Bending-rotation coupling, CS-H2, HCN-H2, HCN-He, C3-He | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Maximilian Amsler | | Physics | 2009 | 2012 | Stefan Goedecker (grad student) |
Werner Arber | | | | | |
Ernst Bamberg | Ion Channel, Na-K Pump, Channelrhodopsins | | | 1971 | Peter Läuger (grad student) |
Linda Bannwart | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Dario Bassani | | Physical Chemistry Institute | 1993 | 1995 | Jakob Wirz (post-doc) |
Olivier Baudoin | Synthetic chemistry | | | | |
Raymond J Bemish | | Chemistry | 1996 | 1997 | John P. Maier (post-doc) |
Tristan Bereau | | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Klaus Bernauer | | | 1958 | 1964 | Silvio Fallab (grad student) |
Evan J. Bieske | | | | | John P. Maier (post-doc) |
Lorenzo Delarue Bizzini | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Michal Borkovec | Interfaces, Colloids | | | | |
Thomas Brandl | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Rebecca Braslau | organic, polymers | | 1989 | 1991 | Bernd Giese (post-doc) |
Dietmar G. Braun | | | | | |
Sebastian Brickel | | | | | Markus Meuwly (grad student) |
Hans-Herbert Brintzinger | reactivities of organometallic compounds, e.g. as catalysts for polymerization reactions | | | 1960 | Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer (grad student) |
Clemens Burda | Nanomaterials, optoelectronics | | 1994 | 1997 | Jakob Wirz (grad student) |
Arghya Chakraborty | | | 2011 | 2016 | John P. Maier (grad student) |
Edwin C. Constable | Supramolecular Chemistry, Topology, Ruthenium, Terpyridine, | | | | |
Marc Creus | Molecular Evolution, Enzyme Promiscuity | | 2005 | | Thomas R. Ward (post-doc) |
Adriano D'Addio | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Akshaya Das | | | | | Markus Meuwly (grad student) |
Franz (Franciscus Sylvius) de le Boë (Dubois) | chemistry, physiology, anatomy | | | 1637 | Emmanuel Stupanus (grad student) |
Nabanita Deb | | | 2020 | 2020 | Stefan Willitsch (post-doc) |
Florian Degen | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Hervé Dekkiche | | | | | Marcel Mayor (post-doc) |
Murielle F. Delley | | | | | |
Marco Di Gennaro | Materials informatics | Deparment of Chemistry | | | O. Anatole von Lilienfeld-Toal (post-doc) |
Otto Dopfer | | | 1995 | 2001 | John P. Maier (post-doc) |
Gerhardt Dorn (dornius) | alchemy | | | | Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student) |
Kurt Dressler | Molecular Spectroscopy | | | 1955 | Paul Huber (grad student), Ernst Miescher (grad student) |
William J. Drury | Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Catalysis | organic chemistry | 2000 | 2004 | Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc) |
Jacques Dubochet | cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections | | | 1973 | Eduard Kellenberger (grad student) |
Emma L. Dunphy | Ruthenium, Terpyridine | | | | Edwin C. Constable (grad student) |
Siegfried Edlbacher | | | | | |
Krystel El Hage | Theoretical Chemistry | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Daniel Elliott | Natural product total synthesis | Chemistry | 2016 | | Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc) |
Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer | | | | | |
Christoph Fahrni | Metals in Biology | | | 1995 | Andreas Pfaltz (grad student) |
Silvio Fallab | | | | 1950 | Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer (grad student) |
Richard Franklin | Virology | | | | |
Almudena Gallego G. | | | | | Marcel Mayor (post-doc) |
Sudhakar Gaikwad | | | | | Marcel Mayor (post-doc) |
Fabian Gerson | | | | | |
Rolf Gleiter | organic chemistry | | 1968 | 1972 | Edgar Heilbronner (post-doc) |
Frank Glorius | | | 1996 | 2000 | Andreas Pfaltz (grad student) |
Stefan Goedecker | | | | | |
Cyril Grob | organic chemistry | | | | |
Prashant K. Gupta | | | | | Markus Meuwly (grad student) |
Krystel El Hage | | | | | |
Peter Hemmerich | flavoproteins | | | 1957 | Hans F.A. Erlenmeyer (grad student) |
Andreas Hoenger | Parasitology Biology, Biochemistry | | 1989 | 1993 | Andreas Engel (grad student) |
