Melike B. Akdeniz, Ph.D.

2009 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Marketing Business Administration
"Melike Akdeniz"


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Roger J. Calantone grad student 2009 Michigan State
 (Perception versus reality: A comprehensive examination of brand quality dynamics, market signaling, and performance interfaces.)
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Akdeniz MB, Calantone RJ. (2015) A longitudinal examination of the impact of quality perception gap on brand performance in the US Automotive Industry Marketing Letters
Akdeniz MB, Calantone RJ, Voorhees CM. (2014) Signaling quality: An examination of the effects of marketing- and nonmarketing-controlled signals on perceptions of automotive brand quality Journal of Product Innovation Management. 31: 728-743
Gonzalez-Padron T, Akdeniz MB, Calantone RJ. (2014) Benchmarking sales staffing efficiency in dealerships using extended data envelopment analysis Journal of Business Research. 67: 1904-1911
Akdeniz MB, Talay MB. (2013) Cultural variations in the use of marketing signals: A multilevel analysis of the motion picture industry Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 41: 601-624
Kirca AH, Hult GTM, Roth K, et al. (2011) Firm-specific assets, multinationality, and financial performance: A meta-analytic review and theoretical integration Academy of Management Journal. 54: 47-72
McNally RC, Akdeniz MB, Calantone RJ. (2011) New product development processes and new product profitability: Exploring the mediating role of speed to market and product quality Journal of Product Innovation Management. 28: 63-77
Akdeniz MB, Gonzalez-Padron T, Calantone RJ. (2010) An integrated marketing capability benchmarking approach to dealer performance through parametric and nonparametric analyses Industrial Marketing Management. 39: 150-160
Talay MB, Akdeniz MB. (2009) What causes break-ups? Factors driving the dissolution of marketing-oriented international joint ventures Advances in International Marketing. 20: 227-256
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