People with institution matching "Institut Pasteur, Paris": Advanced Search
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Paola B. Arimondo (Info) Institut Pasteur CorentinBon 2022‑03‑25
Sarah M. Auclair (Info) Wesleyan General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑04‑19
Victor Babeș (Info) Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Babesia, Tuberculosis, Rabies, mzdavid 2011‑08‑09
Jérémie Barral (Info) Institut Curie, Paris, NYU, Institut Pasteur Hearing, Complex Systems, Biophysics, Neuroscience jeremiebarral 2011‑04‑09
Jonathan R. Beckwith (Info) Harvard Medical School bacterial genetics jandh 2012‑06‑23
Hugues Bedouelle (Info) Institut Pasteur Protein engineering hbedouelle 2015‑04‑13
Seymour Benzer (Info) Caltech Neurogenetics JLand52 2005‑11‑02
Gabriel Bertrand (Info) Institut Pasteur biological chemistry jandh 2015‑02‑27
Arnaud Blondel (Info) Institut Pasteur Structural bioinformatics hbedouelle 2015‑04‑15
Corentin Bon (Info) Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, HTE Chemistry, CorentinBon 2022‑03‑25
Daniel Bovet (Info) Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome hayden 2005‑02‑18
Elodie Brient-Litzler (Info) Institut Pasteur, Bertin Systèmes, Montigny-le-Bretonneux Protein engineering, biosensors hbedouelle 2015‑04‑20
Donald D. Brown (Info) Carnegie Institution of Washington hormone signaling, amphibian development gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Jean-Pierre Changeux (Info) Institut Pasteur Molecular Neurobiology EdHubbard 2006‑01‑13
Emmanuelle Marie Charpentier (Info) Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie Infection Biology jandh 2016‑07‑14
Cyrus H. Chothia (Info) Cambridge Computational Molecular Biology jandh 2013‑07‑05
Georges N. Cohen (Info) Institut Pasteur biosynthetic pathways and their regulation by allosteric feedback inhibition and repression jandh 2013‑07‑05
Jonathan B. Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School, Washington University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, MGH nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors wellnitz 2012‑07‑05
Seymour S. Cohen (Info) Marine Biological Laboratory, Penn, CU Boulder, SUNY Stony Brook biochemistry of virus multiplication jandh 2014‑02‑18
Melvin Cohn (Info) Salk Institute immune response jandh 2014‑01‑21
François Cuzin (Info) Institut Pasteur Oncogenic Viruses jandh 2016‑07‑14
Julian E. Davies (Info) UBC, Institut Pasteur, UW Madison antibiotics and vaccines pq 2016‑05‑18
Marc Delarue (Info) Institut Pasteur fredericpoitevin 2017‑01‑25
Pascale Duplay (Info) Institut Pasteur, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, Laval Biochimie moléculaire et cellulaire, Régulation du système immunitaire, Signalisation intracellulaire hbedouelle 2015‑04‑20
Stuart J. Edelstein (Info) Cornell, Université de Genève hemoglobin jandh 2012‑03‑17
Harvey Eisen (Info) UCSF, University of Geneva Sineoculis 2012‑12‑10
Patrick England (Info) Institut Pasteur Antibody engineering, Biophysics of macromolecules hbedouelle 2015‑04‑15
Ernest Fourneau (Info) Institut Pasteur alducci 2010‑03‑17
Remi Fronzes (Info) CNRS (France) rfronzes 2018‑12‑04
Carole Fruchart-Gaillard (Info) CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, Institut Pasteur Molecular engineering of proteins hbedouelle 2015‑04‑24
Stephen E. Girardin (Info) University of Toronto Cell Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑05‑02
François Gros (Info) Institut de France, Académie des Sciences RNA 2012‑03‑24
Thomas Grutter (Info) Université de Strasbourg almourot 2015‑02‑06
Valérie Guez (Info) Institut Pasteur, Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research, Basel Protein engineering, Proliferative diseases hbedouelle 2015‑04‑20
Ludovic Halby (Info) Institut Pasteur CorentinBon 2022‑03‑25
