Recent additions to Philosophy Tree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Federica Bocchi (Info) Copenhagen University abokulic 2025‑01‑29
Kelso Cratsley (Info) American University, Washington DC Samuels.58 2025‑02‑06
William Devlin (Info) Bridgewater State University abokulic 2025‑01‑29
Timothy Fuller (Info) Virginia Tech Samuels.58 2025‑02‑06
Stacey Goguen (Info) Northeastern Illinois University abokulic 2025‑01‑29
Andrew Kissel (Info) Old Dominion University Samuels.58 2025‑02‑06
Steve McKay (Info) McGill philosophy smckay 2025‑01‑27
Katarina Perovic (Info) University of Iowa ej-rogers 2025‑02‑03
Paul Robinson (Info) Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey Samuels.58 2025‑02‑06
Emily Jane Rogers (Info) University of Iowa Metaphysics, Philosophy of Time ej-rogers 2025‑02‑03
Esther Romero (Info) University of Granada badass 2025‑01‑31
Richard Samuels (Info) The Ohio State University Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics Samuels.58 2025‑02‑06
David Stern (Info) University of Iowa ej-rogers 2025‑02‑03
Andre Curtis Trudel (Info) University of Cincinnati Samuels.58 2025‑02‑06
Katherine Valde (Info) Loyola University - Chicago abokulic 2025‑01‑29
Neftalí Villanueva (Info) University of Granada badass 2025‑01‑31
Aja Watkins (Info) UW Madison abokulic 2025‑01‑29
James Luke Welch (Info) University of Sheffield (United Kingdom) Philosophy James2000 2025‑01‑31
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