Tim Hohner | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
David P. Hornby | Enzymology | | | | |
Catherine E. Housecroft | Coordination chemistry and materials | | | | |
Jing Huang | | | | | |
Paul Huber | nuclear physics | | | | |
Manuel Hugo | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Johan N. Jansonius | structural biology | | | | |
Hans Jansonius | | | | | |
Roger W. Jeanloz | glycobiology | | | | Tadeus Reichstein (post-doc) |
Robert Elmer Jensen | mitochondrial function and morphology | | | | Gottfried Schatz (post-doc) |
Laurent Jucker | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Michal Juríček | | | | | |
Moheb Karbasiyoun | | | | | Michal Juríček (grad student) |
Johann August Ludwig Friedrich Kehrmann | | | | 1887 | Rudolf Hugo Nietzki (grad student) |
Eduard Kellenberger | Molecular Biology | | | | |
Jöel Keller | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Debasish Koner | Reaction Dynamics, Machine Learning | Chemistry | 2017 | 2020 | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Christian Kramer | | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Charlotte Kress | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Camiel Kroonen | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Werner Kuhn | | | | | |
Peter Läuger | | | | 1962 | Werner Kuhn (grad student) |
Myung W. Lee | theoretical and computational approaches to study complex systems in materials science, condensed-matter physics, and physical chemistry | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Michael Levine | developmental patterning, segmentation | | | 1982 | Walter Gehring (post-doc) |
Seymour Lieberman | Endocrine chemistry | | | 1947 | Tadeus Reichstein (post-doc) |
Marcin Lindner | Organic Chemistry, Functional Aromatic Systems | Faculty of Science | 2012 | 2016 | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Stuart M. Linn | biology, enzymology of DNA metabolism, DNA repair and replication in mammalian cells, mechanisms of DNA damage by reactive oxygen species, structure of iron: DNA complexes, DNA damage and repair, DNA polymerases | | | | Werner Arber (post-doc) |
Guy Lloyd-Jones | | | | | Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc) |
Lorentz Lutz | alchemy | | | | Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student) |
John P. Maier | Spectroscopy, astrochemistry | | 1973 | 1974 | Edgar Heilbronner (post-doc) |
Surajit Maity | | | 2014 | 2015 | John P. Maier (post-doc) |
Rajesh Mannancherry | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Andreas Marx | | Chemsitry | | | Bernd Giese (grad student) |
Marcel Mayor | | | | | |
Clément Mazet | | | 2003 | 2005 | Andreas Pfaltz (grad student) |
Eric Meggers | Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis | | 1995 | 1999 | Bernd Giese (grad student) |
Markus Meuwly | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | | 1994 | 1997 | John P. Maier (grad student) |
Ernst Miescher | | | | 1930 | August Hagenbach (grad student) |
Johannes Friedrich Miescher | | | | | |
Sabyashachi Mishra | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | | 2007 | 2009 | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Padmabati Mondal | Excited state quantum chemistry | | 2015 | 2017 | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Fabien Monnard | | | | | Thomas R. Ward (grad student) |
Klaus Müllen | Synthetic Chemistry | | | 1972 | Fabian Gerson (grad student) |
Franz Müller | flavoproteins | | | 1966 | Peter Hemmerich (grad student) |
Tibor Nagy | | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Stan T. Nakanishi | motoneurons, spinal cord, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy | | 2005 | 2006 | Silvia Arber (post-doc) |
Michael A. Nash | Nanotechnology, biotechnology, biophysics, biophysical chemistry, polymers | | | | |
Elisa S. Nogueira | | | | | Thomas R. Ward (grad student) |
David Nutt | | | | | Markus Meuwly (post-doc) |
Rene M. Oetterli | currently: Vitamin B12 | | 2008 | 2009 | Marc Creus (grad student) |
Johannes Oporinus | alchemy | | | | Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student) |
