Steven A. Kivelson

1989-2004 Physics University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
 2004- Physics Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics
"Steven Allan Kivelson" OR "Steven A. Kivelson"
c.f. : KIVELSON, STEVEN ALLAN, A.B. (Harvard) 1975, (Harvard) 1977.
Studies of the Electronic Properties of Localized Stages in Disordered Insulators. (Schwinger)

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Charles Daniel Gelatt grad student 1979 Harvard
 (Studies of the Electronic Properties of Localized Stages in Disordered Insulators.)
J. Robert Schrieffer post-doc 1981 UC Santa Barbara


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Assa Auerbach grad student 1981-1985 SUNY Stony Brook
Shoucheng Zhang grad student 1987 SUNY Stony Brook
Shivaji Lal Sondhi grad student 1992 UCLA
Zohar Nussinov grad student 1999 UCLA (MathTree)
Erica W. Carlson grad student 2000 UCLA
Vadim Oganesyan grad student 2001 UCLA
Li-Chung Ku grad student 2003 UCLA
Ian P. Bindloss grad student 2005 UCLA
Reza Jamei grad student 2007 Stanford
John Alasdair Robertson grad student 2007 Stanford
Wei-Feng Tsai grad student 2008 UCLA
Erez Berg grad student 2009 Stanford
Hong Yao grad student 2009 Stanford
Zhaoyu Han grad student 2019-2024 Stanford
John Sous post-doc
Jiangping Hu post-doc 2002-2004 UCLA


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Xiao-Qi Sun collaborator
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Wu YM, Murthy C, Kivelson SA. (2025) Possible Sliding Regimes in Twisted Bilayer WTe_{2}. Physical Review Letters. 133: 246501
Han Z, Kivelson SA, Volkov PA. (2024) Erratum: Quantum Bipolaron Superconductivity from Quadratic Electron-Phonon Coupling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 226001 (2024)]. Physical Review Letters. 133: 149901
Valenti A, Calvera V, Kivelson SA, et al. (2024) Nematic Metal in a Multivalley Electron Gas: Variational Monte Carlo Analysis and Application to AlAs. Physical Review Letters. 132: 266501
Han Z, Kivelson SA, Volkov PA. (2024) Quantum Bipolaron Superconductivity from Quadratic Electron-Phonon Coupling. Physical Review Letters. 132: 226001
Han Z, Kivelson SA. (2023) Resonating Valence Bond States in an Electron-Phonon System. Physical Review Letters. 130: 186404
Lee S, Huang EW, Johnson TA, et al. (2022) Generic character of charge and spin density waves in superconducting cuprates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2119429119
Jiang HC, Kivelson SA. (2022) Stripe order enhanced superconductivity in the Hubbard model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Jiang HC, Kivelson SA. (2021) High Temperature Superconductivity in a Lightly Doped Quantum Spin Liquid. Physical Review Letters. 127: 097002
Han Z, Kivelson SA, Yao H. (2020) Strong Coupling Limit of the Holstein-Hubbard Model. Physical Review Letters. 125: 167001
Chen JY, Kivelson SA, Sun XQ. (2020) Enhanced Thermal Hall Effect in Nearly Ferroelectric Insulators. Physical Review Letters. 124: 167601
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