Chih-Sung Chuu, Ph.D.

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
Quantum optics
"Chih-Sung Chuu"
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Mark George Raizen grad student 2006 UT Austin
 (Direct study of quantum statistics in a degenerate Bose gas.)
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Lin WJ, Lu Y, Wen PY, et al. (2022) Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform. Nano Letters
Hsu CY, Wang YS, Chen JM, et al. (2021) Generation of sub-MHz and spectrally-bright biphotons from hot atomic vapors with a phase mismatch-free scheme. Optics Express. 29: 4632-4644
Chinnarasu R, Liu C, Ding Y, et al. (2020) Efficient generation of subnatural-linewidth biphotons by controlled quantum interference Physical Review A. 101: 63837
Wu CH, Liu CK, Chen YC, et al. (2019) Revival of Quantum Interference by Modulating the Biphotons. Physical Review Letters. 123: 143601
Feng SW, Cheng CY, Wei CY, et al. (2017) Purification of Single Photons from Room-Temperature Quantum Dots. Physical Review Letters. 119: 143601
Wu C, Wu T, Yeh Y, et al. (2017) Bright single photons for light-matter interaction Physical Review A. 96: 23811
Su WM, Chinnarasu R, Kuo CH, et al. (2016) Shaping single photons and biphotons by inherent losses Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 94
Zhang S, Liu C, Zhou S, et al. (2013) Single-photon absorption and reemission in two-level cold atoms Optics Infobase Conference Papers
Zhang S, Liu C, Zhou S, et al. (2012) Coherent control of single-photon absorption and reemission in a two-level atomic ensemble Physical Review Letters. 109
Belthangady C, Chuu CS, Yu IA, et al. (2010) Hiding single photons with spread spectrum technology. Physical Review Letters. 104: 223601
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