Anita Roychowdhury, Ph.D.

2014 Physics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Anita Roychowdhury"
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Christopher Lobb grad student 2014 University of Maryland
 (Development of a Millikelvin dual-tip Josephson scanning tunneling microscope.)
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Roychowdhury A, Dreyer M, Anderson JR, et al. (2015) Microwave photon-assisted incoherent cooper-pair tunneling in a Josephson STM Physical Review Applied. 4
Roychowdhury A, Gubrud MA, Dana R, et al. (2014) A 30 mK, 13.5 T scanning tunneling microscope with two independent tips. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 85: 043706
Roychowdhury A, Dana R, Dreyer M, et al. (2014) Plasma etching of superconducting Niobium tips for scanning tunneling microscopy Journal of Applied Physics. 116
Sullivan DF, Dutta SK, Dreyer M, et al. (2013) Asymmetric superconducting quantum interference devices for suppression of phase diffusion in small Josephson junctions Journal of Applied Physics. 113
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