Otto Francis Sankey
Affiliations: | 1982- | Physics | Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States |
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"Otto Francis Sankey"Bio:,Otto.pdf
Mean distance: 13.17 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorPeter Alan Fedders | grad student | 1979 | Washington University | |
(The simple atomic hopping problem. Particle correlation functions with application to dipolar induced spin lattice relaxation.) |
Sign in to add traineeAlexander A. Demkov | grad student | Arizona State | |
James P. Lewis | grad student | Arizona State | |
John K. Tomfohr | grad student | 2002 | Arizona State |
Jianjun (JJ) Dong | post-doc | ||
David Alan Drabold | post-doc | Arizona State | |
Wolfgang E. Windl | post-doc | 1995-1996 | Arizona State (E-Tree) |
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Benson D, Sankey OF, Häussermann U. (2011) Electronic structure and chemical bonding of the electron-poor II-V semiconductors ZnSb and ZnAs Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84 |
Dykeman EC, Sankey OF. (2010) Atomistic modeling of the low-frequency mechanical modes and Raman spectra of icosahedral virus capsids. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 81: 021918 |
Chang S, Huang S, He J, et al. (2010) Electronic signatures of all four DNA nucleosides in a tunneling gap. Nano Letters. 10: 1070-5 |
Dykeman EC, Sankey OF. (2009) Theory of the low frequency mechanical modes and Raman spectra of the M13 bacteriophage capsid with atomic detail. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 21: 035116 |
Lee MH, Sankey OF. (2009) Insights into electron tunneling across hydrogen-bonded base-pairs in complete molecular circuits for single-stranded DNA sequencing. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 21: 351101-3511011 |
Lee MH, Sankey OF. (2009) Theory of tunneling across hydrogen-bonded base pairs for DNA recognition and sequencing. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 79: 051911 |
Evans MJ, Kranak VF, Garcia-Garcia FJ, et al. (2009) Structural and dynamic properties of BaInGeH: a rare solid-state indium hydride. Inorganic Chemistry. 48: 5602-4 |
Kranak VF, Evans MJ, Daemen LL, et al. (2009) Structural and dynamic properties of the polyanionic hydrides SrAlGeH and BaAlGeH Solid State Sciences. 11: 1847-1853 |
Dykeman EC, Sankey OF. (2008) Low frequency mechanical modes of viral capsids: an atomistic approach. Physical Review Letters. 100: 028101 |
Lee MH, Björling T, Hauback BC, et al. (2008) Crystal structure, electronic structure, and vibrational properties of MAlSiH (M=Ca,Sr,Ba): Hydrogenation-induced semiconductors from the AlB2 -type alloys MAlSi Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78 |