Dolph Lee Hatfield (Info) NIH Molecular Biology of Selenium jandh 2017‑11‑26
Gerald L. Hazelbauer (Info) University of Missouri, Columbia Bacterial Chemotaxis izhulin 2018‑06‑10
Maurice Hofnung (Info) Institut Pasteur Molecular microbiology, Genetic toxicology hbedouelle 2015‑04‑15
David S. Hogness (Info) Stanford genetic regulation edithm 2006‑09‑18
Marcel Hollenstein (Info) Institut Pasteur Nucleic acid chemistry mhollens 2019‑03‑14
Ferdinand Hucho (Info) FU Berlin neurochemistry jandh 2014‑10‑12
Alain Jacquier (Info) Institut Pasteur intron ribozymes jandh 2012‑03‑14
Joel Janin (Info) Université Paris-Sud jandh 2013‑07‑05
Sean P. Kennedy (Info) Institut Pasteur SDasSarma 2016‑06‑19
Gen-itsu Kita (Info) Kyoto Imperial University Industrial Chemistry jandh 2011‑07‑12
Karl Landsteiner (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Hematology, biochemistry jdvicto 2009‑05‑17
Ignacio Ribas Marqués (Info) universidade de santiago de compostela eugeniov 2019‑02‑22
Jacques Lucien Monod (Info) Institut Pasteur Cell Genetics zepieton 2006‑04‑11
Jean–François Nicolas (Info) Institut Pasteur gpot9883 2010‑02‑14
Frederick George Novy (Info) University of Michigan Bacteriology, hygiene, physiological chemistry jandh 2015‑04‑04
Richard W Olsen (Info) UCLA GABA-A receptor proteins thanos 2008‑09‑23
Mohammed B. Ould-Abeih (Info) Institut Pasteur, CEA, Grenoble Protein engineering, Protein folding, Cell receptor hbedouelle 2015‑04‑20
Arthur B. Pardee (Info) Harvard Medical School cancer research SMAXEINER 2008‑10‑19
Young-Chul Park (Info) Institut Pasteur, Cornell, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Morphotek, Philadelphia Protein engineering, X-ray cristallography hbedouelle 2015‑04‑16
Louis Pasteur (Info) Strasbourg University germ theory david 2008‑10‑03
Frederic Poitevin (Info) Stanford Medical School structural biology, statistical mechanics fredericpoitevin 2017‑01‑25
Martin Pollock (Info) Edinburgh enzyme induction in bacteria jandh 2014‑05‑08
Andries Querido (Info) Leiden endocrinology morriselee 2008‑01‑08
Shakilur Rahman (Info) IIT Kharagpur, Institut Pasteur Structural biology, computational biology Shakilur 2023‑03‑13
Linda L. Randall (Info) University of Missouri-Columbia protein export in Escherichia coli jandh 2014‑03‑24
Martial Renard (Info) CNRS, Villejuif Protein engineering, Biosensors, Retroviruses hbedouelle 2015‑04‑17
Robert Harvey Rownd (Info) UW Madison, Northwestern, Wayne State DNA replication control, molecular medicine jandh 2017‑12‑16
Harry Luman Russell (Info) UW Madison Dairy bacteriology mzdavid 2010‑09‑12
Maxime Schwartz (Info) Institut Pasteur Hazelbauer 2023‑03‑30
Earl R. Stadtman (Info) NIH Protein chemistry, aging george.perry 2008‑09‑10
Julien Tap (Info) European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) "gut, microbiota, metagenomics" konrad 2010‑04‑11
Hugo Theorell (Info) Karolinska george.perry 2010‑03‑10
Alfred Tissières (Info) University of Geneva ribosomal proteins Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Agathe Urvoas (Info) University Paris-11, Orsay Protein modeling, Protein engineering hbedouelle 2015‑04‑15
P. Roy Vagelos (Info) Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Washington University School of Medicine fatty acid biosynthesis and metabolism jandh 2014‑04‑07
Anne Vidal-Cros (Info) CNRS/Univ. Paris-6, Institut Pasteur Biological organic chemistry, Protein engineering hbedouelle 2015‑04‑24
Carl Woese (Info) UIUC The Genetic Code, Archaea, RNA world hypothesis jandh 2011‑12‑04
Jeffries Wyman (Info) Harvard binding of oxygen by hemoglobin jandh 2011‑12‑16
Moshe Yaniv (Info) Institut Pasteur rydo 2023‑09‑09
Nora Zidane (Info) Institut Pasteur Protein engineering, Bioinformatics, Genomics hbedouelle 2015‑04‑16
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