John D. Reppy
Affiliations: | 1966 | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States |
low temperature physics, space science, and microgravity physicsWebsite:
"John David Reppy"Bio:
Mean distance: 13.06 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorCecil T. Lane | grad student | 1961 | Yale | |
(Behavior of Rotating Liquid Helium.) |
Sign in to add traineeErlend H. Graf | grad student | 1968 | Cornell |
Moses Hung-Wai Chan | grad student | 1974 | Cornell |
David J. Bishop | grad student | 1978 | Cornell |
Jeevak M Parpia | grad student | 1979 | Cornell |
Glenn Agnolet | grad student | 1983 | Cornell |
Sheena Murphy | grad student | 1991 | Cornell (Astronomy Tree) |
Paul Adams Crowell | grad student | 1994 | Cornell |
Alex D. Corwin | grad student | 2002 | Cornell |
Ann S. Rittner | grad student | 2008 | Cornell |
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Eyal A, Mi X, Talanov AV, et al. (2016) Search for supersolidity in solid 4He using multiple-mode torsional oscillators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Mi X, Reppy JD. (2014) In pursuit of the elusive supersolid Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 175: 104-112 |
Mi X, Reppy JD. (2012) Anomalous behavior of solid 4He in porous Vycor glass. Physical Review Letters. 108: 225305 |
Mi X, Mueller EJ, Reppy JD. (2012) Study of supersolidity and shear modulus anomaly of 4He in a triple compound oscillator Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 400 |
Reppy JD, Mi X, Justin A, et al. (2012) Interpreting torsional oscillator measurements: Effect of shear modulus and supersolidity Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 168: 175-193 |
Reppy JD. (2010) Nonsuperfluid origin of the nonclassical rotational inertia in a bulk sample of solid 4He. Physical Review Letters. 104: 255301 |
Rittner AS, Reppy JD. (2008) Probing the upper limit of nonclassical rotational inertia in solid helium 4. Physical Review Letters. 101: 155301 |
Rittner ASC, Reppy JD. (2007) Disorder and the supersolid state of solid He4 Physical Review Letters. 98 |
Rittner ASC, Reppy JD. (2007) The annealing process in solid 4He Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 148: 671-675 |
Rittner AS, Reppy JD. (2006) Observation of classical rotational inertia and nonclassical supersolid signals in solid 4He below 250 mK. Physical Review Letters. 97: 165301 |