De N. Tafen, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States |
Condensed Matter PhysicsGoogle:
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Sign in to add mentorDavid Alan Drabold | grad student | 2005 | Ohio University | |
(Topics in the theory of glasses.) |
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Popczun EJ, Tafen DN, Natesakhawat S, et al. (2020) Temperature tunability in Sr1−xCaxFeO3−δ for reversible oxygen storage: a computational and experimental study Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 8: 2602-2612 |
Alfonso D, Tafen D, Kauffmann D. (2018) First-Principles Modeling in Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis Catalysts. 8: 424 |
Kauffman DR, Alfonso D, Tafen DN, et al. (2016) Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution with an Atomically Precise Nickel Catalyst Acs Catalysis. 6: 1225-1234 |
Biswas P, Tafen DN, Inam F, et al. (2009) Materials modeling by design: applications to amorphous solids. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 21: 084207 |
Inam F, Tafen DN, Chen G, et al. (2009) Competing stoichiometric phases and the intermediate phase in GexSe1-x glasses Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 246: 1849-1853 |
Inam F, Shatnawi MT, Tafen D, et al. (2007) An intermediate phase in GexSe1-x glasses: Experiment and simulation Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 19 |
Tafen DN, Drabold DA, Mitkova M. (2005) Silver transport in GexSe1-x:Ag materials: Ab initio simulation of a solid electrolyte Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 72 |
Tafen DN, Drabold DA. (2005) Models and modeling schemes for binary IV-VI glasses Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 71 |
Biswas P, Tafen DN, Drabold DA. (2005) Experimentally constrained molecular relaxation: The case of glassy GeSe 2 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 71 |
Tafen DN, Drabold DA, Mitkova M. (2005) Direct ab initio simulation of silver ion dynamics in chalcogenide glasses Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 242: R55-R57 |