Ron A. Laskey

University of Cambridge, Hutchison/MRC Research Centre 
Nuclear transport, mammalian DNA replication
"Ron Laskey"

Discovered nuclear localization signals, coined the phrase "molecular chaperone", with Dirk Gorlich discovered importins.

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Wickramasinghe VO, Andrews R, Ellis P, et al. (2014) Selective nuclear export of specific classes of mRNA from mammalian nuclei is promoted by GANP. Nucleic Acids Research. 42: 5059-71
Poole E, Bain M, Teague L, et al. (2012) The Cellular Protein MCM3AP Is Required for Inhibition of Cellular DNA Synthesis by the IE86 Protein of Human Cytomegalovirus Plos One. 7
Gonzalez MA, Tachibana KEK, Adams DJ, et al. (2006) Geminin is essential to prevent endoreduplication and to form pluripotent cells during mammalian development Genes and Development. 20: 1880-1884
Laskey R. (2005) Solving mysteries of DNA replication and frog cloning Cell. 123: 760-762
Tachibana KK, Gonzalez MA, Guarguaglini G, et al. (2005) Depletion of licensing inhibitor geminin causes centrosome overduplication and mitotic defects Embo Reports. 6: 1052-1057
Laskey R. (2005) The Croonian Lecture 2001 hunting the antisocial cancer cell: MCM proteins and their exploitation Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 360: 1119-1132
McGeoch AT, Trakselis MA, Laskey RA, et al. (2005) Organization of the archaeal MCM complex on DNA and implications for the helicase mechanism Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 12: 756-762
Gonzalez MA, Tachibana KEK, Laskey RA, et al. (2005) Control of DNA replication and its potential clinical exploitation Nature Reviews Cancer. 5: 135-141
Gonzalez MA, Tachibana KK, Chin SF, et al. (2004) Geminin predicts adverse clinical outcome in breast cancer by reflecting cell-cycle progression Journal of Pathology. 204: 121-130
Davidson EJ, Morris LS, Scott IS, et al. (2003) Minichromosome maintenance (Mcm) proteins, cyclin B1 and D1, phosphohistone H3 and in situ DNA replication for functional analysis of vulval intraepithelial neoplasia. British Journal of Cancer. 88: 257-62
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