Michael Parmentier | organic chemistry, R&D, catalysis | chemistry | 2009 | 2012 | Andreas Pfaltz (post-doc) |
Digambara Patra | | | 2001 | 2002 | Werner M. Nau (post-doc) |
Erich Henrik Peters | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Andreas Pfaltz | Synthetic organic chemistry; organometallic chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; asymmetric catalysis; combinatorial approaches to catalysis. | | | | |
Nuria Plattner | | | | | Markus Meuwly (grad student) |
Srinivasa Rangaswami | Organic chemistry, natural products chemistry, pharmacology | | | 1948 | Tadeus Reichstein (grad student) |
Adi Raveh | | Biomedicine | | | Bernhard Bettler (post-doc) |
Tadeus Reichstein | Organic Chemistry | | | | |
Ksenia Reznikova | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Michel Rickhaus | Organic Synthesis | Departement of Chemistry | 2011 | 2015 | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Daniel Roesch | | Chemistry | 2011 | 2016 | Stefan Willitsch (grad student) |
Thibaud Rossel | Inorganic chemistry | | 2006 | 2011 | Thomas R. Ward (grad student) |
Adriana Gonzales Sandoval | | | | | Susan Gasser (grad student) |
Claudio Santi | organic chemistry, stereoselective synthesis, selenium chemistry, biorganic chemistry, green chemistry | Organic Chemistry | 1998 | 1998 | Thomas Wirth (post-doc) |
Alessia Sardo | | | | 2011 | Marc Creus (grad student) |
Frank Schaper | Polymerization catalysis | | | | Edwin C. Constable (post-doc) |
Gottfried Schatz | biochemistry | | | | |
Peter Schiess | | | | | |
Timothy W. Schmidt | Molecular Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry | Department of Chemistry | 2001 | 2003 | John P. Maier (grad student) |
Charles William Shoppee | | | | | Tadeus Reichstein (post-doc) |
Eric Sidler | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Simon Sieber | Chemistry | | | | Karl Gademann (grad student) |
Hans-Peter Sigg | | Chemistry | | 1956 | Tadeus Reichstein (grad student) |
Alfredo Di Silvestro | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Pablo Sinues | | Department of Biomedical Engineering | | | Renato Zenobi (grad student) |
Tomas Solomek | | Chemistry | 2014 | 2015 | Michal Juríček (post-doc) |
Bernhard Spingler | X-ray, crystallization, Porphyrinoid-based PDT | | 1995 | 1998 | Margareta Neuburger-Zehnder (grad student) |
Christian Suter | | Chemistry | | | Peter Schiess (grad student) |
Lukas K. Tamm | membrane fusion and membrane protein structure | | | 1982 | Joachim H. Seelig (grad student) |
Christoph Tamm | Organic chemistry | | | 1948 | Tadeus Reichstein (grad student) |
Michael D. Toney | | | 1991 | 1992 | Hans Jansonius (post-doc) |
Narasimha R. Uda | | | 2009 | | Marc Creus (grad student) |
Oliver T Unke | | | | | Markus Meuwly (grad student) |
Jennifer A. van Wijngaarden | rotational spectroscopy | | | | John P. Maier (post-doc) |
Luis Itza Vazquez-Salazar | Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics | | 2019 | 2024 | Markus Meuwly (grad student) |
John C. Vederas | Bioorganic chemistry | | 1973 | 1976 | Christoph Tamm (post-doc) |
David Vogel | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |
Adam von Bodenstein | alchemy | | | | Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) (grad student) |
Gustav von Bunge | | | | | |
Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) | medicine, alchemy | | | | |
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld-Toal | first principles based sampling of chemical compound space using quantum mechanics, super computers, Big Data, and machine learning. | Institute of Physical Chemistry | 2002 | 2005 | Ursula Roethlisberger (grad student) |
Thomas R. Ward | Streptavidin, Artificial Metalloenzymes, Catalysis, Bio-nanotechnology | | | | |
Christopher B. Whitehead | | | | | |
Stefan Willitsch | | | | | |
Thomas Wirth | | | | 1999 | Bernd Giese (research scientist) |
Jakob Wirz | | | | | |
Kurt Wüthrich | nuclear magnetic resonance | | | 1964 | Silvio Fallab (grad student) |
E. Albert Zeller | | | | 1937 | Siegfried Edlbacher (grad student) |
Guoqui Zhang | | | | | |
Patrick Zwick | | | | | Marcel Mayor (grad student) |