Binay K. Prasai, Ph.D.

2013 Department of Physics and Astronomy Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States 
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
"Binay Prasai"
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David Alan Drabold grad student 2013 Ohio University
 (Theory and Experiment of Chalcogenide Materials.)
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Kareem H, Shan S, Lin F, et al. (2018) Evolution of surface catalytic sites on thermochemically-tuned gold-palladium nanoalloys. Nanoscale
Petkov V, Prasai B, Shastri S, et al. (2017) Ensemble averaged structure-function relationship for nanocrystals: effective superparamagnetic Fe clusters with catalytically active Pt skin. Nanoscale
Maswadeh Y, Shan S, Prasai B, et al. (2017) Charting the relationship between phase type-surface area-interactions between the constituent atoms and oxygen reduction activity of Pd–Cu nanocatalysts inside fuel cells by in operando high-energy X-ray diffraction Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 5: 7355-7365
Zhao Y, Maswadeh Y, Shan S, et al. (2017) Composition–Structure–Activity Correlation of Platinum–Ruthenium Nanoalloy Catalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121: 17077-17087
Petkov V, Prasai B, Shastri S, et al. (2017) Surface Atomic Structure and Functionality of Metallic Nanoparticles: A Case Study of Au–Pd Nanoalloy Catalysts The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121: 7854-7866
Petkov V, Prasai B, Shan S, et al. (2016) Structural dynamics and activity of nanocatalysts inside fuel cells by in operando atomic pair distribution studies. Nanoscale
Prasai B, Wilson AR, Wiley BJ, et al. (2015) On the road to metallic nanoparticles by rational design: bridging the gap between atomic-level theoretical modeling and reality by total scattering experiments. Nanoscale
Petkov V, Prasai B, Shastri S, et al. (2015) 3D Atomic Arrangement at Functional Interfaces Inside Nanoparticles by Resonant High-Energy X-ray Diffraction. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Shan S, Petkov V, Prasai B, et al. (2015) Catalytic activity of bimetallic catalysts highly sensitive to the atomic composition and phase structure at the nanoscale. Nanoscale
Prasai B, Ren Y, Shan S, et al. (2015) Synthesis-atomic structure-properties relationships in metallic nanoparticles by total scattering experiments and 3D computer simulations: case of Pt-Ru nanoalloy catalysts. Nanoscale. 7: 8122-34
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